How relevant is domain-driven design (DDD) 13 years after Eric Evans' well-known blue book? The book and the community it grew out of was to a large extent defined by how large enterprises built their IT systems at the start of this century, dominated by the two large and all-encompassing platforms J2EE and .NET, often constructed in a very planned and controlled way. How on earth could this then be relevant in a world dominated by agility, microservices, and a plethora of technologies and platforms?
Actually, central DDD concepts like bounded context, core domain, ubiquitous language, distillation, and aggregates fits even better in such a dynamic world than the large monoliths we struggled with back then. This rich toolbox contains techniques that helps us getting more intimate with the business, better understanding their visions and needs; principles helping us designing better and more sustainable solutions that are closely linked with the domain; and pattens for constructing autonomous components in an agile fashion. Fits like a glove!
Presentation held at JavaZone 2016.
8. ¡°This _____ discusses modularisation as a
mechanism for improving the flexibility and
comprehensibility of a system while allowing the
shortening of its development time.¡±
-David Parnas, 1972
19. "DDD, for me, is a mindset, a journey, a way of
¡®learning¡¯ more about a business domain and its
problem, not a destination or an artefact in
some code base.¡±
20. Collaboration of software and domain experts
Focus on the core domain
Ubiquitous language in a bounded context
The essence of DDD
@trondhjort Source: Domain-Driven Design Reference