- Social media addiction will grow in 2012 as consumers become more curious and spy on brand activities to collect more likes.
- Women in the Middle East are gaining more power and becoming as powerful as or more powerful than men in leadership roles in business and government.
- "Supermum syndrome" will continue to grow, with mothers dedicating significant time and resources to their children's development, health, education and activities.
- Some brands are appealing to multiple generations, with age becoming less relevant for those brands.
- Successful brands will stand for social movements and drive positive change in order to engage consumers, especially youth.
- Tablets will continue to increase in popularity and usage, becoming nearly
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Middle East Trend Report 2012
1. 則
What will make the world tick in 2012? What will the consumer do in 2012?
What is the forecast of trends in the near future? Planners and intelligence
department did their share of the job and thousands of reports everywhere
are evaluating, analyzing, studying and demonstrating the crucial trends of
the coming year..
At Cheil UAE, our observation skills, trendspotting & pattern recognition
are made in the region. From different global and local research to
supermarket visits, caf辿 ear-dropping, social behaviourism and practically
anything that showcases or hints to any new pattern being built, we
developed our MEA 2012 collection of trends.
4. #01
Whether we like it or not, Social Media addiction will grow even more
intense in 2012 as we witness the rise of the consumer 2.0. The social
consumer is becoming more and more curious and his curiosity is now
leading him to spy on brand activities (if they know what interest him)
collecting more and more likes for those brands to watch.
Example: Hear the voices of the youth, in
the Region's Biggest Youth Initiative
from Coca Cola Today I will. Hear their
stories, how they made it.. What they say
about their day and how they eventually
鍖nd their way through to pursue
happiness. Interesting and engaging for
the brands consumers!
6. #02the new Men
Women in the region are becoming as powerful as men if not more.
Women are the majority of the workforce in Dubai where expat women
are Managers and CEOs of international companies. Local women are
becoming ministers and directors of major governmental companies.
In the Middle East the power of the purse has never been more
Example: Lebanese Actress and
Director Nadine Labaki is the new face
of the Scottish Whiskey brand Johnnie
Walker. This new campaign marks the
鍖rst time ever a woman has appeared
in a Johnnie Walker Ad.
8. #03 Syndrome
Baby yoga, organic food, aqua gym, rhymes & lyrics, play dates,
painting, pottery.. and waaaaaaay much more. Quality time is the
Supermum new motto, and green is their most important concern.
Supermums want it all for them and their kids. Brands who smartly
address those Gen.X mums solving their bad parents anxiety are
winning brands.
Example : In Dubai multiple ads for baby
play center, development center, baby
gym, baby socializing club etc tap on
those mothers concerns. Giving the best
for her child, spend time-even better-
spend quality time with him.
10. #04
油Take brands like Apple, whose stores worldwide are crowded
with all different age groups, or take super-in Skype App used
all day, every day, by kids, their grandparents and teenagers
alike. When it comes to some brands, age becomes nothing but
a number.
Example : The new Emirates Hello
Tomorrow campaign took the lead with
new advertising featuring different age
groups mixing teens with seniors along
with the usual 20-40 mainstream
consumers usually featured in the
perfect advertising world.
12. #05 Marketing
油Brands must 鍖nd a new way to keep their edge today at a time
when marketing is once again going through revolutionary
times: Brands must look beyond their products and STAND
FOR SOMETHING! Movements aim to drive positive change
and have a higher purpose!
Example: Pepsi Arabia express yourself
Campaign or even Vodafone Egypt let
nothing stop you power to you campaign,
are all inspired by the regions torments and
the will of a new generation that need
change. Brands who are taking part of the
social movement are more appealing to
14. #06
Tablet Wanted!
Tablet is the most wanted item of 2012. Tablets is the new hype
and the most seen accessories just after the Smartphone. Whether
its the portability or the personal relationship established with the
tablet, tablets are being seen everywhere. From coffee shops to
parks, at the mall and even at work, where employees take their
personal tablets to the of鍖ce just like they do with their personal
Example: Tech forecasters at Future
Source Consultants estimate that the
sale of 15 million tablets in 2011 is
expected to grow up to 25 million in
2012. But is this trend expected to affect
the notebook sales in the region like it
did globally? Well wait to see.
16. #07Travel
The biggest digital trend of the year is de鍖nitely the absolute
supremacy of Digital Travel. Travelers not only use the social
networks to make informed travel decisions, but everything related
to travel, from looking up destinations packages, booking 鍖ights,
checking bags, or even the best cities destinations, all are done
Example : launched in 2009 Fly Dubai is
the leader in its category and is the second
biggest passenger carrier operating out of
Dubai International Airport After Emirates.
The ease and convenience of the online
services makes it appealing to consumer
while prices are very similar to competitors.
18. #08 Man
The Pampered
The pampered man is not only alive and multiplying but hes as we
speak, shopping at a mall near you. The metrosexual very limited
edition of men of the last decade evolved and embraced the new
lifestyle where health and beauty are part of his routine.
Example: In the UAE and the region,
men smell good, look good, and have a
haircut every 3 weeks* The manicure
pedicure treatment is the natural
*in Dubai
annex of haircut and beard grooming,
every 3 weeks too.
20. #09 Fatigue
It turned out that in this always-on, 24/7 hyper-connected world,
modern people become subject to Decision Fatigue. The more choices
you make throughout the day, the harder each one becomes for your
brain which looks for shortcuts: one is to become reckless and act
impulsively, the other is the ultimate energy saver: do nothing!
Example: Brands should take this into
consideration thinking next when to
reach best our consumer instead of the
traditional how to reach the consumer.
Cheil Lifeshare is one of the tools that
allows us to get this consumers insight.
22. #10Detox
Just like with all addictions, it was only logical to hit Detox Next! We
live in a digital world its true, and the connected 24/7 working force
in the region is especially addicted to this modern business drug, the
BB/FB. End result: Executives take vacation out of technology and
during the weekend, they willingly disconnect from all digital media
and turn this BB/FB off.
Example: 80% of executive asked,
have 2 phones and turn off their BB
during the weekend keeping their
personal phone on. Its only a matter
of time now before we see Detox
holidays packages 鍖owering in the
Cheil worldwide is Koreas largest and one of the worlds leading advertising
groups. Established in 1973 with headquarters in Seoul, Cheil operates 49
of鍖ces in 27 countries with 3,000 employees.
Operating in Dubai since 2006, Cheil UAE is an integrated ad agency
producing creative and added value solutions for its clients through
ideas that move - Ideas that move consumers, brands metrics, products.
24. To 鍖nd out more about our ideas that move
or more info on our trendspotting & strategic tools
and how it can help move your business,
please contact: seongjin.ki@cheil.com
or joumana.hage@cheil.com