This document discusses the symptoms of teen depression and how to help friends who may be experiencing depression. The symptoms include withdrawal from friends and family, tearfulness or crying, fatigue or lack of energy, difficulty concentrating, and changes in eating and sleeping habits. It recommends communicating with depressed friends, providing depression education guidelines, and taking friends to see a professional for help if needed. Case studies show symptoms like memory disorders, loneliness, anxiety, and stress. Aomori prefecture in Japan created a comic guideline on depression.
The document summarizes a physics lab experiment that tested Newton's second law of motion, which states that force equals mass times acceleration (F=ma). The experiment varied the force applied to a cart and measured the acceleration. The results showed that increasing the force led to higher accelerations, supporting F=ma. A graph of force versus average acceleration yielded a slope that closely matched the known mass of the cart, within expected uncertainties. The data and experiment supported the formula and Newton's second law.
This document discusses an e-portfolio for a senior seminar that focuses on two ways of knowing: language and perception. It describes taking a Mandarin class and a club where the student explored issues with translation, meaning, body language, relying on others' testimony, differences in connotation and denotation between languages, tones, and how perception is shaped by context and expectations.
The document discusses the author's e-portfolio and ways of knowing. It mentions emotion and reason through past sports activities like baseball and softball. It also discusses using language skills through teaching Japanese at a heritage language club to elementary school students less educated in the Japanese language.
This document discusses an e-portfolio for a senior seminar that focuses on two ways of knowing: language and perception. It describes taking a Mandarin class and a club where the student explored issues with translation, meaning, body language, relying on others' testimony, differences in connotation and denotation between languages, tones, and how perception is shaped by context and expectations.
- In the early 1800s, Britain traded tea and silk from China but China was not interested in British goods. This caused Britain to start smuggling large amounts of opium into China. When China banned opium and closed ports, Britain attacked, opening five ports to British trade through the 1842 Treaty of Nanking. This began Britain's imperial expansion into China for economic and nationalistic motives.
Objective truth versus subjective truth (revised)Nyaokki
The document discusses two perspectives on truth presented in the film Rashomon - an absolute view of truth proposed by Errol Morris, and a relativist view proposed by Roger Ebert. Morris believes the film depicts characters deceiving themselves and that there is one objective truth, while Ebert believes the different witness accounts could all be true from different perspectives. The author agrees with Ebert's relativist interpretation, arguing that without proof of what really occurred, all witness accounts in the film could be considered their subjective truths.
Scoliosis treatment by a chiropractor yahoo! answersAgnez Lim
The document discusses treatment options for scoliosis, including observation, bracing, and surgery depending on the severity and type of scoliosis. It notes that a chiropractor cannot fix scoliosis caused by abnormal bone formation and that 91 chiropractic visits seems excessive without knowing more details. Seeing an orthopedic surgeon or neurosurgeon is recommended for diagnosis and treatment planning.
The document discusses the recent turmoil in global financial markets and argues that governments have failed to address the root causes of the economic crisis. It makes three key points:
1) Stock market declines show that the recovery is fragile and a double-dip recession may be on the horizon.
2) Governments have kicked the can down the road rather than fixing underlying problems, and the global economic landscape now has additional constraints making responses more difficult.
3) The US economy in particular remains weak with high unemployment, stagnant GDP, and a large budget deficit, showing similarities to Japan's "lost decade" raising the risk of prolonged low growth in the US.
This document outlines the draft National Biotechnology Development Strategy for India. It discusses developing human resources and infrastructure to support the biotechnology sector. Key recommendations include assessing training needs, improving curricula, strengthening university research, and attracting talent. The strategy also aims to develop infrastructure for R&D and manufacturing through public-private partnerships. The overall vision is for biotechnology to generate jobs and revenue while helping agriculture, healthcare, and the environment.
- In the early 1800s, Britain traded tea and silk from China but China was not interested in British goods. This caused Britain to start smuggling large amounts of opium into China. When China banned opium and closed ports, Britain attacked, opening five ports to British trade through the 1842 Treaty of Nanking. This began Britain's imperial expansion into China for economic and nationalistic motives.
Objective truth versus subjective truth (revised)Nyaokki
The document discusses two perspectives on truth presented in the film Rashomon - an absolute view of truth proposed by Errol Morris, and a relativist view proposed by Roger Ebert. Morris believes the film depicts characters deceiving themselves and that there is one objective truth, while Ebert believes the different witness accounts could all be true from different perspectives. The author agrees with Ebert's relativist interpretation, arguing that without proof of what really occurred, all witness accounts in the film could be considered their subjective truths.
Scoliosis treatment by a chiropractor yahoo! answersAgnez Lim
The document discusses treatment options for scoliosis, including observation, bracing, and surgery depending on the severity and type of scoliosis. It notes that a chiropractor cannot fix scoliosis caused by abnormal bone formation and that 91 chiropractic visits seems excessive without knowing more details. Seeing an orthopedic surgeon or neurosurgeon is recommended for diagnosis and treatment planning.
The document discusses the recent turmoil in global financial markets and argues that governments have failed to address the root causes of the economic crisis. It makes three key points:
1) Stock market declines show that the recovery is fragile and a double-dip recession may be on the horizon.
2) Governments have kicked the can down the road rather than fixing underlying problems, and the global economic landscape now has additional constraints making responses more difficult.
3) The US economy in particular remains weak with high unemployment, stagnant GDP, and a large budget deficit, showing similarities to Japan's "lost decade" raising the risk of prolonged low growth in the US.
This document outlines the draft National Biotechnology Development Strategy for India. It discusses developing human resources and infrastructure to support the biotechnology sector. Key recommendations include assessing training needs, improving curricula, strengthening university research, and attracting talent. The strategy also aims to develop infrastructure for R&D and manufacturing through public-private partnerships. The overall vision is for biotechnology to generate jobs and revenue while helping agriculture, healthcare, and the environment.
2. Metalcore Metalcore on muusikastiil , mis kombineerib omavahel hardcore pungi ja heavy metali elemente. Metalcore muusikat kirjeldada on keeruline, kuna selle terminigi kirjeldatakse muusikat, mis on inspireeritud erinevatest metali žanritest ja seega on ka erineva kõlaga.
3. Ajalugu Metalcore sai alguse 80ndatel USA's . Esimeseks bändiks, mis hakkas kirjeldama enda muusikat kui metali ja hardcore -pungi hübriidi, loetakse gruppi nimega Nuclear Assault. Metalcore suurem levik ja populariseerumine leidis aset sajandivahetuse paiku, mil mitmed bändid nagu Bullet for My Valentine, Atreyu ja Killswitch Engage, said väga laialdaselt tuntuks.
5. Metalcore Eestis Metalcore populaarsemaks muutumisega seoses on ka Eestis tekinud mitmeid metalcore'i viljelevaid bände . Näidetena võib välja tuua bändid nagu Still Haunts Me, Into Salvation, Burn Still, Mushy, Stem, From Private Letters, These Broken Remains ja Recycle Bin. Metalcore konserdite korraldamisega ja fännide ühendamisega tegeleb Eestis põhiliselt grupeering nimega kid in a pit.