This document discusses strategies for differentiating instruction for gifted students, including providing opportunities for higher-level thinking through depth and complexity. It defines depth as studying many aspects of a single topic and complexity as looking at relationships across topics or perspectives. Icons of depth include rules, patterns, big ideas, ethics, and unanswered questions. Icons of complexity involve change over time, relationships across disciplines, and multiple perspectives. Content imperatives for instruction include origin, contribution, parallel concepts, paradoxes, and convergence.
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Introducing The Depth and Complexity Icons and Content Imperatives
1. Icons of Depth and Complexity & The Content Imperatives Erik Mickelson [email_address]
2. Strategies for Differentiating for High-Ability Students Elements of Depth & Complexity Content Imperatives Universal Themes Think Like A Disciplinarian Scholarly Pursuits
3. How the Icons of Depth and Complexity Evolved Purpose: To provide Gifted Students with Opportunities for Higher Level Thinking and Learning Kaplan and Gould Dual-Coding State Standard Review: Mediocrity Ancient Philosophers Derived from High School Advanced Placement Tests Infused into the Standards Based Curriculum Has Become the California Model for Teaching Gifted and Talented Students
4. Depth Complexity Studying many aspects of a single topic Going deeper into a subject Becoming an expert in a subject Making connections across several topics or academic subjects Seeing relationships between seemingly unconnected ideas or concepts
5. The Differentiation Equation Thinking Skills Content (D/C) Research/Resources Product T/S + C (D/C) + R + P Learning Environment
6. Icons of Depth Rules The guide or procedures one must obey in a discipline; the structure, order, or hierarchy. Rules of Nature Rules of Law Rules of Culture Language of the Discipline Specific Academic Language of a particular field of study. Vocabulary Terms
7. Icons of Depth Patterns Occurrences or concepts that repeat. Historical Patterns Mathematical Patterns Trends Situations or ideas particular to a specific period, culture, set of circumstances Trends in Science and Technology
8. Icons of Depth Big Idea Large universal concepts Ultimate Meanings One Word Summaries Details Information that supports or proves the Big Idea Relevant pieces but not the whole picture
9. Icons of Depth Ethics Right, Wrong, and Gray Areas The Should Questions Unanswered Questions What has not or cannot be Answered Things to Ponder
10. Icons of Complexity Change over Time How time affects ideas and situations Across Disciplines Relationships between Subject Areas Multiple Perspectives Different Viewpoints
11. Using Complexity with Astronomy Changes over time: Beliefs about the Universe in the past , present and future ? Across Disciplines: Math and Literature related to Space? Multiple Perspectives: Political/Social perspectives on Space Exploration?
12. Using Depth in The Story of Cinderella Rules of a Fairytale? Language in a Fairytale? Patterns of the Story? Trends particular to the time the Story takes place? Big Idea or Moral of the Story? Details that prove the Big Idea? Ethical issues in the Story? Unanswered Questions after the Story ends?