This document outlines various scenarios and considerations for the voluntary Midata programme in the UK. The programme involves suppliers making customers' transaction data available to them in computer-readable format. It discusses the roles of suppliers, customers, and potential midata stores and service providers in different release scenarios. It also covers the developing co-regulatory environment, common operational risks and controls, and challenges specific to midata, such as issues around data portability, personal information management, and establishing appropriate principles for the midata community.
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Midata thoughts 121212 v2.0
1. Midata Thoughts
Draft v2.0
Simon Deane-Johns
Consultant Solicitor and
Member of the Midata Interoperability Board
9 January 2013
2. Contents
Process flows
Developing co-regulatory environment
Scenario diagrams
Common operational risks, controls, challenges
Midata-specific challenges
3. Overview
The voluntary Midata programme involves a Supplier making
each Customers transaction data available to the Customer
in computer-readable format (midata).
This suggests three types of scenario:
1. Release of midata by a Current Supplier to the Customer
2. Release of midata by a Current Supplier to the Customers duly
authorised data storage provider (Midata Store) or more active
data services provider (Midata Service Provider)
3. Release of midata by Current Supplier to Customer or MS/MSP,
who transfers it to a third party supplier (3PS)
4. Participants/Roles
Supplier of goods or services whose systems generate midata (e.g. utility, bank,
Includes Suppliers own outsourced service provider(s)
person or micro-business who interacts with Supplier to produce midata
Provider of data storage or extra data services, acting for the Customer:
Midata Store (MS)
Only receives, stores and/or transmits midata, or tracks where midata sits
May receive midata from Customer or from Current Supplier (Linked Midata Store)
cant see or otherwise process content
mere conduit?
Midata Service Provider (MSP)
May also act as a Midata Store
Adds value by analysing or otherwise processing data
May alter content and/or produce a result on which Customer/3PS relies.
Third Party Supplier (3PS)
Receives midata (or a small extract) only for the purpose of deciding to supply
goods or services to the Customer
5. Process Flows
Midata involves two separate process flows:
Transaction flows
Offer and acceptance => contract between each of Customer,
Current Supplier and MS/MSP
Messaging, including identification of each party, data release
request, confirmation of receipt etc.
Midata flows
Actual transfers of midata
[Funds flows related to payments due between participants
are currently out of scope]
6. Developing Co-regulatory Environment
Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA) etc supervised by Information
Commissioners Office (ICO) and related exemptions
Guidance etc issued by ICO
Sector-specific law/regulation
Sections 9 DPA and 159 of Consumer Credit Act 1974, applicable to credit
reference agency data
Electricity Act, Gas Act => Data and Communications Company
[new Telecoms/banking/consumer credit regulation]
Industry Codes
Principles of Reciprocity (Credit Reference Agency data)
Smart Energy Code
[Other sector codes]
Security standards, Privacy by Design etc.
[Midata Principlesstandard permissions, rules on liablility etc?]
Consents etc given under Contracts
[standard Midata permissions or Midata sharing agreements?]
7. Midata Scenario 1
1. ID authentication (auth)
2. Midata request
3. Midata transfer
Supply contract
8. Midata Scenario 2a
4. ID auth. 6. Midata
5. Midata Request transfer
1. ID auth 2. Midata request
3. Midata transfer
Supply contract PIM Service contract
9. Midata Scenario 2b
3. ID auth.
4. Midata request
Supplier Customer
1. ID auth
2. Midata Request
Supply contract PIM Service contract
10. Midata Scenario 2b
3. ID auth.
4. Midata request
1. ID auth
2. Midata Request
Supply contract PIM Service contract
11. Midata Scenario 3a
8. Data transfer
3PS 7. ID auth MS/MSP
Transaction flow
3. ID auth; 4. Request
Transaction flow
1. ID auth; 2. Request
Supply contract PIM Service contract 3PS Service contract
12. Midata Scenario 3a
8. Data transfer
3PS 7. ID auth MS/MSP
Transaction flow
3. ID auth; 4. Request
Transaction flow
1. ID auth; 2. Request
Supply contract PIM Service contract 3PS Service contract
13. Midata Scenario 3b
8. Data transfer
3PS 7. ID auth MS/MSP
4. ID auth. 6. Midata
5. Midata Request transfer
1. ID auth 2. Midata request
3. Midata transfer
Supply contract PIM Service contract 3PS Service contract
14. Midata Scenario 3b
8. Data transfer
3PS 7. ID auth MS/MSP
4. ID auth. 6. Midata
5. Midata Request transfer
1. ID auth 2. Midata request
3. Midata transfer
Supply contract PIM Service contract 3PS Service contract
15. Midata Scenario 3c
6. Midata
4. ID auth.
5. Midata Request
1. ID auth
Current 2. 2. Midata request Customer
3. Midata transfer
Supply contract PIM Service contract 3PS Service contract
16. Common Operational Risks
Failure to identify one or more parties
Fraudulent impersonation of one or more parties
Wrongful refusal to release midata
Interception of messaging and/or midata in transit
Wrong midata released
Midata is inaccurate, late and/or unreliable
Midata is false, altered or corrupted
Midata misuse:
storage longer than agreed/necessary
wrongful disclosure
use for an illicit purpose (including breach of IPRs)
17. Common Operational Controls/Challenges
Identity authentication/assurance for all parties
Release of correct midata
Secure transmission, processing, storage of midata
Preserving secrecy/confidentiality of midata content
Maintaining authenticity and integrity of midata
Ensuring accuracy, timeliness and reliability of midata
Guarding against various types of midata misuse
Vesting and protection of intellectual property rights in midata
and/or midata databases
18. Midata-specific Challenges
Midata portability?
Extent of agency involved in personal information
management by PIM
Midata community issues:
Principles of reciprocity?
Appropriate grounds for refusal to release?
Mirror CRA and/or DCC environment?
Apportionment of liability for various heads of loss or damage?
Complaints handling?
Mapping midata to legal rights/obligations to customer permissions
=> a personal data mark-up language (WEF Rethinking Personal
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