1. 惘悋悄悸 惘愕悋悧悋
Read your messages
: 束 Messagerie 損 悖惺 悋惶忰悸 悋惘 惺
At the top of the page, click on 束 Messagerie 損 :
悋惡惘惆 悋悋惘惆 悋惘愕悋悧 悋惘愕悸 惶悋惆 惡惘惆悸 悖惘愆
Reception Sent and read Sent Archives
悋惡惘惆 悋悋惘惆
悋悋 悋悵 惠悽慍 悋惘愕悋悧 悋惠 惠悋悋
Here, the messages we receive
悋惘愕悋悧 悋惘愕悸
Sent and read
.悋悋 悋悵 惠悽慍 悋惘愕悋悧 悋惘愕悸 悋惘悄悸 愀惘 惘悋愕悋
Here the messages you sent and read by our correspondent.
惶悋惆 惡惘惆悸
.忰惴悋惠 悋惡惘惆 悋惘愕 悋悵 惘悖 惡惺惆 惘悋愕悋
Archives of the mails send, not read by our correspondent.
.悋悋 悋悵 悽慍 惘愕悋悧悋
The place where we store our old messages.