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Group 7 T-Shirt Project
Caleb Baltes, Valerie Carlson,
Mackenzie Chiglo, Turner Schmidt
Mifflin Cart:
 Shirts Sold: 537
 Total paid: $12,645.86
 Total collected (no shipping or tax): $9656.45
 Profit: $1634.48 (16.9%, based on total collected)
Other Carts:
 SVA: 78 shirts - $952.26 revenue
 High School: 66 shirts - $500.64 revenue
 Pi Beta Phi: 12 shirts - $396.20 revenue
 Revenue: $11,505.55 (no tax, shipping)
 Collected: $14,494.96 (with tax, shipping)
 Profit: $1634.48
 Items sold: 693
 UW-Madison Students
 Mifflin attendees visiting
from other schools/cities
 Students who use
 Our own personal
Facebook friends that
were invited
How We Sold
 Facebook Event
 Invited all of our friends
to the page
 Over 1,600 RSVPd as
 We made the event date
the day the cart actually
ended so people knew
the deadline to put in an
 Making sure the shirts ship in time
 Working with Steve to choose a day to end
the cart
 Finalizing the design in collaboration with
Steves artists
 Answering questions from customers on
Key Lessons & Advice
 If you have a deadline such
as an event, end carts early
to avoid stress
 Find an event or market that
people are genuinely excited
 Make your design fit the
 Avoid saying for a class
project, market your design
as the design.
 Make a professional looking
facebook page and use social
media to market
 Get designs set early and
maximize the duration of the
wearing our shirt
while performing at
Revelry Music and
Arts Festival
Thank You!

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MHR Final Presentation Group 7

  • 1. Group 7 T-Shirt Project Caleb Baltes, Valerie Carlson, Mackenzie Chiglo, Turner Schmidt
  • 2. Sales Mifflin Cart: Shirts Sold: 537 Total paid: $12,645.86 Total collected (no shipping or tax): $9656.45 Profit: $1634.48 (16.9%, based on total collected) Other Carts: SVA: 78 shirts - $952.26 revenue High School: 66 shirts - $500.64 revenue Pi Beta Phi: 12 shirts - $396.20 revenue Totals: Revenue: $11,505.55 (no tax, shipping) Collected: $14,494.96 (with tax, shipping) Profit: $1634.48 Items sold: 693
  • 3. Customers UW-Madison Students Mifflin attendees visiting from other schools/cities Students who use Facebook Our own personal Facebook friends that were invited
  • 5. How We Sold Facebook Event Invited all of our friends to the page Over 1,600 RSVPd as Attending We made the event date the day the cart actually ended so people knew the deadline to put in an order
  • 6. Challenges Making sure the shirts ship in time Working with Steve to choose a day to end the cart Finalizing the design in collaboration with Steves artists Answering questions from customers on Facebook
  • 7. Key Lessons & Advice Lessons If you have a deadline such as an event, end carts early to avoid stress Find an event or market that people are genuinely excited about Make your design fit the market Advice Avoid saying for a class project, market your design as the design. Make a professional looking facebook page and use social media to market Get designs set early and maximize the duration of the cart
  • 8. Performer AlunaGeorge wearing our shirt while performing at Revelry Music and Arts Festival

Editor's Notes

  • #3: -When we added up the total sales from all four of our carts. -As you can tell by the pie chart, our biggest contributor to sales were the mifflin t-shirts, well focus on that cart for the remainder of the presentation -We sold a total of 538 shirts, including tanks, tees, and long sleeves in two different designs for total sales of almost $10,000
  • #5: -The first design was inspired by the show Friends, with the front featuring the word "MIFFLIN" as the Friends logo. The back design is the outline of Wisconsin with the phrase "I'll be there for you". -The second design features a Mifflin street sign and Madison city skyline -As mentioned, these were each available in a tank, tshirt, or longsleeve tshirt
  • #6: -we sold by creating a facebook event, and each of the four of us invited everyone from UW-madison on our friends list -we made the event open so people could share it with one another and invite their friends as well -on it we just shared a couple images of our design as well as the link to the cart online
  • #8: we had all seen mifflin shirts for sale on facebook before, so we essentially copied this method