This document discusses micro-transformations as a method for achieving goals and permanent change. It defines micro-transformations as small, daily changes that strengthen new neural pathways over time through repetition. This allows permanent habits to form without the difficulties of trying to change all at once. Making consistent micro-transformations of 30 minutes or less each day leads to major transformations when looked at over longer periods, without the barriers that come with large changes. The document advocates using micro-transformations to gradually integrate multiple proven personal development tools to most effectively improve one's life.
2. Contents
3Letter from the author
Why is it hard to change?
What are micro-transformations?
Why and How micro-transformations
How big should a micro-transformation be?
Why are micro-transformations more
effective in the long run to producing
permanent change?
Why will micro-transformations help
you master your life?
How I figured it out
How you can do it
Whats next?
So why are you not meeting your goals
Letter from the author
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Thank you,
Roy P.
Chapter 1
Do you constantly make resolutions, but hardly ever
meet your goals?
When you first attempt to lose weight, make more
money, or meet your dream partner, do you start with
eagerness and determination only to lose momentum
because you dont have the self-discipline to
Assuming this is the case, you are not the only one
about 95 percent of resolutions end in
What also happens is that every year when you
make New Years Resolutions you will tend to follow
the same pattern, resulting in failed resolutions year
after year. Years later you have the same
resolutions because you still havent lost that
weight, achieved the success you desire, found
your ideal partner or improved your lifestyle as
you intended to. You cant remember
ever achieving any goal you set out to
achieve at the start of the year.
Chapter 2
So why are you not meeting
your goals?
Mostly it is NOT about the goals
per se.
Mostly it is about whether or not
you can change yourself to
achieve your goals.
If you want to lose weight, what
habits and activities do you need to
If you want to attract the partner of
your dreams, how can you improve
yourself so that others are attracted
to you?
If you want more wealth, what
mindset shifts do you need to make
in order to propel yourself to
Chapter 3
Why is it so hard to change?
Have you ever bumped into someone who you
havent seen for years and noticed that they
havent changed at all? Their behavior, habits,
outlook on life, hair-style and even dress sense
are the same as they were the last time you saw
How often do you come across someone who has
dramatically changed for the better? If you do
youll probably feel a little surprised because this
rarely happens.
There are many reasons why people don't
change. People get stuck procrastinating, they are
afraid of change, they want to stay in their comfort
zone, they lack the necessary self-discipline or
motivation, they may lack knowledge or focus, etc.
There are countless reasons why people dont
change but it all comes down to them not knowing
where to start.
As Ive helped people make the positive changes
they desire in their lives Ive noticed that often the
bigger the goal they set, or the greater the amount
of change they want to make in their
circumstances, then the more difficult it is for them
to achieve it. They often see their goals as
unobtainable and get stuck before they even get
This led me to discover Micro-transformations.
Chapter 4
What are micro-
transformations? Micro-transformations are small
changes that you can make on a
daily basis to transform your entire
life for the better. They are the
stepping stones from where you are
now to where you want to be. You
dont need to make one big leap that
could result in failure; you can make
one small change at a time to turn
your life around.
By introducing one small change
each day that will improve your life
you will eventually look back and
see that you have made a major and
permanent transformation.
Because you are making small
changes then the barriers to your
success mentioned earlier often
dont apply. If it is only a small
change, then there is no need to
procrastinate, there is no need to
fear the change, it is not too
uncomfortable, it does not need a lot
of self-discipline or motivation and
you can focus easily compared to
trying to make a BIG CHANGE.
Chapter 5
Why and How micro-transformations
Your brain has an amazing network of brain cells, called neurons, all connected to each
other. These connections between neurons form pathways, communication channels in the
brain. These pathways are how the brains different areas communicate with each other.
From a scientific standpoint, habits are simply neural pathways that are regularly activated
(i.e. strong neural connections are formed).
If every morning for the last 10 years, you have set your alarm to wake up at 7am and then
snoozed for another 20 minutes before getting out of bed, you will have a strong neural
pathway to tell you to do that exact routine tomorrow, the next day and every day after that. It
will have all started with you doing it once and then repeating it.
Micro-transformations focus on introducing one new small change and repeating it until it
becomes a good habit. This strengthens new neural pathways. Because neural pathways
operate like muscles they get stronger with use and weaker when neglected. Changing a
habit is nothing more than simultaneously weakening one pathway by not using it and
strengthening another (perhaps new) pathway by regular use.
Seeing your habits in this way helps you form an accurate mental image of whats really
happening in your brain while youre trying to change.
Many people who make resolutions or set out to change believe they can do so overnight or
in a short amount of time. Generally, this wont work and its clear why not. If its a bad habit
youve strengthened over many years, you cant just drop it. Your brain has been well-trained
to execute that habit when triggered by the environment or an internal thought. Likewise if you
want to become a different person (more successful, slim, wealthy, and attractive) and try to
do it all at once its too hard to introduce all the necessary changes in one go.
This is why micro-transformations are so effective, you introduce one small positive change at
a time and then strengthen it by doing it repeatedly and methodically over a period of time
until it is part of your daily life, just like how you would build your biceps.
Chapter 6
How big should a micro-
transformation be?
Micro means small. So micro-
transformations should not take more
than 30 minutes in a day.
Some exercise take the full 30 minutes,
others take10 minutes, whilst some only
take 1 minute but need to be repeated
throughout the day.
The idea here is to ensure that you can fit
it in even on a busy day.
There is no reason you cant do your
Everyone can find 30 minutes in a day to
practice something that will improve their
Even the busiest person can find the
required time to do this.
Chapter 7
Why are micro-transformations more effective in
the long run to producing permanent change?
Micro-transformations are small changes, small steps towards
your goal. Its very difficult to fail. Every day you will be
making some small progress towards a big change, without
even noticing it. Because you know you can do it youll be
more motivated to do it. At the end of the day you feel more
positive having achieved what you intended to achieve,
youve made a positive change. This builds your self-
discipline, your self-belief, you become motivated because
youre succeeding, youre increasing your confidence in your
ability to change. All the reasons you failed at achieving big
goals are reversed and become reasons why micro-
transformations work. Youll notice after a week, a month, a
year, two years, that you will have made huge changes, your
progress will have been enormous!
Chapter 8
Why will micro-transformations help you master
your life?
People usually embark on one personal development topic after another sequentially. You
may have practiced affirmations for a couple of years only to find out that visualization works
better. And then when you have worked on visualizations for a while you may realize that you
have mental blocks that are preventing your success. Then you may come across an article
on how to do goal setting in the correct way there are so many personal development
tools out there that it would probably take a few life times to master them all, and to find out
which ones work and which dont.
Doing it this way is NOT an effective way in improving your life.
When you use micro-transformations you are only implementing the tools that have been
proven to work and you are gradually integrating them into your life. By having a plan to
introduce one small change on Day 1, either add another change or expand on the same
change on Day 2 and so on you can improve your life gradually and with ease. This will save
time in the long run as there is less chance of failure and so you won't need to start all over
again. You will get positive results each day and see immediate improvements that will help
you feel confident that you can change.
Chapter 9
How I figured it out
Transforming a raw dull diamond to a sparkling one requires brilliant cuts on all its facets.
Similarly, there are many aspects in personal development for transformation and many are
inter-related affecting one another.
My journey into personal development started a long time ago when I was working in a 9 to 5
office job as an auditor. I only wanted to learn how to be successful at dating. As it turned out,
learning to be successful at dating required a lot of personal growth and my weekly
transformational coaching sessions over the next year led me to become a better person in
many other areas of my life.
I went on to invest many years and lots of money in developing myself; as well as having the
year of transformation coaching by a Canadian Professor. I have travelled overseas to attend
workshops in California, and purchased many online courses as well. I am a Certified Life
Coach, Certified NLP Practitioner from American Union of NLP and Certified Law of
Attraction Practitioner from Global Sciences Foundation.
What I ultimately got out of it, after many years of figuring out what worked and what didnt,
made me the person that I am today.
I wanted to share my journey with others and this led me to write the e-book titled "The
Power of Visualization". I am now self-employed and run a successful email newsletter that
has more than 20,000 subscribers worldwide. By regularly posting tips for my community I
have helped them use the most effective, result producing, exercises to successfully and
easily achieve their personal goals.
The feedback I have received from my community as well as reflection on my own personal
journey of what works, what doesnt and how to make each exercise effective has helped me
recognise that micro-transformations are the key to successful self-improvement.
I understand how self-limiting beliefs can prevent personal growth and know how to
overcome them, I have also realised how much my broad knowledge and structured
approach to introducing micro-transformations into daily life can help you make significant
changes that would otherwise take you years of trial and error to get it right yourself.
The thanks that came pouring in from my subscribers as I shared micro-transformations with
them overwhelmed me and led me to produce courses that introduce the best of all the
micro-transformations that work like magic!
Chapter 10
How you can do it
Now here is a plan you can implement this week.
Day 1 Start your first visualization exercise
Take 30 minutes today to visualise your goal, you should
do this every single day, at least once (the more often you
do that, the quicker you will achieve your goals).
Sit down somewhere comfortable where you wont be
disturbed. Breathe deeply for a few minutes to get your
body relaxed. Try to focus on your breathing so that you
would clear your mind from all random thoughts.
Once your body is relaxed close your eyes and, introduce
the vision of your goal. See yourself as already in the
possession of your goal.
If your goal is to buy a new house, see yourself as already
living in the new house and try to see all the details of each
room and the garden.
Day 2 - Add feelings to your visualization
The most important part of the visualization is your
feelings. You absolutely must induce feelings into your
vision; otherwise your imagined goal will only remain
Feelings give life to your inner vision and start the growth
of your goal into the material form. So whenever you
visualize, try to feel happy, enthusiastic, optimistic or
Chapter 11
Day 3 - Get started with The Law of Attraction
The definition of The Law of Attraction is:
I attract to my life whatever I give my attention, energy and
focus to, whether positive or negative.
The key words are "whether positive or negative".
If you send out positive vibes to the universe, you will receive
positive vibes and experiences from the universe.
If you send out negative vibes to the universe, you will receive
negative vibes and experiences from the universe.
Now if you find yourself in a
negative vibration, how do
you change it to a positive
Firstly, in-order to change to
your vibes, you need to change
your emotion.
In-order to change your
emotion, you need to change
your thoughts.
In-order to change your
thoughts, you need to change
your words.
So throughout the day from time
to time stop and make a
conscientious effort to examine
your thoughts.
If you find yourself using any of
these 3 words; no, don't or
can't, when youre talking to
yourself change the sentence
and say it again using positive
words such as "I can", yes,
Im happy, "Im glad, I can
make it" etc. and see how you
For example if you realise
youre saying I cant do it
stop yourself and say I can
learn to do it
15. 15
Day 4 - Short cut method to Raise Your Awareness
Set up a gadget, such as the alarm on your phone, that can vibrate every 15 minutes. Each time the
gadget vibrates, look around you. Use all your five senses. Notice what you see, smell, feel, touch
and hear.
Yes, be in the moment.
Do that for at least 21 days and your self-awareness will be heightened.
Day 5 - Writing your goal on the mirror exercise
What is your goal? Write it in one sentence on a piece of paper, cut it out and
paste it on your bathroom mirror.
Every morning read your goal out loud as you look yourself in the eye in the mirror.
Ask the man in the mirror if what you are going to do today furthers your progress
toward that goal.
If it does, do it. If it does not, do something that does further your progress towards your goal.
Whats next?
If you would like to go beyond these 5 days of and make changes that will produce lasting results
you can go [HERE] to get my new ecourse; "40 days of micro-transformations that will change
your life".
In my 40 days ecourse I will send you one micro transformation each day for 40 days. The
course has been structured to help you make positive daily changes and to overcome any
limiting beliefs that crop up on your journey.
Each micro-transformation is a small manageable change you can incorporate into your day no
matter how busy you are. Each tool and the evidence to support it, has been condensed for
speed and ease. By using these 40 short and concise micro-transformations you will begin to
see the results immediately.
Chapter 12
So if you want to get a better life, you need to transform yourself in many ways. You cannot
solely rely on just one particular topic of personal development. There are many tools out there
that are important. To name a few; the law of attraction, limiting beliefs, visualization,
affirmations, life purpose, self-awareness, goal-setting and the list goes on. Each tool can be
very elaborate and take a lot of time and money to master.
However, why would you want to read about the law of attraction for 6 months, research your life
purpose for a few months, try visualization for another 6 months, practice affirmations for a year
and continue learning randomly where now there is a shorter way?
Many people purchase personal development programs but they never get on with them. The
reason is because after the initial buzz they do not have the time or discipline to follow through
with their commitment or simply their priority and interest has changed or theyve been distracted
by the next program.
In my "40 days of micro-transformations that will change your life" ecourses you will learn how to
make small changes to achieve LARGER goals, effortlessly. Applying these small changes,
your brain will think its super easy I know how to do it, great! I am going to do it now! Hence,
you wont procrastinate, feel overwhelmed, and feel youll fail, worry about what others think of
you or give up easily.
Follow the exercises given for each day; Day 1, Day 2, Day 3 through to Day 40. The exercises
are placed in a sequence that is effective and only the exercises that are proven to produce
results are given. Real case studies and personal experiences are revealed. An entire tool is
condensed to a topic, illustrating the gist of it where the information is truly beneficial. There is no
need for you to waste time researching each topic in depth yourself unless you are going to write
a book on the subject. And here is one secret. Knowing WHY often is not so important. The How
and Doing it are what takes you to success.
Chapter 13
As we wrap up, can you still remember the Introduction at the beginning
of this book?
Such yearly defeats may tempt you to take increasingly
drastic action to meet your goals, yet in reality you dont need
to take any drastic action to achieve your goals, its the small
but pivotal changes - the micro-transformations that are
the most likely to lead to true personal transformation.
"Do you constantly make New Year resolutions, but hardly
ever achieve your goals?....... failed resolutions year after
year. Years later you have the same resolutions You cant
remember ever achieving any goal you set out to achieve at
the start of the year."