Air sealing and ventilation improvements can help reduce odor transfer between units in multifamily buildings. Testing found significant air leakage and flow between units. A study of 6 buildings treated units by sealing leaks between units, such as around plumbing and electrical fixtures. This reduced the fraction of air coming from adjoining units by an average of 75% according to tracer gas tests. Proper ventilation of odor sources and reductions in air pressure differences between units can help limit unwanted air movement.
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Air Sealing and Ventilation Improvements for Multifamily Buildings
1. Air sealing and ventilation
improvements for multifamily
Jim Fitzgerald
Dave Bohac
Center for Energy and Environment
Better Buildings: Better Business Conference
February 2, 2012
2. Better air quality through sealing leaks between
units and ventilation improvements
What causes problems?
Air leakage & air flow rate measurements
6 building CEE study
Air sealing and ventilation case studies
Maybe save energy too
4. Convert to smoke-free building
Association of Nonsmokers - Minnesota
500+ smoke-free apartment buildings listed in Minnesota
5. Owners cooking odors are worst problem
W h a t ty p e o f o d o r o r co n ta m in a n t is th e m o st co m m o n so u rce o f
o b je ctio n a b le a ir in b u ild in g s y o u m a n a g e ?
c o o k in g o d o rs
to b a c c o o d o rs
o th e r
d o n 't k n o w
0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50%
6. How big are air flows between units?
Pacific Northwest:
Building average 13 to 26% air from other units
Individual units as high as 35%Francisco & Palmiter (1994)
NJ mid-rise: 4th floor 22% from other units
Harrje et al (1988)
West Coast: 4% air from adjoining units
Feustal & Diamond (1988)
Multi-zone Tracer Gas Studies
7. How big are air leaks between units?
Minnesota: Modera et al. (1986)
52% air leaks between units
1900s low-rise masonry
Chicago: Diamond et al. (1986)
Similar results to Minnesota
1900s low-rise
Sweden: Levin (1988)
12 to 36% air leaks between units
3 Swedish apartment buildings
8. What are the driving forces to
move air into and though
9. What are the driving forces?
Stack Effect
In at the bottom and out
the top
Taller Building => Bigger Effect
10. What are the driving forces?
Wind Effect
In on windward side and
out on leeward side
Taller Building => Bigger Effect
11. What are the driving forces?
Mechanical System Effect
Mechanical ventilation is required by code:
bathrooms, corridors & some kitchens
Exhaust ventilation => draws air into an apartment
Flow imbalances can also cause air to move from
one apartment to another
12. Does it help for a smoker in a lower floor unit
to open a window?
Not upstairs neighbor
Pressure in smokers unit
will be about the same as
outside, which increases
pressure to upstairs and
increases flow from
smokers unit to upstairs
13. How does the air travel between units?
Anyway it can!
Gaps in walls, floors, mechanical chases
In at the bottom and out the
Some are accessible and others too diffuse or
inaccessible for sealing
23. Can practical air sealing and
ventilation treatments reduce
secondhand smoke (SHS) transfer?
6 dissimilar buildings common to local multifamily
building types
This research project was funded in part by ClearWay Minnesota, funded by proceeds from
the Minnesota tobacco settlement. These findings are solely the responsibility of the authors
and do not necessarily represent the official views of ClearWay Minnesota.
24. General approach to reduce odor transport
between apartments and improve air quality
Ventilate the source
Capture source before transported
Reduce transport between apartments
Seal building leaks
Reduce driving force - pressure difference
Ventilate receivers apartment
25. General approach to reduce odor transport
between apartments and improve air quality
28. Quantify Building tests
+ Before and after fan pressurization tests
+ Total effective leakage area of apartment
+ Fraction of leakage area to outside and to other
Page 28
29. Guarded Zone Multiple Fan Air Leakage Test
1: Total Leakage 3: 1 3= Leak to Left
T est 1 T est 1 T est 2 T est 2
U n it A U n itU n it A
B U n itU n it B
C U n it C
U n it A U n itU n it A
B U n itU n it B
C U n it C
T est 1 T est 1 T est 2 T est 2
U n it A U n it U n it A
B U n it U n it B
C U n it C
U n it A U n it U n it A
B U n it U n it B
C U n it C
Q B1 Q B1 Q A2 Q B2 Q A2 Q B2
Fan Fan Fan Fan Fan Fan
Q B1 Q B1 Q A2 Q B2 Q A2 Q B2
C om m on A rea C om m Fan A rea
on Fan C om m on A rea
Fan C om m on AFan
Fan rea Fan
50 50 50 50
Q B to tal = Q B1 Q B to tal = Q B1 Q B to A = Q B1 - Q B2 Q B to A = Q B1 - Q B2
C om m on A rea C om m on A rea C om m on A rea C om m on A rea
T est 3 T est 3 T est 4 T est 4
2: 1 2= Leak to Right
U n it A U n itU n it A
Q B to tal = Q B 1
U n itU n it B
B to tal = Q B1
U n it C
U n it A U n itU n it A
B to A 4: 1 4= Leak to Out
= Q B1 - Q B2
U n itU n it B
B to A = Q B1 - Q B2
U n it C
T est 3 T est 3 T est 4 T est 4
U n it A U n it U n it A
B U n it U n it B
C U n it C
U n it A U n it U n it A
B U n it U n it B
C U n it C
Q B3 Q C3 Q B3 Q C3 Q B4 Q B4
Fan Fan Fan Fan Fan Fan
Q B3 Q C3 Q B3 Q C3 Q B4 QB
Q C om m 4 Q C om 4 4
C om m on A rea C om m Fan A rea
on Fan Fan C om m on A rea
Fan C om m on A rea
Fan Fan
Fan Fan
50 50 50 50
Q B to C = Q B1 - Q B3 Q B to C = Q B1 - Q B3 Q = Q B4
B exterio r Q = Q B4
B exterio r
Q C om m 4 Q C om m 4
C om m on A rea C om m on A rea C om m on A rea C om m on A rea
Fan Fan
50 50 50 50
Q B to C = Q B1 - Q B3 Q B to C = Q B1 - Q B3 Q B exterio r = Q B4 Q B exterio r = Q B4
Up to 6 tests per unit
30. Quantify Building tests
+ Before and after fan pressurization tests
+ Total effective leakage area of apartment
+ Fraction of leakage area to outside and to other units
+ Before and after tracer gas tests
+ Week long average tests
+ Passive perfluorocarbon tracers
+ Nicotine
+ Particles
+ Measure exhaust ventilation flow
+ Measure before/after treatments
+ Up to 7 units per building
Page 30
31. Tracer gas tests show considerable air
movement between apartments
Fraction of Air Coming From Adjoining
Units Compared to Total Inflow
Pre-Treatment (%) After Sealing (%
Building Min Median Max Min Median
Duplex 6% 16%
35% 26%
8-Plex 1% 3% 24%
12-Plex 1% 12% 26%
138 Unit 1% 11% 25% 1% 7%
11 Story 2% 5% 12% 1% 2%
4 Story 1% 2% 10% 0% 2%
All Units 1% 5% 26%
65% 0% 3%
One-week tracer gas measurements
32. How Does the Fraction Vary by Floor?
Fraction of Air Coming From Adjoining Units
Compared to Total Inflow
Range Median
Top-floor units: 2 to 26% 16%
Mid-floor units: 1 to 20% 5%
Lowest-floor units: 1 to 4% 2%
One-week tracer gas measurements
33. Total air leakage of individual units
Ref. Flow Rate(cfm50) Ref. Flow Rate(cfm50)
ELA (si) ELA (si)
NELA (si/100 sf)
Min Building Max
Median Min
Min Median
Median Max
Max Min
Min Median
Median Max
Max <Min
2,101 Duplex 2,636
2,368 2,101
115 2,368
130 2,636
145 115
3.16 130
3.56 145
3.97 3.16
837 8 Plex 1,031
1,008 837
46 1,008
55 1,031
57 46
1.93 55
2.04 57
2.46 1.93
731 917 Plex 1,318
12 731
40 917
50 1,318
72 40
1.61 50
2.02 72
2.90 1.61
390 665 Unit 754
138 (1999) 390
21 665
37 754
41 21
0.86 37
1.01 41
2.06 0.86
376 454 Story 958
11 (1982) 376
21 454
25 958
53 21
0.57 25
0.76 53
2.14 0.57
921 4 Story 1,559
1,156 (2001) 921
51 1,156
63 1,559
86 51
1.05 63
1.85 86
2.30 1.05
376 861 Buildings
All 2,636 376
21 861
47 2,636
145 21
0.57 47
1.66 145
3.97 0.57
ELA equivalent leakage area, reference 4Pa & coef. = 1
LEED Green Building Rating system for MF SHS control requires ELA
divided by wall & floor & ceiling area to be less than 1.25 si/100 sf
Blower door air leakage tests
34. Fraction of air leakage to adjacent units
Total To Adjacent Units
Building ELA (si) ELA (si) (%)
Duplex 130 26 20%
8 Plex1 55 28 59%
12 Plex1 50 28 57%
138 Unit 37 5 16%
11 Story 25 8 26%
4 Story 64
All Buildings 47 9 27%
1 - leakage to adjacent units includes leakage to common area
Blower door air leakage tests
35. Leakage Area of Individual Units
514 512 510
28 1.3 24 0.5 33
2.5 1.1 4.4
414 412 410
34 2.4 22 0.1 53 11 Story Building
1.0 2.3 4.2
314 312 310
21 3.0 25 1.3 33
37. General approach to reduce odor transport
between apartments and improve air quality
38. Air sealing treatments
Focus on leaks between units (not exterior)
Seal as much is practical 3 to 8 hours/unit.
Average cost of about $700/unit
Blower door test to monitor total leakage
Use visual/smoke puffer diagnostics
sometimes aided by blower door. Tried IR in
limited cases
39. Total and shared leakage
Existing After Treatments
Total Shared Total Shared
Duplex 2409 466 1881 601
8-plex 1032 475 916 307
12-plex 918 507 769 247
138 unit 641 90 639 88
New 4 story 1150 25 900 20
11 story 556 120 417 108
Blower door air leakage tests
40. Modest overall reductions in leakage between
apartment units but some were significant
Range Median
Duplex: small change
8-plex: 21 to 44% 35%
12-plex: 14 to 70% 55%
New 138-unit: 0 to 23% small change
New 4-story: 0 to 20%
11-story: 0 to 56% 23%
Blower door air leakage tests
41. Mechanical ventilation observations
Often provided only by occupant-operated
(highly intermittent-typically off) bath fans
Many bath fans are better noise-generators than
air movers, even when new
Apartment bath fans are not
maintained (corrosion, dirt)
Apartment exhaust flows are
rarely balanced
42. Continuous ventilation in code
Old Codes
Kitchens: 0 CFM OR 100+ CFM
Baths: 50 CFM
2012 International Mech. Code
Kitchens: 25 CFM
Bathrooms: 20 CFM
ASHRAE 62.1 -2010
5 cfm per person + 0.06cfm/sq ft
Kitchens: 50 cfm
Kitchenettes: 0.30 cfm/sq ft
Toilets: 25cfm
43. Corridor supply choices
Minimum 0.05 cfm/sq ft corridor area (IBC)
Minimum 0.06 cfm/sq ft corridor area
ASHRAE 62.1-2010
Supply all ventilation to corridor & exhaust
from units
Original design flow (typically higher)
Confirm with local code official
44. Ventilation treatments for study
Install effective (and quiet) exhaust fans with
capacity of at least 30 to 45cfm
Convert intermittent exhaust to continuous
Balance exhaust air flows to reduce
ventilation driving force between units
46. Ventilation rate increased substantially
Median Ventilation Rate (cfm)
Existing After Treatments
Duplex: 28 (12 to 43) 43 (35 to 50)
8-plex: 38 (19 to 58) 50 (26 to 79)
12-plex: 38 (23 to 75) 73 (57 to 157)
New 138-unit: 26 (15 to 47) 41 (31 to 53)
11-story: 28 (18 to 79) 69 (45 to 124)
4-story*: 45 (26 to 61) 48 (22 to 88)
Average 34 54 min to max
*only one unit with added fan
60% Increase
One-week tracer gas measurements
47. Original ventilation system may be a direct path
for smoke transfer (11 story, 138 unit, 4 story
More smoke is captured near source
Dilution reduces concentration in nonsmokers
or receivers unit
Cleaner air, same transfer rate
48. Effect of Treatments: Air Transfer
Fraction of Incoming Air From Adjoining Units
Existing After Treatments
Top-floor: 16% (2 to 26%) 13% (0 to 42%)
Mid-floor: 5% (1 to 20%) 2% (0 to 12%)
Lowest-floor: 2% (1 to 4%) 7% (1 to 19%)
One-week tracer gas measurements
49. Effect of Treatments
65% of the units had decreased air transfer
60% increase in ventilation rate
80% of tenants: SHS drift was less frequent and
less severe
51. Rooftop fan
with multiple
8-Plex Building
1 fan serves 4 units
Page 51
54. Why do our clothes smell like smoke?
Open Neighbors
between bathtub
Page 54
55. Is better good enough?
+ Unit #3 contaminants in unit #7 decreased by
factor of five
+Fraction of air from unit #3 to #7 reduced from
11% to 6%
+Unit #3 ventilation rate increased 158%
+ Marked reduction of SHS odors per tenants
+ Will owners pay for it? Who can do the work?
Page 55
56. Ongoing Success: 67 Buildings in
Condo Complex of Tested 8-plex
+ Condo Maintenance team trained to respond to
smoke complaints in additional buildings.
+ Smoker is back-charged for repair costs
+ 20 additional units have been completed to date
+ 15 more units are scheduled
+ Huge improvement in livability
+ Common areas air quality improved
Page 56
57. Details of Ongoing work
Existing Conditions
+ Typical complaint has smoker on lower level with fan off
and large bypasses venting smoke into chases.
+ Non-smoker on upper level often had higher exhaust fan
flows which increased airflow from chase into unit. Stack
effect enhances this flow in winter.
Practical & Effective Work
+ Seal major bypasses, 1-4 person hours
+ Ventilation modifications
+ Nonsmoker: replace fan damper with CAR
+ Smoker: remove fan damper and omit CAR for higher capture.
+ Typical flows are 25cfm in nonsmoker and 75cfm in smokers
Page 57
58. Rooftop fan with multiple inlets: high
rise case study
Many residents
said fans didnt
Page 58
59. PRV Fan on roof Duct chase
top of vent chase
Inside details
Not sealed
Page 59
60. Vent louvers opened by dial
Inlet register on bathroom
wall or ceiling
Page 60
62. Each apartment duct in shaft
Obstructs flow from below
Roof slab over top unit at shaft entry into fan baffle
Page 62
63. Drywall joints open between
No suction left for design flow.
Page 63
64. Ventilation System Problems
+ Restrictions caused most of the air to be
drawn from upper apartments
+ Duct leaks also reduced flow from lower
apartments and caused air to be drawn
from unknown sources
Page 64
66. Exhaust duct provided direct route for
smoke transfer
Smoke blew in my face as I tested the
CAR in the 5th floor with the roof fan on.
I called the office to postpone
the post installation tracer gas test
Page 66
67. Solutions worked through
on 4 shafts
+ Remove minimum of central duct restrictions,
provide 3 sub ducts to upper 2 floors.
+ Install constant air regulators or designed orifice
plates on inlets in apartments.
+ Seal drywall ductwork with Aeroseal technology.
Test and adjust to balance flows at low prv speed.
Thanks to Don Stevens for noticing fire code issue
Page 67
69. Total flow 506cfm, 81% leaks
Unit flow 93, none from lower 5 floors
Page 69
70. Aeroseal=> equal flow in every unit
221cfm from units 279cfm total
Better results when run past normal residential stop point to reach 0 leakage
Page 70
72. Sub duct or fire damper required
Fire damper requires steel framework not
present in this shaft. Rebuilding is required
cost prohibitive in this case.
A sheet metal sub duct extending 22 above fan
inlet is allowed in building code. 3 diameter
will provide less restriction to shaft air flow.
Page 72
75. 3 orifice plate allows balancing with CAR , or tape to
desired flow at lower stack pressure with less noise at top.
Page 75
76. Floor Car P Unit Car P Unit First shaft
pre cfm Aero Cfm Aeroseal
11 -74 28 -75 21 Sub duct
10 -45 27 -65 20 and CAR
9 -15 14 -63 20 installation
8 -10.8 14 -56 20
7 -9.5 10 -52 20
6 na -49 20
5 +1.2 + -42 20
4 +0.1 + -42 20 Looks
3 +0.3 + -42 20 promising
2 -2.8 (4) -42 20
1 -5.3 (8) -44 20
Fan flow 506 93 280 221
Page 76
77. What does this cost,
who pays, who can do it?
Licensed mechanical contractor required for all duct alterations.
Aeroseal franchisee required for duct sealing. (Maint. prep ok)
Performance contractor/ consultant for design, balancing, QC
$300 per unit or $3,200 for 1 shaft minimum, $5,000 for 2 shafts
Changes to the building are an Association responsibility.
Airsealing in unit is responsibility of individual condo owner
Page 77
78. Individual supply and very low
leakage required for best control
If an occupant opens a window to let smoke out air can
come in and blow smoke into adjacent units.
At 30F we measured a lower unit change pressure from
from -0.7pa to hall to +24pa to hall by opening 1 window.
Some flow still came in from under the kitchen kickboard
@+2pa to hall. The occupant complained about
intermittent smoke. Total air leakage down to 283cfm50
after work.
Some individuals may not tolerate any smoke transfer,
a large improvement may not be enough.
Page 78
89. CARs in fan duct in attic, smokers
open for higher flow
Page 89
90. 2 point system over guest and 224
3 point systems over 23(s) and 22
U nit flow U nit flow U nit flow
323 24cfm 322 25cfm
224 21cfm 223 20cfm 222 22cfm
G uest 26cfm 123 28cfm 122 20cfm
Page 90
98. Airsealing in unit above and source
unit credited with 90% reduction of
Baseboards, pipes, recessed lites
Cook below opens windows when cooking-
negates fan effect.
Page 98
99. Recommendations
Seal large openings between units
Balanced, 30 45cfm continuous exhaust
Consider extra ventilation in smokers unit
101. Kitchen option for cooking source
In different project after work
Cooking moisture was an issue in 15% of units
Continuous kitchen fan option needed
VenMar developed (UL) a quiet continuous
range hood
102. Kitchen option for cooking source
Quiet Range Hood
Replace existing fans with
continuous quiet range hood
Lo or high speed, no off
Less than 20 watts consumed
at 34 cfm
High: 100,175 , or 225cfm
103. Additional Information
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation
Fact Sheet: Solving Odour Transfer Problems in Your Apartment
104. 2-part Foam Seals Plumbing Chase
Stop Vertical Air Transfer In Plumbing Wall
Inject Foam Along Top of Wall
Patched, primed
Shared leakage reduced about
50% from 507 to 247 cfm50
105. Easy air flow is possible through
framing around pipes, etc
Page 105
106. Note Improvements are possible. Managing expectations is
Page 106