3. Universal Tool
¡ñ A black/green board or
whiteboard is an universal tool
which is available mostly in the
¡ñ It is accessible to all teachers
and students, including those
who may struggle with digital
tools or have limited access to
4. Board Writing
Board writing is a fundamental teaching skill that
enhances learning by providing clear, organized, and
interactive instruction.
It supports;
¡ñ visual and kinesthetic learners,
¡ñ promotes student engagement,
¡ñ reinforces memory retention
5. The purpose of using board as a visual aid
¡ñ To write the important points
¡ñ To write the difficult spellings
¡ñ To highlight key point of the lesson
¡ñ To draw figures/diagram/graph/pictures etc.
¡ñ To maintain students¡¯ attention
¡ñ To pose questions or problems and check for student
6. Components of the Skill
¡ñ Legibility
¡ñ Size and Alignment
¡ñ Highlighting main points
¡ñ Utilization of the space
¡ñ Correctness
¡ñ Blackboard Summary
¡ñ Position of the teacher
¡ñ Eye contact with the pupils
¡ñ Cleaning of the Board
7. Legibility
¡ñ Proper Space between words and alphabets
¡ñ Neatness of the board work
¡ñ Appropriateness of the words
8. Size and Alignment
¡ñ Font size of the alphabets
¡ñ All capital alphabets of same size
¡ñ All small alphabets of same size
¡ñ Sentences should be align with the horizontal
line of the board
11. Highlight main Points
¡ñ Underline the main points
¡ñ Use different colors chalk
¡ñ Use heading and subheadings
12. Utilization of the Space
¡ñ Overwriting should be avoided
¡ñ Write relevant material only
¡ñ Retain essential material only
¡ñ Divide the board space as per the need of
the lesson
13. Correctness
The teacher should be careful about;
¡ñ Correct spelling,
¡ñ punctuation,
¡ñ Grammar
¡ñ Correct Diagram/figures/graphs
14. Blackboard Summary
¡ñ In order to make teaching meaningful to the
learners the teacher should develop blackboard
summary at the end of the lesson.
¡ñ This should be so brief that the learners can
recollect the whole lesson at a glance.
15. Position of the teacher
One side of the blackboard
at an angle of 450
18. Eye contact with the Students
¡ñ Controlling gossiping
¡ñ Monitoring interactions
¡ñ Maintaining discipline
¡ñ Sustaining attentions
19. Cleaning of the Board
¡ñ Clean the board from top to bottom
¡ñ Don¡¯t spread dust in the room
¡ñ Dust the duster outside the class
¡ñ Clean the entire board before leaving the
21. While Writing
¡ñ Speak simultaneously while writing on the board to
address the need of Auditory learner.
¡ñ Take a round to check all the students are noting down or
they may have some issues in understanding the words
written on the board
22. Points to be taken care of
¡ñ Use print letters rather than cursive for better readability.
¡ñ Use high-quality chalk or markers that are easy to read and
don¡¯t smudge.
¡ñ Use pointer to emphasis on important information/point.
¡ñ Allow students to come up to the board
¡ñ Review your board writing frequently and try to improve if