This document summarizes customer testimonials and reports on the performance of Microlon, an aviation engine treatment product. It provides examples of aircraft that experienced decreases in oil consumption (up to 157% decrease) and fuel consumption (up to 13% decrease) after being treated with Microlon. Customers also reported improvements such as smoother engine operation, increased oil pressure and compression, and better aircraft performance. The document aims to demonstrate the benefits Microlon can provide for aircraft engine efficiency and reliability.
3. Bonanza A-36
Exhaust valve guide failed on #4 Cyl.
Oil pressure and Quantity went to
Engine continued under power for
5 7 minutes to airport
Inspectors from Manufacturer, FAA
and A&P found no heat or friction
damage due to operation with no oil
Savings : Aircraft & Occupants
(Failure occurred at night over
Savings : $12,000 to $15,000 in
engine repairs
Gary Cheever
The R5 Renault engine was inspected and sealed with wax
by Government officials prior to departure on the 817 km
trip, after all the oil was drained from the crankcase. After
the trip the engine was disassembled in an Army Lab. in
front of some of the participants. With the exception of
one main bearing that showed some very minimal
damage, (the bearing was reinstalled after inspection)
there was no damage to the engine! This engine does not
have hydraulic lifters.
6. Cessna 172
Prior to Microlon treatment our Cessna 172
oil consumption was one liter every 10.5hrs.
Since the Microlon treatment the consumption
has stabilized at 15.4hrs to a liter.
Fuel consumption went from 6.5 gals. per hr.
to 5.7 gals per hr.
A very impressive improvement in engine
efficiency and well worth the cost of the
treatment. Oil analysis showed metal wear
reduced by 50%.
W.H. Walton
Waltav Industries Ltd.
Oil 47% Decrease
Fuel 12% Decrease
7. Beech Bonanza IO-520 BA
All flights at plus 25属 EGT, power settings 62%.Compression @892.4
@985.2 Hrs.
Cylinder #1 76 75
Cylinder #2 76 76
Cylinder #3 70 75
Cylinder #4 70 78
Cylinder #5 76 78
Cylinder #6 76 78
Before After
Time 33.5 hrs 36.02 hrs
Average CHT 180 175
Oil Consumption 5.58 hrs. per qt. 6.03 hrs. per qt. 8% Decrease
Fuel Consumption 13.286 GPH 13.129 GPH 1.2% Decrease
MPG 10.876 11.719 7.75% Increase
8. SuperCub
Compression @800 hrs. @900 hrs.
Cylinder #1 73 75
Cylinder #2 73 76
Cylinder #3 68 76
Cylinder #4 72 79
The oil consumption went from one quart
every 4.5hrs to one quart every 7.5hrs.
Fuel consumption changed from 5.7
gallons per hour before Microlon to 5.2
gallons per hour after the application.
We operate five pipeline patrollers and all
five engines were sticking valves.
We operate at low altitudes and are most
pleased with what appears to be an end
to valve sticking.
F. L. Anderson
11800 hours flying time.
Oil 67% Decrease
Fuel 8.7% Decrease
9. Beech Bonanza V 35
During the past year I was made aware of an
aviation engine treatment called Microlon.
While attending the EAA convetion last
summer at Oshkosh, Wisconsin I discussed the
product with several aircraft owners and
pilots. Everyone who had used Microlon
endorsed it enthusiastically.
My results are as follows:
Before After
Oil Consumption 3.5hrs per qt. 8-9hrs per qt. 128%-157% Decrease
Fuel Consumption 15 GPH 13 GPH 13% Decrease
In addition to the above the engine is quieter and the airplane seems to climb better.
I have no hesitation in strongly recommending and endorsing Microlon to any aircraft
William L. Heldreth
10. Luscombe 8F
I warmed up my engine and added the recommended amounts of Microlon to my oil
and gas, then went for a 2.5 hr. flight. About one hour into the flight the engine started
to run smoother and quieter. The cylinder head temperature dropped about 10属F, oil
temperature 5属F and oil pressure increased about 5 P.S.I. (altitude was constant)
David Schaff
11. Mustang II
I competed in this aircraft in
the LBF-500 race and won the
Two place division of the
adjusted speed category with an
average speed of 196 MPH.
The Microlon increased my top speed by 12 MPH, climb RPM by 50, max RPM by 100, and
reduced my takeoff run from 1400 feet to 900 feet! Also, during the race I averaged
almost 30 MPG, at 1200 feet altitude with a 1500 lb. aircraft! I did much better in the
race than anticipated and I believe the reason to be the use of Microlon in my engine. I
really am amazed with the product.
Kent M. Paser
Sport Aviation
15. In Fact!
Better than New Oil
Used oil is better than crude for making new oil,
and it goes through the same refining process.
NextGen is part used oil that's made to exceed
industry specs and match Valvoline protection.
And because it saves resources, it's better than
new oil.
- See more at:
Valvoline速 claims that their NextGen速 is better
than new oil.
17. Added benefits for Aircraft
Pre-heat engine oil before cranks.
Pre-lubricate engine before cranks.
Extended major overhauls.
Sock + Prop mounted Aerofiner*