The document discusses two methods used in the first version of the Brazilian Bioclimatic Zoning: the Mahoney Tables and the Givoni Bioclimatic Diagram.
The Mahoney Tables method from the 1970s uses readily available climate data that is entered into tables to provide general design recommendations without detailed analysis. The Givoni Bioclimatic Diagram plots climate variables on a psychrometric chart to identify 12 comfort zones for passive design strategies. Both methods provide guidance for passive design based on simple analysis of local climate data.
2. M辿todos adotados na primeira
vers達o do Zoneamento
Bioclim叩tico Brasileiro
Tabelas de Mahoney
Diagrama Bioclim叩tico de Givoni
3. Tabelas de Mahoney
M辿todo criado na d辿cada de 1970 por Carl Mahoney (AA
School, London) para desenho bioclim叩tico
Etapa inicial: obter dados clim叩ticos locais
Anota巽達o dos dados em planilhas (Tabelas de
Gera巽達o de recomenda巽探es gerais para projeto
Obs: m辿todo relativamente simples e que demanda pouco tempo para
ser utilizado
4. Tabelas de Mahoney
The tables use readily available climate data and simple calculations to give design guidelines, in a
manner similar to a spreadsheet, as opposed to detailed thermal analysis or simulation. There are six
tables; four are used for entering climatic data, for comparison with the requirements for thermal
comfort; and two for reading off appropriate design criteria. A rough outline of the table usage is:
Air Temperatures. The max, min, and mean temperatures for each month are entered into this table.
Humidity, Precipitation, and Wind. The max, min, and mean figures for each month are entered into this
table, and the conditions for each month classified into a humidity group.
Comparison of Comfort Conditions and Climate. The desired max/min temperatures are entered, and
compared to the climatic values from table 1. A note is made if the conditions create heat stress or cold
stress (i.e. the building will be too hot or cold).
Indicators (of humid or arid conditions). Rules are provided for combining the stress (table 3) and
humidity groups (table 2) to check a box classifying the humidity and aridity for each month. For each of
six possible indicators, the number of months where that indicator was checked are added up, giving a
yearly total.
Schematic Design Recommendations. The yearly totals in table 4 correspond to rows in this table,
listing schematic design recommendations, e.g. 'buildings oriented on east-west axis to reduce sun
exposure', 'medium sized openings, 20%-40% of wall area'.
Design Development Recommendations. Again the yearly totals from table 4 are used to read off
recommendations, e.g. 'roofs should be high-mass and well insulated'.
6. Carta de Givoni 35
Ano Clim叩tico (TRY e Normais Climatol坦gicas)
1. Conforto
2. Ventilacao 25
3. Resfriamento Evaporativo
5. Ar Condicionado
6. Umidifica巽達o 5
7. Massa T辿rmica/ Aquecimento Solar 20
W [ g /k g ]
8. Aquecimento Solar Passivo
9. Aquecimento Artificial 15
11.Vent./ Massa/ Resf. Evap. U
12.Massa/ Resf. Evap. 10 1 11 10
5 12
0 5
-5 9 8 7
-1 0
-2 0 -1 5 3
-2 0 -1 5 -1 0 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
U F S C - E C V - L a b E E E - N P C
T B S [属C ]
Dados do TRY sobre carta psicrom辿trica (diagrama
bioclim叩tico) software Analysis Bio
7. Ano Clim叩tico (TRY e Normais Climatol坦gicas)
Dados das Normais Climatol坦gicas sobre carta
psicrom辿trica (diagrama bioclim叩tico)
Fonte INMET para download de Normais Climatol坦gicas: