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(A Unit of Swarnabhoomi Academic Institutions)
(Approved by Council of Architecture, New Delhi & Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai)
MARG Swarnabhoomi, Velur Village, Cheyyur Post, Kanchipuram District, Tamil Nadu - 603302
Phone: +91-44-27538009/10
Fax: +91-44-27538024
E-Mail: midasadmissions@marggroup.com
Website: www.midas.ac.in
Administrative Office: Swarnabhoomi Academic Institutions,
No. 4/318, Rajiv Gandhi Salai (OMR), Kottivakkam, Chennai - 600 041, India.
Ph: +91-44-24541115
Fax +91-44-24541119

Application Form for Admission - B.Arch. Degree Course (5 year)
For Office Use Only:
Application No:

Paste your recent
passport size color
photograph not older
than 3 months.
Do not staple or pin.

Academic Year:
Fill the form in English using CAPITAL letters.
Use only Black or Blue ink. Do not fold, staple or clip the form. Please leave space between words.
Read the Specific Instructions to fill Application Form before filling the form.

1. Name of the Candidate:

2. Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY):



3. Gender: M

4. Nationality:

5. Mother Tongue:

6. Religion:
7. (b) As per the Govt. list belongs to:
(Only for statistical purpose)

7. (a) Caste:





Others Specify

8. Address for Communication:



Pin Code:

Res. Phone No.

Students Mobile No.

(with STD code):

(if any)

9. Permanent Address:

Res. Phone No.
(with STD code):


Pin Code:

10. (a) Name of the Guardian:

(b) Relationship:
(c) Address:



Pin Code:

Res. Phone No.
(with STD code)

11. Parents Details:



1) Name
2) Qualification
3) Occupation
4) Name of Organization

5) Office Address

6) Office Phone No.
(with STD code)

7) Mobile No.
8) E-Mail ID
9) Annual Family Income

< 3 lakh

3-5 lakh

> 5 lakh

12. School Education Details:
Year Studied
S. No.



Month / Year

% of



Month / Year

X Std


Name and Address of the Institution


13. Qualifying Examination:
HSC Tamil Nadu

HSC CBSE (Central Board)

14. Name of the Board of the Qualifying Examination:

HSC Vocational



15. Details of Qualifying Examination:
(a) Marks in HSC / Equivalent:
Register No.


Month & Year
of Passing




Subject 1
Subject 2
Subject 3
Overall Total
(for all the subjects)
(b) Name of the Diploma Course:
(c) Marks obtained in Diploma / International Baccalaureate Diploma:
Register No.

Academic Year

Month & Year
of Passing




First Year (I & II Semesters)
Second Year (III & IV Semesters)
Third Year (V & VI Semesters)
Overall Total (for all the subjects)
(d) Medium of Instruction of the Qualifying Examination





Others Specify
(e) No. of attempts for passing the Qualifying Examination:
No. of Attempt




Register No.
Month & Year
(f) No. of Improvements in the Qualifying Examination:
No. of Improvement

Not Applicable


Register No.
Month & Year
16. Details of NATA (National Aptitude Test in Architecture):
NATA Score (Maximum 200):

Registration Number:

17. Category under which admission is sought:


18. If Govt. Quota Candidate; then mention the category under which admitted:
Sports Ex-Servicemen

Freedom Fighter

First Generation Graduation

Physically Handicapped


Open Category

19. Extra Curricular Activities (Original Certificate must be produced at the time of admission)
a) Sports: National



b) NCC:

Others Specify
c) NSS:

d) Other Extra Curricular Activities e.g. Music / Fine Arts:
20. Are you a citizen of India:



21. Are you claiming NRI quota seat:



22. Is Medical Certificate enclosed:



23. Has any relative of yours studied / been studying in this college, if so, give details

Year of Admission:



24. Declaration by the Applicant and Parent/Guardian:
I hereby declare that all the particulars, stated in this application form are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. I have read and understood
all provisions of admissions and agree to abide by them. I also affirm that I fulfill the eligibility requirements for the course/s applied. In event of
submission of fraudulent, incorrect or untrue information or suppression or distortion of any fact like educational qualification, marks, nationality etc.,
I understand that my admission is liable for cancellation. I further understand that my admission is purely provisional subject to the verification of
the eligibility conditions of Government of Tamil Nadu & Anna University Chennai. I will abide by the rules, regulations and conduct of the college.




I have read & understood the above declaration & take full responsibility in case of default




25. Checklist (To be submitted with filled in Application Form duly attested by Gazetted officer / Head of Institution of the
School, where last studied.)
Copy of the NATA Score Card

Copy of the Xth Mark Sheet

Copy of the XIIth Mark Sheet

Copy of the School Transfer Certificate

Copy of the Conduct Certificate

Copy of Linguistic Minority Certificate

Copy of the Community Certificate

Copy of the Migration Certificate

5 Passport Size Photographs
(including the one affixed on the form)

The students should produce all the original certificates at the time of admission

For Office Use Only:
Application No:

Academic Year:

Application Complete:

Name of the Applicant:
The candidate is eligible / not eligible:

(If not eligible, specify the reason)



Director, MIDAS
Speci鍖c Instructions to Fill Application Form
Use only Black or Blue ink. Fill the form in English using CAPITAL letters, except for Signature. Do not fold, staple or clip the form.
Please leave space between words.
Guidelines to Fill the Application Form
1. Write your name in BLOCK letters, with initials at the end. Exactly in the same way as it has been given in all your X & XII Std
mark sheet. If your name is R. TAMIL SELVAN write it as TAMIL SELVAN R
2. Write your Date of Birth in (dd/mm/yyyy) format. If your Date of Birth is 4th September, 1994, write it as 04/09/1994
3. Tick M for Male or F for Female
4. Specify your Nationality. For example, INDIAN
5. Write your Mother Tongue. For example, TAMIL
6. Write your Religion. For example, HINDUISM
7. (a) Specify your caste. For Example, VANNIYAR
(b) Tick the appropriate Govt. list category to which your caste belongs
8. Provide full communication address details with Door no., Street name, City in the space provided
9. Provide full permanent address details with Door no., Street name, City in the space provided
10. Provide Guardians Details with Door no., Street name, City in the space provided
11. Provide Parents Details in the space provided
12. Provide School Education Details in the space provided. Write the address of the school
13. Tick your qualifying examination
14. Specify the board of your qualifying examination. For example, Andhra Pradesh Board of Intermediate Education or
Tamil Nadu State Board of School Education
15. (a) Fill up the HSC (Academic)/Equivalent Examination Marks of the subjects in the appropriate column. If the marks obtained
in Mathematics is 191, English is 160, Tamil is 190, Physics is 193, Chemistry is 187 and Biology is 179 and the overall total marks
is 1100 and the maximum marks in each subject is 200 and the overall total maximum mark is 1200.Enter Mathematics marks in
Mathematics column, English mark in English column, Tamil mark in Language column, Physics, Chemistry and Biology (subjects
applicable to the candidate) marks in remaining columns and the overall total in overall column. (b) Specify the name of the
Diploma Course. (c) Fill up the First, Second and Third year Diploma total maximum marks and total marks obtained in the
appropriate column. If total maximum marks for First, Second and Third year are 1200 each and the total marks obtained in First
year is 1030, Second year is 953 and Third year is 987, then overall marks obtained is 2970 out of 3600. (d) Tick the medium of
instruction of the qualifying examination. (e) Provide the details of no. of attempts of passing the qualifying examination in the
space provided. (f) Provide no. of improvements in the qualifying examination in the space provided.
16. Write your NATA Score and NATA Registration Number as specified
17. Tick the category under which the admission is sought
18. Tick the Govt. quota category under which you are admitted to the institution
19. Provide details of your extracurricular activities, if applicable
20. Tick the appropriate check box
21. Tick the appropriate check box
22. Tick the appropriate check box
23. Provide necessary details (if applicable) about any relative who is already a part of MIDAS Student Community
24. Both Parent/Guardian and Candidate need to sign the declaration
25. All the items given in the checklist are mandatory submissions. Candidates are required to tick against the space provided
Please contact during office hours i.e. 9:30 AM - 6:00 PM

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MIDAS application-form

  • 1. MARG INSTITUTE OF DESIGN & ARCHITECTURE SWARNABHOOMI (A Unit of Swarnabhoomi Academic Institutions) (Approved by Council of Architecture, New Delhi & Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai) MARG Swarnabhoomi, Velur Village, Cheyyur Post, Kanchipuram District, Tamil Nadu - 603302 Phone: +91-44-27538009/10 Fax: +91-44-27538024 E-Mail: midasadmissions@marggroup.com Website: www.midas.ac.in Administrative Office: Swarnabhoomi Academic Institutions, No. 4/318, Rajiv Gandhi Salai (OMR), Kottivakkam, Chennai - 600 041, India. Ph: +91-44-24541115 Fax +91-44-24541119 Application Form for Admission - B.Arch. Degree Course (5 year) For Office Use Only: Application No: Paste your recent passport size color photograph not older than 3 months. Do not staple or pin. Academic Year: Fill the form in English using CAPITAL letters. Use only Black or Blue ink. Do not fold, staple or clip the form. Please leave space between words. Read the Specific Instructions to fill Application Form before filling the form. 1. Name of the Candidate: 2. Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY): / / 3. Gender: M 4. Nationality: 5. Mother Tongue: 6. Religion: 7. (b) As per the Govt. list belongs to: (Only for statistical purpose) 7. (a) Caste: ST SC MBC OBC FC Others Specify 8. Address for Communication: City: State: Pin Code: Res. Phone No. Students Mobile No. (with STD code): (if any) 9. Permanent Address: City: Res. Phone No. (with STD code): State: Pin Code: F
  • 2. 10. (a) Name of the Guardian: (b) Relationship: (c) Address: City: State: Pin Code: Res. Phone No. (with STD code) 11. Parents Details: Details Father Mother 1) Name 2) Qualification 3) Occupation 4) Name of Organization 5) Office Address 6) Office Phone No. (with STD code) 7) Mobile No. 8) E-Mail ID 9) Annual Family Income < 3 lakh 3-5 lakh > 5 lakh 12. School Education Details: Year Studied S. No. Class 1) To Month / Year % of Marks XII Std 3) From Month / Year X Std 2) Name and Address of the Institution Diploma 13. Qualifying Examination: HSC Tamil Nadu HSC CBSE (Central Board) 14. Name of the Board of the Qualifying Examination: HSC Vocational ISC Diploma Others
  • 3. 15. Details of Qualifying Examination: (a) Marks in HSC / Equivalent: Register No. Subjects Month & Year of Passing Maximum Marks Marks Obtained Percentage Mathematics English Language (Specify) Subject 1 (Specify) Subject 2 (Specify) Subject 3 (Specify) Overall Total (for all the subjects) (b) Name of the Diploma Course: (c) Marks obtained in Diploma / International Baccalaureate Diploma: Register No. Academic Year Month & Year of Passing Maximum Marks Marks Obtained Percentage First Year (I & II Semesters) Second Year (III & IV Semesters) Third Year (V & VI Semesters) Overall Total (for all the subjects) (d) Medium of Instruction of the Qualifying Examination Tamil Telugu Kannada Malayalam English Others Specify (e) No. of attempts for passing the Qualifying Examination: No. of Attempt One Two Three Register No. Month & Year (f) No. of Improvements in the Qualifying Examination: No. of Improvement Not Applicable One Register No. Month & Year 16. Details of NATA (National Aptitude Test in Architecture): NATA Score (Maximum 200): Registration Number: 17. Category under which admission is sought: Government Management Three
  • 4. 18. If Govt. Quota Candidate; then mention the category under which admitted: Sports Ex-Servicemen Freedom Fighter First Generation Graduation Physically Handicapped Community Open Category 19. Extra Curricular Activities (Original Certificate must be produced at the time of admission) a) Sports: National State District b) NCC: Others Specify c) NSS: d) Other Extra Curricular Activities e.g. Music / Fine Arts: 20. Are you a citizen of India: Yes No 21. Are you claiming NRI quota seat: Yes No 22. Is Medical Certificate enclosed: Yes No 23. Has any relative of yours studied / been studying in this college, if so, give details Name: Year of Admission: Discipline: Relationship: 24. Declaration by the Applicant and Parent/Guardian: I hereby declare that all the particulars, stated in this application form are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. I have read and understood all provisions of admissions and agree to abide by them. I also affirm that I fulfill the eligibility requirements for the course/s applied. In event of submission of fraudulent, incorrect or untrue information or suppression or distortion of any fact like educational qualification, marks, nationality etc., I understand that my admission is liable for cancellation. I further understand that my admission is purely provisional subject to the verification of the eligibility conditions of Government of Tamil Nadu & Anna University Chennai. I will abide by the rules, regulations and conduct of the college. NAME OF THE APPLICANT SIGNATURE OF THE APPLICANT DATE I have read & understood the above declaration & take full responsibility in case of default NAME OF THE PARENT / GUARDIAN SIGNATURE OF THE PARENT/GUARDIAN DATE 25. Checklist (To be submitted with filled in Application Form duly attested by Gazetted officer / Head of Institution of the School, where last studied.) Copy of the NATA Score Card Copy of the Xth Mark Sheet Copy of the XIIth Mark Sheet Copy of the School Transfer Certificate Copy of the Conduct Certificate Copy of Linguistic Minority Certificate Copy of the Community Certificate Copy of the Migration Certificate 5 Passport Size Photographs (including the one affixed on the form) The students should produce all the original certificates at the time of admission For Office Use Only: Application No: Academic Year: Application Complete: Yes No Name of the Applicant: The candidate is eligible / not eligible: (If not eligible, specify the reason) Staff-In-Charge Signature Director, MIDAS
  • 5. Speci鍖c Instructions to Fill Application Form General Use only Black or Blue ink. Fill the form in English using CAPITAL letters, except for Signature. Do not fold, staple or clip the form. Please leave space between words. Guidelines to Fill the Application Form 1. Write your name in BLOCK letters, with initials at the end. Exactly in the same way as it has been given in all your X & XII Std mark sheet. If your name is R. TAMIL SELVAN write it as TAMIL SELVAN R 2. Write your Date of Birth in (dd/mm/yyyy) format. If your Date of Birth is 4th September, 1994, write it as 04/09/1994 3. Tick M for Male or F for Female 4. Specify your Nationality. For example, INDIAN 5. Write your Mother Tongue. For example, TAMIL 6. Write your Religion. For example, HINDUISM 7. (a) Specify your caste. For Example, VANNIYAR (b) Tick the appropriate Govt. list category to which your caste belongs 8. Provide full communication address details with Door no., Street name, City in the space provided 9. Provide full permanent address details with Door no., Street name, City in the space provided 10. Provide Guardians Details with Door no., Street name, City in the space provided 11. Provide Parents Details in the space provided 12. Provide School Education Details in the space provided. Write the address of the school 13. Tick your qualifying examination 14. Specify the board of your qualifying examination. For example, Andhra Pradesh Board of Intermediate Education or Tamil Nadu State Board of School Education
  • 6. 15. (a) Fill up the HSC (Academic)/Equivalent Examination Marks of the subjects in the appropriate column. If the marks obtained in Mathematics is 191, English is 160, Tamil is 190, Physics is 193, Chemistry is 187 and Biology is 179 and the overall total marks is 1100 and the maximum marks in each subject is 200 and the overall total maximum mark is 1200.Enter Mathematics marks in Mathematics column, English mark in English column, Tamil mark in Language column, Physics, Chemistry and Biology (subjects applicable to the candidate) marks in remaining columns and the overall total in overall column. (b) Specify the name of the Diploma Course. (c) Fill up the First, Second and Third year Diploma total maximum marks and total marks obtained in the appropriate column. If total maximum marks for First, Second and Third year are 1200 each and the total marks obtained in First year is 1030, Second year is 953 and Third year is 987, then overall marks obtained is 2970 out of 3600. (d) Tick the medium of instruction of the qualifying examination. (e) Provide the details of no. of attempts of passing the qualifying examination in the space provided. (f) Provide no. of improvements in the qualifying examination in the space provided. 16. Write your NATA Score and NATA Registration Number as specified 17. Tick the category under which the admission is sought 18. Tick the Govt. quota category under which you are admitted to the institution 19. Provide details of your extracurricular activities, if applicable 20. Tick the appropriate check box 21. Tick the appropriate check box 22. Tick the appropriate check box 23. Provide necessary details (if applicable) about any relative who is already a part of MIDAS Student Community 24. Both Parent/Guardian and Candidate need to sign the declaration 25. All the items given in the checklist are mandatory submissions. Candidates are required to tick against the space provided Please contact during office hours i.e. 9:30 AM - 6:00 PM