Tomasz Kopacz: Architektura i service fabric - jak budowa aplikacje w paas v2AnalyticsConf
Service Fabric zmienia spos坦b mylenia o architekturze rozwiza. Skalowanie warstwy UI jest proste. Ale - w przypadku logiki biznesowej, dotychczas mo甜na byo albo budowa szybko dziaajce aplikacje typu "monolit" albo - skalowalne, n-warstwowe aplikacje oparte o kolejki (i podobne mechanizmy). Tu - dziki zupenie innemu podejciu do problemu - mo甜na te wiaty poczy. Sesja dosy techniczna!
Security best practices for hyper v and server virtualisation [svr307]Louis G旦hl
The document provides information on the Microsoft Assessment & Planning Toolkit 5.0 customer technology preview and Visual Studio Team System 2010 Lab Management Beta 2. It also covers topics like Windows Server 2008 R2 Hyper-V security best practices, Hyper-V networking configurations, Windows Server 2008 R2: SCONFIG, and Hyper-V best practices.
Citrix vision and product highlights november 2011Louis G旦hl
Scripted customer facing high level presentation that outlines the Citrix vision and strategy set in the personal, private and public cloud framework. Includes latest messaging from Synergy Barcelona.
SVR401: DirectAccess Technical Drilldown, Part 1 of 2: IPv6 and transition te...Louis G旦hl
Take a sprinkling of Windows 7, add Windows Server 2008 R2, IPv6 and IPsec and you have a solution that will allow direct access to your corporate network without the need for VPNs. Come to these demo-rich sessions and learn how to integrate DirectAccess into your environment. In Part 1 learn about IPv6 addressing, host configuration and transitioning technologies including 6to4, ISATAP, Teredo and IPHTTPS. Through a series of demos learn how to build an IPv6 Network and interoperate with IPv4 networks and hosts. In Part 2 we add the details of IPSec, and components that are only available with Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 to build the DirectAccess infrastructure. Learn how to control access to corporate resources and manage Internet connected PCs through group policy. Part 1 is highly recommended as a prerequisite for Part 2.
SVR402: DirectAccess Technical Drilldown, Part 2 of 2: Putting it all together.Louis G旦hl
Take a sprinkling of Windows 7, add Windows Server 2008 R2, IPv6 and IPsec and you have a solution that will allow direct access to your corporate network without the need for VPNs. Come to these demo-rich sessions and learn how to integrate DirectAccess into your environment. In Part 1 learn about IPv6 addressing, host configuration and transitioning technologies including 6to4, ISATAP, Teredo and IPHTTPS. Through a series of demos learn how to build an IPv6 Network and interoperate with IPv4 networks and hosts. In Part 2 we add the details of IPSec, and components that are only available with Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 to build the DirectAccess infrastructure. Learn how to control access to corporate resources and manage Internet connected PCs through group policy. Part 1 is highly recommended as a prerequisite for Part 2.
Storage and hyper v - the choices you can make and the things you need to kno...Louis G旦hl
This document summarizes storage options and best practices for Hyper-V virtualization. It discusses the different types of storage that can be used with Hyper-V hosts and virtual machines, including direct attached storage, storage area networks, and virtual hard disks. It also provides guidance on topics like storage performance, antivirus exclusion lists, encryption, clustering, and multi-path I/O configuration to optimize storage. Best practices are presented for areas like sizing storage, networking configurations, and high availability solutions.
This is a level 200 - 300 presentation.
It assumes:
Good understanding of vCenter 4, ESX 4, ESXi 4.
Preferably hands-on
We will only cover the delta between 4.1 and 4.0
Overview understanding of related products like VUM, Data Recovery, SRM, View, Nexus, Chargeback, CapacityIQ, vShieldZones, etc
Good understanding of related storage, server, network technology
Target audience
VMware Specialist: SE + Delivery from partners
This is a level 200 - 300 presentation.
It assumes:
Good understanding of vCenter 4, ESX 4, ESXi 4.
Preferably hands-on
We will only cover the delta between 4.1 and 4.0
Overview understanding of related products like VUM, Data Recovery, SRM, View, Nexus, Chargeback, CapacityIQ, vShieldZones, etc
Good understanding of related storage, server, network technology
Target audience
VMware Specialist: SE + Delivery from partners
Jak zbudowac aplikacje z wykorzystaniem funkcjonalnosci windows server 2016...Lukasz Kaluzny
Nowe funkcjonalnoci Microsoft Windows Server 2016 w kontekcie budowy aplikacji typu cloud-native:
Zastosowanie Nano Servera, czyli odchudzonej wersji Windows Server 2016, oszczdniej korzystajcej z zasob坦w IT.
Uruchamianie na Nano Serwerach WS2016 aplikacji napisanych w .NET, Javie, Pythonie (Django) czy JavaScript (Node.js).
Migracja - bez koniecznoci zmiany kodu - istniejcych aplikacji do architektury opartej o kontenery. Kontenery to rozwizania oparte na szybkiej wirtualizacji na poziomie proces坦w. Nie tworz dodatkowych instancji jdra systemu operacyjnego. Na tym samym hocie mo甜na uruchomi wiksz ilo kontener坦w ni甜 maszyn wirtualnych. Uruchamianie i zamykanie kontenera jest te甜 znacznie szybsze, ni甜 uruchamianie i zamykanie maszyny wirtualnej.
Wsp坦lna praca developer坦w i administrator坦w nad produktem, czyli DevOps z wykorzystaniem Windows Server 2016 i Visual Studio Team Services w chmurze Azure. Automatyczne budowanie obraz坦w kontener坦w dla ka甜dego nowego kodu i wdra甜ania ich w r坦甜ne rodowiska
atwiejsze zarzdzanie obci甜eniami aplikacji pomidzy zasobami we wasnej infrastrukturze i w chmurze Azure dziki WS2016 oraz Azure Service Fabric.
Funkcjonalnoci Windows Server 2016 powstae z myl o wygodzie administrator坦w:
Nowa wersja PowerShell 5.0 - przynoszca lepsze funkcjonowanie powoki linii polece oraz udoskonalony jzyk skryptowy,
Azure Remote Server Management Tools zdalne zarzdzanie Nano i Windows Server 2016 z Azure,
PowerShell Direct,
Nested Virtualization jako wsparcie uatwienia nauki i test坦w.
GET.NET - Osiokowi w 甜obie dano, czyli o tym jak hostowa aplikacje na Mic...Michal Furmankiewicz
Azure oferuje wiele platform na kt坦rych mo甜esz uruchomi swoj aplikacj. Ka甜da ma swoje zalety i wady. Zrobiem przegld tych platform dla Ciebie. W prezentacji wyra甜am swoj prywatn opini.
Citrix vision and product highlights november 2011Louis G旦hl
Scripted customer facing high level presentation that outlines the Citrix vision and strategy set in the personal, private and public cloud framework. Includes latest messaging from Synergy Barcelona.
SVR401: DirectAccess Technical Drilldown, Part 1 of 2: IPv6 and transition te...Louis G旦hl
Take a sprinkling of Windows 7, add Windows Server 2008 R2, IPv6 and IPsec and you have a solution that will allow direct access to your corporate network without the need for VPNs. Come to these demo-rich sessions and learn how to integrate DirectAccess into your environment. In Part 1 learn about IPv6 addressing, host configuration and transitioning technologies including 6to4, ISATAP, Teredo and IPHTTPS. Through a series of demos learn how to build an IPv6 Network and interoperate with IPv4 networks and hosts. In Part 2 we add the details of IPSec, and components that are only available with Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 to build the DirectAccess infrastructure. Learn how to control access to corporate resources and manage Internet connected PCs through group policy. Part 1 is highly recommended as a prerequisite for Part 2.
SVR402: DirectAccess Technical Drilldown, Part 2 of 2: Putting it all together.Louis G旦hl
Take a sprinkling of Windows 7, add Windows Server 2008 R2, IPv6 and IPsec and you have a solution that will allow direct access to your corporate network without the need for VPNs. Come to these demo-rich sessions and learn how to integrate DirectAccess into your environment. In Part 1 learn about IPv6 addressing, host configuration and transitioning technologies including 6to4, ISATAP, Teredo and IPHTTPS. Through a series of demos learn how to build an IPv6 Network and interoperate with IPv4 networks and hosts. In Part 2 we add the details of IPSec, and components that are only available with Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 to build the DirectAccess infrastructure. Learn how to control access to corporate resources and manage Internet connected PCs through group policy. Part 1 is highly recommended as a prerequisite for Part 2.
Storage and hyper v - the choices you can make and the things you need to kno...Louis G旦hl
This document summarizes storage options and best practices for Hyper-V virtualization. It discusses the different types of storage that can be used with Hyper-V hosts and virtual machines, including direct attached storage, storage area networks, and virtual hard disks. It also provides guidance on topics like storage performance, antivirus exclusion lists, encryption, clustering, and multi-path I/O configuration to optimize storage. Best practices are presented for areas like sizing storage, networking configurations, and high availability solutions.
This is a level 200 - 300 presentation.
It assumes:
Good understanding of vCenter 4, ESX 4, ESXi 4.
Preferably hands-on
We will only cover the delta between 4.1 and 4.0
Overview understanding of related products like VUM, Data Recovery, SRM, View, Nexus, Chargeback, CapacityIQ, vShieldZones, etc
Good understanding of related storage, server, network technology
Target audience
VMware Specialist: SE + Delivery from partners
This is a level 200 - 300 presentation.
It assumes:
Good understanding of vCenter 4, ESX 4, ESXi 4.
Preferably hands-on
We will only cover the delta between 4.1 and 4.0
Overview understanding of related products like VUM, Data Recovery, SRM, View, Nexus, Chargeback, CapacityIQ, vShieldZones, etc
Good understanding of related storage, server, network technology
Target audience
VMware Specialist: SE + Delivery from partners
Jak zbudowac aplikacje z wykorzystaniem funkcjonalnosci windows server 2016...Lukasz Kaluzny
Nowe funkcjonalnoci Microsoft Windows Server 2016 w kontekcie budowy aplikacji typu cloud-native:
Zastosowanie Nano Servera, czyli odchudzonej wersji Windows Server 2016, oszczdniej korzystajcej z zasob坦w IT.
Uruchamianie na Nano Serwerach WS2016 aplikacji napisanych w .NET, Javie, Pythonie (Django) czy JavaScript (Node.js).
Migracja - bez koniecznoci zmiany kodu - istniejcych aplikacji do architektury opartej o kontenery. Kontenery to rozwizania oparte na szybkiej wirtualizacji na poziomie proces坦w. Nie tworz dodatkowych instancji jdra systemu operacyjnego. Na tym samym hocie mo甜na uruchomi wiksz ilo kontener坦w ni甜 maszyn wirtualnych. Uruchamianie i zamykanie kontenera jest te甜 znacznie szybsze, ni甜 uruchamianie i zamykanie maszyny wirtualnej.
Wsp坦lna praca developer坦w i administrator坦w nad produktem, czyli DevOps z wykorzystaniem Windows Server 2016 i Visual Studio Team Services w chmurze Azure. Automatyczne budowanie obraz坦w kontener坦w dla ka甜dego nowego kodu i wdra甜ania ich w r坦甜ne rodowiska
atwiejsze zarzdzanie obci甜eniami aplikacji pomidzy zasobami we wasnej infrastrukturze i w chmurze Azure dziki WS2016 oraz Azure Service Fabric.
Funkcjonalnoci Windows Server 2016 powstae z myl o wygodzie administrator坦w:
Nowa wersja PowerShell 5.0 - przynoszca lepsze funkcjonowanie powoki linii polece oraz udoskonalony jzyk skryptowy,
Azure Remote Server Management Tools zdalne zarzdzanie Nano i Windows Server 2016 z Azure,
PowerShell Direct,
Nested Virtualization jako wsparcie uatwienia nauki i test坦w.
GET.NET - Osiokowi w 甜obie dano, czyli o tym jak hostowa aplikacje na Mic...Michal Furmankiewicz
Azure oferuje wiele platform na kt坦rych mo甜esz uruchomi swoj aplikacj. Ka甜da ma swoje zalety i wady. Zrobiem przegld tych platform dla Ciebie. W prezentacji wyra甜am swoj prywatn opini.
Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) - Co sycha na pocztku 2020?Lukasz Kaluzny
Slajdy z wystpienia "Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) - Co sycha na pocztku 2020?" prezentowane na 38 spotkanie Microsoft Azure User Group Poland w Warszawie.
Fundamentals of Kuberneteson Microsoft AzureLukasz Kaluzny
This document summarizes a presentation about Kubernetes on Microsoft Azure. It discusses how Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) makes deploying and managing Kubernetes easy with features like auto-scaling, global data centers, and integrated services. It provides an example of a Polish company called Synerise that uses Azure to power its AI-powered marketing platform, processing over 100,000 data inputs per second and improving conversion rates for customers. Resources for learning more about containers on Azure are also listed.
Microsoft Azure Developer Camp - Modern Computing in AzureLukasz Kaluzny
ukasz Kau甜ny & Marek Grabarz about:
- VM Image Builder
- AKS and Virtual Nodes
- Project KEDA
- New capabilities of Azure AppService
- Consumption based API Management
This document summarizes a presentation on Kubernetes 101. The presentation introduces containers and Kubernetes, defines key Kubernetes concepts like pods and services, and explains how managed Kubernetes works on Microsoft Azure. It was given by ukasz Kau甜ny, an MVP in Microsoft Azure and Cloud Technology Leader at, at the 2019 SQLDay conference.
This document contains the agenda for the SQLDay 2018 conference. It lists the gold, silver, and bronze sponsors of the event, as well as the strategic partner. It then includes slides on various topics that will be presented, including Kubernetes for data scientists, containers, Docker, GPU and Docker, Kubernetes architecture, deploying to Kubernetes, autoscaling in Kubernetes, Kubeflow, JupyterHub, Tensorflow Training Controller, and Tensorflow Serving. It concludes with a thank you slide.
Najczciej popeniane bdy przy wykorzystywaniu IaaS w Microsoft AzureLukasz Kaluzny
W trakcie swoje codziennej pracy czsto spotykamy si z problemami takimi jak rozwizania, w kt坦rych bdna konfiguracja skutkuje brakiem SLA, problemami z wydajnoci r坦甜nych element坦w czy nawet sytuacje, w kt坦rych backup znika w niewyjanionych okolicznociach. Podczas sesji, bazujc na dowiadczeniu wasnym i pyncym z wielogodzinnych dyskusji oraz sesji diagnostycznych z innymi osobami zajmujcymi si chmur publiczn, ukasz opowie o najczciej popenianych bdach podczas u甜ycia IaaS w Microsoft Azure.
Introduction to Azure Resource Manager, Global Azure Bootcamp 2016.04Lukasz Kaluzny
Introduction to Azure Resource Manager presented at Global Azure Bootcamp 2016 in Warsaw, Poland.
Basics about deploying services and their organization and control with the help of Azure Resource Manager.
Budowanie szablon坦w Azure Resource Manager w praktyce od podstawLukasz Kaluzny
Prezentacja o budowaniu szablon坦w Azure Resource Manager w praktyce od podstaw z trzeciego spotkania Microsoft Azure User Group Poland w Warszawie.
This document provides an overview of containers and Microsoft's approach to containers on Windows Server. It discusses how Windows Server containers leverage Hyper-V isolation without the overhead of full virtual machines. It also demonstrates how to use PowerShell to create and manage Windows containers, build container images, and set up basic networking. The key technologies discussed are Windows Server containers, Docker, and Microsoft's container platform strategy across Azure, on-premises, and hybrid scenarios.
Presentation about the basics of Azure Resource Manager Presented on "Cloud Community Conference 2015".
際際滷s based on presenation of Ryan Jones from Build 2015.
Prezentacja o transformacja wewntrznego IT i usug w ITMAGINATION do Microsoft Azure oraz Office 365.
Zaprezentowane na konferencji "Bezpieczny kierunek rozwoju infrastruktury IT"
7. Podejcie do oblicze na skal
internetow i czenia si do r坦甜nych
urzdze i punkt坦w kocowych
Zestawem usug udostpnianych
przez Microsoft mogcych
rozszerzy lub zastpi wasn
Microsoft Azure
9. Bezpieczestwo Microsoft Azure
Procedury bezpieczestwa (9
Nadmiarowe zasilanie od r坦甜nych
dostawc坦w, backup bateryjny,
generatory na rop, chodzenie,
zabezpieczenia przeciwpo甜arowe
Brak pojedynczego punktu awarii
Szyfrowanie danych i autoryzacja
Izolacja warstw w aplikacji
Separacja maszyn wirtualnych
Wiele DC w r坦甜nych lokalizacjach
Klient mo甜e wskaza konkretn
lokalizacj przechowywania
Dane replikowane wiele razy
(minimum trzy kopie danych)
ISO/IEC 27001:2005
SAS70 Type I oraz Type II
EU Data Protection Directive
SSAE 16 ISAE 3402
13. Azure Powershell
Instalacja z
14. Azure command line tools
Instalacja z
azure account download
azure account import publishsettings.publishsettings
#11: Windows Azure is a broad stack of services that runs in our datacenters globally. Think of the different services as building blocks. These services can be categorized into three classes Infrastructure services which are lower level building blocks, Data services that provide storage and data management capabilities to apps, and App services which provide different capabilities to rapidly develop apps, scale and run apps at a global scale.