Teen/Adult Mystery Friend Sign-Up Sheet!
Teens and adults can sign up to participate by leaving weekly notes for a mystery friend starting February 5th and attending a breakfast on March 11th.
Completed forms are due by January 29th and pairings will be made with elementary, middle, or high school students.
Participants must commit to leaving a note every Sunday or arranging an alternative if unable to attend, and to attend the breakfast in March.
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1. Teen/Adult Mystery Friend Sign-Up Sheet!
High School aged teens may participate as adults.
Completed forms are due no later than January 29.
Friends are expected to leave a note for his/her friend every Sunday starting on February 5th.
Friends who cannot be at church on a given Sunday, agree to mail, e-mail, or drop off a note.
Friends are expected to attend the Mystery Friend Breakfast on Sunday, March 11.
Name: _____________________________________________
E-mail: _______________________________________
Phone (day):_______________________ Phone (evening): __________________________
Official use only:
Paired with child (name) ___________________________Pals I.D.___________________
I prefer that my pal is: FEMALE MALE NO PREFERENCE (circle one)
I would like my pal to be:
a Middle School youth (Please note: only adults may be matched with Middle School)
an elementary school aged child
a kindergarten or preschool aged child
Participation Covenant:
I understand that participating in Mystery Friends is an important commitment to bring a note or card
for my friend every Sunday during the program starting on February 5th and attend the Mystery Friends
Breakfast on March 11th at 9:30 a.m. If for any reason, I find that I cannot honor my commitment to my
Mystery Friend, I will contact DRE Barbara Friedland.
Signature: _______________________________________
(Please return by January 29)
Please Provide Information About Yourself (this will be communicated to your Mystery Friend.)
FEMALE MALE (circle one)
Favorite interests: (check top 3 choices)
reading art and crafts animals and nature
sports dancing music
outdoors: hiking, gardening science video/computer games
Favorite color: _________________
Favorite food: __________________________________________________________