Managing Director Zaldy W. Pacificar of Katipunan Bank shares the bank experience on providing microinsurance products and services to their clients during the 2012 RBAP-MABS National Roundtable Conference on June 8.
Lessons in Microinsurance Business ExpansionMABSIV
Mr. Gilbert Soliven of Progressive Bank shares how to effectively market and sell microinsurance products during the 2012 RBAP-MABS National Roundtable Conference on June 8.
Bangko Kabayan President Francis Ganzon shares how to successfully choose a microinsurance provider during the 2012 RBAP-MABS National Roundtable Conference on June 8.
Mr. Melvin Yu of Cantilan Bank shares their technological development to illustrate how far banking technology has come and what its implications have been during the 2012 RBAP-MABS National Roundtable Conference on June 8.
5. Using VisibleThread in the Proposal Workflow General Dynamics Informatio...VisibleThread
GDIT (General Dynamics information Systems) has found that VisibleThread speeds up our workflow often by as much as 40% and improve the accuracy and quality of our product substantially.
GDIT has three use cases for using Visible Thread in the proposal workflow. They include:
* Past Performance where we use both Visible Thread Discovery and a Past Performance Dictionary to research our archive of Past Performance descriptions
* Resumes where we use a Concept dictionary to identify areas of non-compliance in the final resume
* Graphics where we create a searchable PDF file and then use a Quality Dictionary to perform a quality control check on charts, tables and diagrams.
This deck shows how.
6. Whats new in version 2.12 of VisibleThread Docs - VisibleThread Users Con...VisibleThread
1. The document describes new features in version 2.12 of VisibleThread including new summary screens, a document acronym report, more flexible compliance matrix generation, extensions to clear language analysis, extensions to discovery, more flexible Excel exports, and support for duplicate dictionary terms.
2. Key new features include a document acronym report to extract or verify acronyms, ignoring selected content in compliance matrix generation, new readability metrics and folder-level clear language views, enhanced discovery filters and indicators, and options for exporting all document content to Excel.
3. The presentation concludes with a thank you and invitation for questions.
3. Managing compliance from bid through execution - Noridian HealthcareVisibleThread
Noridian Healthcare shows how they use VisibleThread for Docs to drive 50% efficiency in proposal development and 80% efficiency savings for contract performance management. Presentation at the VisibleThread Users Conference Oct 2015.
2. VT Users Conference 2015 - VisibleThread Company UpdateVisibleThread
This document provides an overview of VisibleThread's Users Conference in October 2015 and their vision for 2016. It discusses that in 2015 they saw over 150 customers adopt their sales content analysis solutions, an 81% increase in new customers, and over 100% increase in booked revenue. Their vision for 2016 includes focusing on customer success through customer success managers, moving their on-premise products to a rental model, deeper APIs to support partners and customers' content lifecycles, and an early adopter program for their new APIs.
The future of customer service - the rise of the social customerIt's Open
The document discusses the rise of social media and its impact on customer service. It notes that customer expectations have increased as people are adopting social media faster than companies are adapting. It provides a 10 step framework for organizations to prepare for the social future of customer service, including conducting an audit, using a conversation prism to understand customer interactions, developing multi-channel strategies, training employees, integrating customer service with other business units, selecting and implementing CRM software, and defining metrics to measure success. The conclusion states that successful companies will place social customers at the center of operations, which can reduce costs and increase customer loyalty.
This document discusses how to build reactive applications with Java 8 using frameworks like Play, Akka, and Scala. It covers reactive requests, composition, and push capabilities in Play and building actor-based, asynchronous, distributed systems with Akka. It also demonstrates interoperability between Java and Scala and provides links to Activator templates for getting started with reactive applications.
AWPO is an Indian Army welfare organization that helps veterans, dependents, and serving/retired personnel find suitable jobs in the public and private sectors. It has a large database of registrants with various skills on its job portal and assists companies in finding qualified ex-army candidates. AWPO has a pan-India presence and offers employers online job posting and candidate screening services for a nominal fee.
This newsletter summarizes activities for families over the summer, including surf camp, stargazing, international cuisine, and energy saving tips. It also promotes a law firm specializing in divorce cases and provides an update from the firm's owner thanking clients for referrals.
The document is a newsletter that discusses various topics including fostering creativity in kids, productivity tips using time blocking, and a recipe for hash brown casserole. It also includes an article summarizing the winter festival Montr辿al en Lumi竪re, where the city is illuminated with light displays and hosts live music and art exhibitions throughout downtown over 10 days in February.
The document is a newsletter from a law firm that discusses staying connected with family members. It discusses how adult children, parents, and elderly family members can experience isolation. It recommends making regular phone calls, letters, or visits to stay connected and prevent isolation among family members. Maintaining these connections benefits both the isolated family members and those reaching out to them.
This document is a newsletter from The Ward Law Firm that discusses various topics related to cold weather preparation and myths. It debunks common myths such as losing most body heat through your head, that being in the cold causes colds, and that allergies go away in winter. It confirms that chicken soup can help with colds. It also promotes digital budgeting apps and discusses how to deal with FOMO and teach gratitude to children.
The document is a newsletter from The Ward Law Firm that includes articles on time management, summer activities for kids, and a recipe. The main article discusses how to find focus and be more productive at work by shutting your door, making lists, putting your phone down, taking baby steps on large projects, and cleaning your desk. Other articles provide 7 summer activity ideas for kids like swimming, stargazing, biking, fishing, camping, bonfires, and hiking. There is also an article on how top business executives use their mornings effectively by waking up early, exercising, focusing on top priorities, making time for passions, and spending time with family.
7. How Deltek gather business Intelligence for State and Local opportunities ...VisibleThread
Tim Brett is Deltek's Director for State and Local Information Services.
Tim ensures that Deltek members are successful and efficient in their business development and strategic sales efforts. He manages a staff of 25 analysts who work on Deltek's State and Local solution, developing and driving content to provide up-to-date, tactical, and strategic information on state and local public sector procurements.
Tims team use VisibleThread Docs to help automate many of their intelligence gathering activities. In this session, he explains how they work VisibleThread, and the speed efficiency they have seen since adopting VisibleThread internally.
Comment organiser sa curation : outils et bonnes pratiquesHashtag Machine
Pr辿sentation faite dans le cadre des ateliers web de l'APACOM, association des professionnels de la communication en aquitaine, donnant des cl辿s pour organiser sa veille et mettre en place une strat辿gie de curation.
Este documento presenta el primer cap鱈tulo de una tesis para obtener el grado de Maestro en Calidad. El cap鱈tulo introduce el tema analizando c坦mo los negocios familiares a menudo comienzan de manera informal y carecen de una estructura organizacional formal. Se plantea que definir una estructura funcional, directiva y administrativa podr鱈a garantizar una mejora organizacional. Tambi辿n se describen los objetivos y justificaci坦n de la investigaci坦n, as鱈 como las delimitaciones del estudio. El cap鱈tulo concluye analizando los retos comunes de las empresas familiares en
4. Using VisibleThread for Competitive Intelligence - MilestoneVisibleThread
The document discusses using VisibleThread for competitive intelligence and proposal development. It describes key roles in the Global Bid Desk that would use VisibleThread, such as the Director of Business Development, Capture Manager, and others. It also outlines VisibleThread workstreams like proposal development worksheets, dictionaries to create a centralized body of knowledge, and tools for question/answer analysis, compliance tracking, and developing win themes.
RBAP Executive Director Vicente Mendoza shares how the MABS Program will continue and expand with RBAP and RBRDFI during the 2012 National Roundtable Conference on June 8.
The SMART Islands Activation Program Empowerment through Mobile BankingMABSIV
The document summarizes the Islands Activation Program (IAP), an initiative by Smart Communications to provide mobile-based financial services to remote communities. The program is a partnership between Smart, microfinance institutions, and SEEDFinance. It allows island residents to perform transactions like remittances, payments, and micro purchases via mobile. As of 2012, the program had activated Smart Money centers in 71 communities and released over 7,000 Smart Money cards. The program aims to improve access to financial services in remote areas through branchless banking solutions.
Preliminary Evaluation of Consumer Education Tools for Mobile Phone Banking: ...MABSIV
Microfinance Research Officer Craig Tower presents the preliminary results of the outcomes assessment of the Financial Education for Branchless Banking Project during the 2012 RBAP-MABS National Roundtable Conference on June 8.
GXI President Paolo Baltao announces the next generation GCASH mobile money services, which are expected to provide new features as well as create a more seamless experience for rural bank clients and GCASH users during the 2012 RBAP-MABS National Roundtable Conference on June 8.
Beyond SMS: Using Social Networks to Reach a Broader MarketMABSIV
MABS Chief of Party John V. Owens shares how banks could utilize social networks to broaden their microfinance market during the 2012 RBAP-MABS Nationa Roundtable Conference on June 8.
The Microfinance Data Sharing System (MiDAS)MABSIV
Ms. Patricia Calilong, BOT of the Rafael B. Buenaventura Foundation discusses the updates on the Microfinance Data Sharing System (MiDAS) during the 2012 RBAP-MABS National Roundtable Conference on June 8.
2. VT Users Conference 2015 - VisibleThread Company UpdateVisibleThread
This document provides an overview of VisibleThread's Users Conference in October 2015 and their vision for 2016. It discusses that in 2015 they saw over 150 customers adopt their sales content analysis solutions, an 81% increase in new customers, and over 100% increase in booked revenue. Their vision for 2016 includes focusing on customer success through customer success managers, moving their on-premise products to a rental model, deeper APIs to support partners and customers' content lifecycles, and an early adopter program for their new APIs.
The future of customer service - the rise of the social customerIt's Open
The document discusses the rise of social media and its impact on customer service. It notes that customer expectations have increased as people are adopting social media faster than companies are adapting. It provides a 10 step framework for organizations to prepare for the social future of customer service, including conducting an audit, using a conversation prism to understand customer interactions, developing multi-channel strategies, training employees, integrating customer service with other business units, selecting and implementing CRM software, and defining metrics to measure success. The conclusion states that successful companies will place social customers at the center of operations, which can reduce costs and increase customer loyalty.
This document discusses how to build reactive applications with Java 8 using frameworks like Play, Akka, and Scala. It covers reactive requests, composition, and push capabilities in Play and building actor-based, asynchronous, distributed systems with Akka. It also demonstrates interoperability between Java and Scala and provides links to Activator templates for getting started with reactive applications.
AWPO is an Indian Army welfare organization that helps veterans, dependents, and serving/retired personnel find suitable jobs in the public and private sectors. It has a large database of registrants with various skills on its job portal and assists companies in finding qualified ex-army candidates. AWPO has a pan-India presence and offers employers online job posting and candidate screening services for a nominal fee.
This newsletter summarizes activities for families over the summer, including surf camp, stargazing, international cuisine, and energy saving tips. It also promotes a law firm specializing in divorce cases and provides an update from the firm's owner thanking clients for referrals.
The document is a newsletter that discusses various topics including fostering creativity in kids, productivity tips using time blocking, and a recipe for hash brown casserole. It also includes an article summarizing the winter festival Montr辿al en Lumi竪re, where the city is illuminated with light displays and hosts live music and art exhibitions throughout downtown over 10 days in February.
The document is a newsletter from a law firm that discusses staying connected with family members. It discusses how adult children, parents, and elderly family members can experience isolation. It recommends making regular phone calls, letters, or visits to stay connected and prevent isolation among family members. Maintaining these connections benefits both the isolated family members and those reaching out to them.
This document is a newsletter from The Ward Law Firm that discusses various topics related to cold weather preparation and myths. It debunks common myths such as losing most body heat through your head, that being in the cold causes colds, and that allergies go away in winter. It confirms that chicken soup can help with colds. It also promotes digital budgeting apps and discusses how to deal with FOMO and teach gratitude to children.
The document is a newsletter from The Ward Law Firm that includes articles on time management, summer activities for kids, and a recipe. The main article discusses how to find focus and be more productive at work by shutting your door, making lists, putting your phone down, taking baby steps on large projects, and cleaning your desk. Other articles provide 7 summer activity ideas for kids like swimming, stargazing, biking, fishing, camping, bonfires, and hiking. There is also an article on how top business executives use their mornings effectively by waking up early, exercising, focusing on top priorities, making time for passions, and spending time with family.
7. How Deltek gather business Intelligence for State and Local opportunities ...VisibleThread
Tim Brett is Deltek's Director for State and Local Information Services.
Tim ensures that Deltek members are successful and efficient in their business development and strategic sales efforts. He manages a staff of 25 analysts who work on Deltek's State and Local solution, developing and driving content to provide up-to-date, tactical, and strategic information on state and local public sector procurements.
Tims team use VisibleThread Docs to help automate many of their intelligence gathering activities. In this session, he explains how they work VisibleThread, and the speed efficiency they have seen since adopting VisibleThread internally.
Comment organiser sa curation : outils et bonnes pratiquesHashtag Machine
Pr辿sentation faite dans le cadre des ateliers web de l'APACOM, association des professionnels de la communication en aquitaine, donnant des cl辿s pour organiser sa veille et mettre en place une strat辿gie de curation.
Este documento presenta el primer cap鱈tulo de una tesis para obtener el grado de Maestro en Calidad. El cap鱈tulo introduce el tema analizando c坦mo los negocios familiares a menudo comienzan de manera informal y carecen de una estructura organizacional formal. Se plantea que definir una estructura funcional, directiva y administrativa podr鱈a garantizar una mejora organizacional. Tambi辿n se describen los objetivos y justificaci坦n de la investigaci坦n, as鱈 como las delimitaciones del estudio. El cap鱈tulo concluye analizando los retos comunes de las empresas familiares en
4. Using VisibleThread for Competitive Intelligence - MilestoneVisibleThread
The document discusses using VisibleThread for competitive intelligence and proposal development. It describes key roles in the Global Bid Desk that would use VisibleThread, such as the Director of Business Development, Capture Manager, and others. It also outlines VisibleThread workstreams like proposal development worksheets, dictionaries to create a centralized body of knowledge, and tools for question/answer analysis, compliance tracking, and developing win themes.
RBAP Executive Director Vicente Mendoza shares how the MABS Program will continue and expand with RBAP and RBRDFI during the 2012 National Roundtable Conference on June 8.
The SMART Islands Activation Program Empowerment through Mobile BankingMABSIV
The document summarizes the Islands Activation Program (IAP), an initiative by Smart Communications to provide mobile-based financial services to remote communities. The program is a partnership between Smart, microfinance institutions, and SEEDFinance. It allows island residents to perform transactions like remittances, payments, and micro purchases via mobile. As of 2012, the program had activated Smart Money centers in 71 communities and released over 7,000 Smart Money cards. The program aims to improve access to financial services in remote areas through branchless banking solutions.
Preliminary Evaluation of Consumer Education Tools for Mobile Phone Banking: ...MABSIV
Microfinance Research Officer Craig Tower presents the preliminary results of the outcomes assessment of the Financial Education for Branchless Banking Project during the 2012 RBAP-MABS National Roundtable Conference on June 8.
GXI President Paolo Baltao announces the next generation GCASH mobile money services, which are expected to provide new features as well as create a more seamless experience for rural bank clients and GCASH users during the 2012 RBAP-MABS National Roundtable Conference on June 8.
Beyond SMS: Using Social Networks to Reach a Broader MarketMABSIV
MABS Chief of Party John V. Owens shares how banks could utilize social networks to broaden their microfinance market during the 2012 RBAP-MABS Nationa Roundtable Conference on June 8.
The Microfinance Data Sharing System (MiDAS)MABSIV
Ms. Patricia Calilong, BOT of the Rafael B. Buenaventura Foundation discusses the updates on the Microfinance Data Sharing System (MiDAS) during the 2012 RBAP-MABS National Roundtable Conference on June 8.
Using the Credit Bureau: Experience from the FieldMABSIV
Credit Bureau Manager Mr. Manuel Batallones shares how credit bureau helps the banks in mitigating the risk of getting bororwers with negative credit history during the 2012 RBAP-MABS National Roundtable Conference on June 8.
MABS Deputy Chief of Party, Ms. Meliza Agabin shares how banks should use the MABS performance monthly reports to track the bank's performance and make informed decision during the 2012 RBAP-MABS Nationa Roundtable Conference on June 8.
Results of the Study on Multiple Lending and the Challenges Faced by BanksMABSIV
Mr. Ronald Chua of the Asian Institute of Managment shares the findings of the Study on Multiple Lending and the Challenges Faced by Banks during the 2012 RBAP-MABS National Roundtable Conference on June 8.
SCORECARD Incentive Remuneration System for MicrofinanceMABSIV
Ms. Vivian Lim of First Valley Bank shares their bank experience on using the EAGLE Scorecard to optimize the bank's microfinance operations during the 2012 RBAP-MABS National Roundtable Conference on June 7.
Measuring Performance through the EAGLE Score CardMABSIV
MABS Microfinance Specialist, Ms. Jennifer Sabianan shares how to use the EAGLE Scorecard to measure the bank's microfinance performance during the 2012 RBAP-MABS National Roundtable Conference on June 7.
Price Transparency and Microfinance Related RegulationsMABSIV
Mr. Gerardo Butardo of Bangko Sentral ng PIlipinas (BSP) discusses latest updates on price transparency and microfinance related regulations by the BSP during the 2012 RBAP-MABS National Roundtable Conference on June 7.
Ms. Elizabeth Larson, the Regional Manager for Asia of Microfinance Information eXchange shares during the RBAP-MABS National Roundtable Conference how banks could use the MIX Market Report and updates on its developments.
The MABS Program provides technical assistance and training to rural banks in the Philippines to increase access to banking services for microenterprise clients. It has helped over 100 banks and 1,300 branches provide loans, deposits, insurance, money transfers and mobile banking to over 950,000 micro-borrowers and 1.4 million micro-depositors. Rural banks are leveraging the widespread mobile phone network in the Philippines to overcome issues around cash-in/cash-out access in rural areas by training local merchants to become mobile money agents and establishing their own kiosks and sub-offices. Standardized ID cards and simplified KYC are also helping to promote mobile money through rural banks.
Mr. Paolo Baltao, President of GXI, presents a preview of the new G-Xchange product called PowerPay Plus which links an ATM card to the GCASH wallets of employees who receive their payroll via GCASH.
Leveraging mobile banking channels for client educationMABSIV
The USAID-supported
RBAP-MABS Program presented its Financial Education for Branchless
Banking Project, an initiative implemented in partnership with MasterCard
Foundation and Microfinance Opportunities. The presentation highlighted how
the initiative is supporting rural banks mobile phone banking services rollout
and how it facilitates the expansion of services to clients in areas that are
Industry association of rural banks: strategic partner for developing access ...MABSIV
Ms. Ruth Aseron shares how the Rural Bankers Association of the Philippines leads to promote access to microinsurance for low-income clients in the countryside. This was presented during the 7th International Microinsurance Conference in 2011 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil from Nov 8-10.
This document discusses lessons learned from the use of mobile money globally. It provides examples of banks and microfinance institutions partnering with mobile money operators to finance agents. Governments are also more actively supporting mobile money through programs like conditional cash transfers. Facts from Kenya show that mobile money platforms are processing more transactions daily than traditional payment methods. New entrants like Google want to create mobile payment ecosystems through partnerships. Interesting use cases of mobile money include microinsurance in Ghana and a mobile payment system for cocoa farmers in the Pacific. Financial education can also help promote mobile banking adoption.
Certainties that are changing.Feb25.AM.ENG.docx.pdfAndrea Mennillo
Nothings sure about tomorrow, wrote Lorenzo de Medici more than five centuries ago, in an attempt to stop time and harness the energy of youth. Energy that seems more valuable than ever today. Not necessarily or not only due to the demographic shift, but because of the demands of enterprises, the economy and our own lives.
HBS Study examines which freelance groups ChatGPT and AI is replacing on
Harvard Business School led 2024 study used Google Trends to prove freelance jobs based on manual-intensive skills (e.g., data entry and virtual office services, music and video services requiring human performers, and online tutoring services) were less affected by the proliferation of Generative AI and ChatGPT on online marketplaces like and Upwork over automation-prone jobs (e.g., writing, software development, iOS/Android app development, and WordPress web development).
Monopoly Market: Features, Analysis and ImpactSunita C
This PowerPoint presentation provides a detailed analysis of monopoly as a market structure, covering its key features, pricing strategies, barriers to entry, advantages, disadvantages, and real-world examples. It explores the impact of monopolies on consumers, market efficiency, and economic growth, along with government regulations and anti-trust policies to control monopolistic practices. The presentation also includes case studies of major monopolies and their influence on industries.
Paper: The World Game (s) Great Redesign.pdfSteven McGee
Paper: The Great Redesign of The World Game (s): Equitable, Ethical, Eco Economic Epochs for programmable money, economy, big data, artificial intelligence , quantum computing.. federation, federated liquidity e.g., the "JP Morgan - Knickerbocker protocol" / global unified value unit
EaseMoney - A Leading Finance & Banking Platform in India | Tracxn ProfileEasemoney
Discover EaseMoney, a trusted finance and banking service provider in India. Our platform offers tailored financial products, including credit cards, savings accounts, loans, and investment opportunities. We collaborate with nationalized banks like SBI, Bank of Baroda, and PNB to deliver seamless financial solutions. Explore our Tracxn profile to learn more about our services, coverage areas, and future growth prospects.
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Report Date: February 25, 2025
Tran Quoc Bao: First Vietnamese Leader on the Advisory Panel of Asian Hospita...Ignite Capital
Tran Quoc Bao: Shaping Vietnams Healthcare Future with Visionary Leadership and Financial Expertise
Tran Quoc Bao, CEO of Prima Saigon, stands at the forefront of transforming healthcare in Vietnam and beyond. As the leader of Prima Saigon, the countrys premier international daycare and ambulatory hospital, Bao has set new benchmarks for medical excellence and innovation. His strategic vision has propelled Prima Saigon into becoming a beacon of quality healthcare, positioning the institution at the forefront of global healthcare trends.
Beyond his success in leading Prima Saigon, Bao serves as an Advisor Member for Asian Healthcare & Hospital Management, a prominent publication that shapes healthcare policy worldwide. His work is not limited to just local impact but extends to global healthcare trends, influencing policy and operational standards across the sector.
With nearly two decades of experience, Bao has carved out a unique space where healthcare administration meets investment strategy. His career spans key positions at some of Vietnams leading healthcare institutions, including City International Hospital, FV Hospital, TMMC Healthcare, and Cao Tang Hospital, along with international expertise at The Alfred Hospital in Australia. A pioneer in internationalizing Vietnams healthcare sector, Bao led the transformation of Cao Tang Hospital into the countrys first Joint Commission International (JCI)-accredited facility, marking a milestone for Vietnams healthcare system on the global stage.
Baos expertise goes beyond healthcare management. Armed with prestigious credentialsincluding CFA速, CMT速, CPWA速, and FMVA速he has driven over $2 billion in healthcare mergers and acquisitions, reshaping Vietnams healthcare investment landscape. His ability to combine healthcare innovation with financial strategy has earned him recognition as a thought leader in the sector.
A prolific contributor to global discussions on healthcare investment, Bao has written for major publications like Bloomberg, Forbes, US News, and Voice of America, further cementing his status as a respected authority. His numerous accolades include Healthcare Executive of the Year by the Malaysia Health Tourism Council in 2021 and recognition as a Doing Business 2022 leader by the World Bank Group.
Additionally, Baos expertise is in demand by consulting powerhouses like BCG, Bain, and McKinsey, where he has advised on some of the most strategic healthcare investments and partnerships in Asia. With his unparalleled leadership and forward-thinking vision, Bao continues to shape the future of healthcare across the globe, ensuring that Vietnams healthcare system remains competitive and internationally recognized.
APMC and E-NAM: Transforming Agricultural Markets in IndiaSunita C
This presentation explores the Agricultural Produce Market Committees (APMCs) and the Electronic National Agriculture Market (e-NAM), highlighting their role in improving market efficiency, price discovery, farmer empowerment, and challenges in agricultural trade and supply chain management.
We study the effects of gender board diversity on firm performance. We use novel and rich firm-level data covering over seven million private and public firms spanning the years 1995-2020 in Europe. We augment a standard TFP estimation with a shift-share instrument for gender board diversity. We find that increasing the share of women in the boardroom is conducive to better economic performance. The results prove robust in a variety of subsamples, and to a variety of sensitivity analyses. This outcome is driven primarily by firms from the service sector. The positive impact was stronger during the more recent years of our sample that is a period with relatively more board diversity.
The IER estimates real GDP growth at 3.5% in 2024. According to the current IER forecast, real
GDP will grow by 2.9% in 2025 and 3.2% in 2026.
According to the IER, real GDP grew by 2.0% yoy in January (by 1.6% yoy in December).
In early February, power outages began for industry and businesses during peak hours due to
russian attacks on energy infrastructure.
Naftogaz began importing gas due to a cold snap, the suspension of russian gas transit to the
EU, and shelling of gas infrastructure.
In January, Ukraine exported 6.6 m t of goods by sea and 14 m t by rail.
There was a seasonal decline in imports and a slowdown in exports in January.
In January, the government received EUR 3 bn from the EU under the ERA (Extraordinary
Revenue Acceleration) mechanism, which should be repaid from profits from russian assets
frozen in the EU.
In January, consumer inflation in annual terms further accelerated and reached 12.9% yoy.
The NBU raised the rate from 13.5% to 14.5% per annum due to further acceleration in inflation
and deterioration in inflation expectations.
The NBU's international reserves amounted to USD 43 bn at the end of January, which is slightly
less than USD 43.8 bn at the beginning of the year.
How Your Income Sources Affect Your Tax Bill - Raines & Fischer, LLPRaines & Fischer, LLP
Understanding how your retirement income is taxed can help you avoid unexpected tax bills and maximize your savings. How Your Income Sources Affect Your Tax Bill by Raines & Fischer, LLP explains how Social Security, pensions, and withdrawals from retirement accounts are taxed at both the federal and state level. It covers which states offer tax-friendly retirement benefits, why strategic withdrawals matter, and how to minimize taxes while maintaining financial security. Whether you're planning for retirement or already retired, this guide helps you make informed decisions to keep more of your money.
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The Economic History of the United States 9Gale Pooley
Microinsurance: Guarding the poor from falling
1. Session 7: Transforming MI from Service to Business
An Introduction
Ferdinand Sia
Chemonics International
2012 RBAP-MABS National Roundtable Conference
June 7-8, 2012
Hyatt Hotel & Manila
6. Without Microinsurance, Ermie would incur unmanageable
debt to pay for funeral and other emergency expenses
P10,000 Death of
Treatment of
In debt for 3 years
Debt -P30,000
Risks of unmanageable debt:
1. Critical illness left untreated
2. Childrens schooling disrupted
Poverty cycle would likely continue 6
7. With Microinsurance, Ermie did not incur unmanageable
debt and continued to raise children without disruption
P10,000 Death of
Treatment of
In debt for 3 years
Debt -P30,000
Freedom from unmanageable debt:
1. Illnesses treated properly
2. Children continue schooling
Higher chance of escaping poverty 7