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Michael Fox-Rabinovitz, CFA, CAIA, FRM

    1996                        1999                     2002                         2005                          2008                     2011

 Enron                   PricewaterhouseCoopers       Risk Capital Mgmt          CITIGROUP Private Bank         MGN Group           UFS Group
 1996  1999             1999  2000                  2000  2002, 2004  2006   2006  2008                    2008  2010         2010  Present
 Trader, Structured      Consultant, Financial Risk   Head of Emerging           VP  Portfolio Mgmt and        Chief Investment    Managing Director
 Products and Energy     Management Group             Markets Practice/          Investment Analytics for       Officer/Portfolio   North America and
 Derivatives Trading                                  Senior Analyst             Global Markets                 Strategist          Emerging Markets
                                                        Columbia, MBA, 2002  2004

Innovative Investment Management Executive with global experience in portfolio construction, asset allocation, investment
analysis and risk management. Proven ability to lead global teams, build new business lines and coordinate complex projects
in fast-paced, rapidly changing work environments. Bilingual in English and Russian, some Spanish and French, basic German
and Hebrew.
                                                                                             Portfolio Strategist/CIO/CRO
Speaking Personally...

                                                                                                Portfolio        Asset       Investment        Risk
       How has your international experience shaped the way                                   Construction    Management       Analysis     Management
       you conduct business today?
A.  I have been very fortunate to have a career that has allowed me to
work in all corners of the globe, from Argentina to Russia, from Canada to
Central Asia and from Brazil to Mongolia. Exposure to different attitudes                                     Investment Strategy
and frameworks of doing business has engrained in me the skill never                                        and Policy Development
to make assumptions regarding what is important to a business and
the path it will and should take to get to the final goal. Appreciating
and understanding how cultural, societal and psychological nuances
directly translate into business methods and practices has made me a                            Emerging        Energy        Alternative    Structured
                                                                                                 Markets      Commodities    Investments      Products
much more effective global investment professional.

       Why is thinking of global implications when making
       decisions so important in todays marketplace?
     World economies have become tremendously intertwined, and                                              DYNAMIC RESULTS IN
nowhere is this more evident than in the financial markets. With instant                                       EVERY ROLE
access to information and trading around-the-clock, there is no longer
such a luxury as thinking and acting locally; events and information
impact global and local markets almost instantaneously. The butterfly                       Grewby broadening existing$500MM
                                                                                             in 1遜 years
                                                                                                         AUM from $200MM to
effect theory has become a reality, and I have made it a rule to never
                                                                                              mandates, bringing in new ones, and
make a final investment decision without clearly understanding the
                                                                                              expanding geography of firms client base.
range of possible factors likely to impact it no matter how obscure or
geographically distant they may seem.
                                                                                              Oversaw and coordinated
                                                                                              analytical and research activity across three
      What has been the greatest lesson your career has                                       global offices with 25 employees.
      taught you?
A.   Having witnessed financial giants like Enron and Bear Stearns crumble,                   Increased Citibank AUM by
and Citibank teeter on the verge of bankruptcy, experiencing countries like                   $500MM by utilizing IRF (Integrated Risk
Argentina and various CIS states going through defaults and revolutions,                      Framework) to enable clients to consider
and watching global markets in a death spiral chisels an indelible lesson                     their liquid and illiquid holdings together in
on the brain- the only thing that is constant is change. As an investment                     one portfolio.

and risk professional there is nothing more dangerous than complacency,                                       team of 15 in development
and having personally lived through and experienced rapid, sudden,                                            and implementation of
unexpected and dramatic changes serves as an excellent antidote for                           enterprise-wide market and credit-risk-
that. It is important to not be afraid to make a decision and take a risk,                    management system for Perez Companc,
but it is twice as important not to dismiss any risks, no matter how remote or                S.A., a multibillion-dollar Argentine energy
impossible they may seem, the price of that is not simply failure it is possible              conglomerate generating annual profits of
destruction of your business.                                                                 $350MM.

                       20 W. 87th Street, Apt. 3B  New York, NY 10024  (917) 544-7521  mfoxrabinovitz@gmail.com

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Michael Rabinovitz Bio

  • 1. Bi og ra fic Michael Fox-Rabinovitz, CFA, CAIA, FRM CAREER AT A GLANCE 1996 1999 2002 2005 2008 2011 Enron PricewaterhouseCoopers Risk Capital Mgmt CITIGROUP Private Bank MGN Group UFS Group 1996 1999 1999 2000 2000 2002, 2004 2006 2006 2008 2008 2010 2010 Present Trader, Structured Consultant, Financial Risk Head of Emerging VP Portfolio Mgmt and Chief Investment Managing Director Products and Energy Management Group Markets Practice/ Investment Analytics for Officer/Portfolio North America and Derivatives Trading Senior Analyst Global Markets Strategist Emerging Markets Columbia, MBA, 2002 2004 Innovative Investment Management Executive with global experience in portfolio construction, asset allocation, investment analysis and risk management. Proven ability to lead global teams, build new business lines and coordinate complex projects in fast-paced, rapidly changing work environments. Bilingual in English and Russian, some Spanish and French, basic German and Hebrew. Portfolio Strategist/CIO/CRO Speaking Personally... Q Portfolio Asset Investment Risk How has your international experience shaped the way Construction Management Analysis Management you conduct business today? A. I have been very fortunate to have a career that has allowed me to work in all corners of the globe, from Argentina to Russia, from Canada to Central Asia and from Brazil to Mongolia. Exposure to different attitudes Investment Strategy and frameworks of doing business has engrained in me the skill never and Policy Development to make assumptions regarding what is important to a business and the path it will and should take to get to the final goal. Appreciating and understanding how cultural, societal and psychological nuances directly translate into business methods and practices has made me a Emerging Energy Alternative Structured Markets Commodities Investments Products much more effective global investment professional. Q A. Why is thinking of global implications when making decisions so important in todays marketplace? World economies have become tremendously intertwined, and DYNAMIC RESULTS IN nowhere is this more evident than in the financial markets. With instant EVERY ROLE access to information and trading around-the-clock, there is no longer such a luxury as thinking and acting locally; events and information impact global and local markets almost instantaneously. The butterfly Grewby broadening existing$500MM in 1遜 years AUM from $200MM to effect theory has become a reality, and I have made it a rule to never mandates, bringing in new ones, and make a final investment decision without clearly understanding the expanding geography of firms client base. range of possible factors likely to impact it no matter how obscure or geographically distant they may seem. Oversaw and coordinated Q analytical and research activity across three What has been the greatest lesson your career has global offices with 25 employees. taught you? A. Having witnessed financial giants like Enron and Bear Stearns crumble, Increased Citibank AUM by and Citibank teeter on the verge of bankruptcy, experiencing countries like $500MM by utilizing IRF (Integrated Risk Argentina and various CIS states going through defaults and revolutions, Framework) to enable clients to consider and watching global markets in a death spiral chisels an indelible lesson their liquid and illiquid holdings together in on the brain- the only thing that is constant is change. As an investment one portfolio. Led and risk professional there is nothing more dangerous than complacency, team of 15 in development and having personally lived through and experienced rapid, sudden, and implementation of unexpected and dramatic changes serves as an excellent antidote for enterprise-wide market and credit-risk- that. It is important to not be afraid to make a decision and take a risk, management system for Perez Companc, but it is twice as important not to dismiss any risks, no matter how remote or S.A., a multibillion-dollar Argentine energy impossible they may seem, the price of that is not simply failure it is possible conglomerate generating annual profits of destruction of your business. $350MM. 20 W. 87th Street, Apt. 3B New York, NY 10024 (917) 544-7521 mfoxrabinovitz@gmail.com www.linkedin.com/in/michaelfoxrabinovitz