This short document contains greetings for different times of the day, including "Hello", "Good morning", "Good afternoon", and "Good evening", with each greeting on its own line under the heading "TOPIC 3".
This short document contains greetings for different times of the day, including "Hello", "Good morning", "Good afternoon", and "Good evening", with each greeting on its own line under the heading "TOPIC 3".
Este relat¨®rio descreve as m¨¦tricas de desempenho de uma campanha de rela??es p¨²blicas para divulgar uma exposi??o de pintura. Foram realizados 1.633 contatos com sucesso com o p¨²blico-alvo atrav¨¦s de e-mail e redes sociais, resultando em 30 not¨ªcias e um valor estimado de espa?o editorial de €9.425.
An¨¢lisis Multimedia Portales de Noticias - v¨ªctor alcaideVictor Cepeda
Breve an¨¢lisis multimedial de portales de noticia de Chile y del mundo. Medici¨®n de interactividad, participaci¨®n y multimedios.
El documento habla sobre el Holocausto Espa?ol durante la dictadura de Franco, en el que miles de espa?oles fueron asesinados, masacrados, violados y humillados. Franco orden¨® eliminar cualquier evidencia fotogr¨¢fica o filmada de los campos de concentraci¨®n para negar que estas atrocidades hubieran ocurrido. A pesar de ello, el Holocausto Espa?ol debe ser recordado y ense?ado para honrar a las v¨ªctimas y evitar que tales cr¨ªmenes vuelvan a ocurrir.
The document discusses applying an equivalent carbon price to synthetic greenhouse gases like hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons, and sulfur hexafluoride. It will begin with a three year fixed price period of $23.00, $24.15, and $25.40 per tonne for 2012-13, 2013-14, and 2014-15 respectively. After 2015, the price will be the benchmark auction charge. The equivalent carbon price will be administered under existing ozone protection and synthetic greenhouse gas legislation, which is proposed to be amended to include perfluorocarbons, expand the scope of pre-charged equipment, allow for exemptions, provide offsets for exports, extend levy payment timelines, and provide incentives
Este documento describe las tribus urbanas de los a?os 60 como pandillas de j¨®venes que comparten ropa, h¨¢bitos y lugares de reuni¨®n. Se originaron en los 60 influenciados por la guerra de Vietnam y se caracterizaban por llevar el pelo largo, ropa llamativa y colores intensos. Promov¨ªan la paz, el amor y la igualdad entre las personas y ten¨ªan ideas anarquistas y antimilitaristas. Actualmente son una tribu pr¨¢cticamente extinguida pero que dej¨® su huella en la sociedad.
Este documento presenta la programaci¨®n de actividades para el Club de Lectura "Leo y Sue?o" para la temporada 2012-2013. Incluye una lista de obras literarias que se leer¨¢n, con fechas de inicio y finalizaci¨®n para cada una, as¨ª como actividades complementarias como visitas a museos, senderismo literario, y eventos culturales. Tambi¨¦n resume impresiones y calificaciones de los miembros sobre las obras y actividades realizadas.
We need to eat different kinds of food like fruits and vegetables to stay healthy and grow, foods that give us energy, while avoiding foods that are bad for our health.
The document discusses the history and evolution of chocolate over centuries. It details how chocolate originated from cacao beans used by the Olmecs and Mayans as currency and medicine. Later, chocolate drinks became popular among the Aztecs and Europeans discovered chocolate in the 16th century, slowly incorporating it into confections. By the 19th century, chocolate had become widely consumed in Western cultures in drinks and candies.
This document summarizes the key points from the first lecture of a course on pattern recognition. It introduces common applications of pattern recognition, related fields like machine learning and artificial intelligence. It emphasizes that understanding the properties of the data and incorporating prior knowledge are important for developing effective pattern recognition systems. The course will focus on decision theory, statistical learning methods, and evaluating algorithms rather than on specific feature extraction techniques.