Public Design Festival. Milano. Italy 2010
International Competition Winner Project
Team : Seungyeon.Lee, Joon Ho. Park, Jinil.Whang
Project work : 1 weeks in Seoul.
Project Construction : 2 weeks in Milan.
We have received 650 projects from 46 countries: besides Europe, they came from Indonesia, Argentina,
Korea, Iceland, Egypt, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, India, Japan, Russia, Turkey...
EAST4 is Final winner in Milan Pulbicdeisngfestival 2010.
This document provides instructions for setting up a Money Bomb fundraising tool using three payment options: offline mode which is free, direct credit card/piggy bank purchase, or deducting the fee from funds raised. It outlines how to brand, preview, and activate the Money Bomb widget by agreeing to a $295 fee deduction. Admins can then copy the script to websites or install the Money Bomb app on their organization's Facebook page to begin fundraising.
Facebook mobile advertising is a rapidly growing opportunity which is why it's important to define your strategy NOW. We'll discuss where Facebook mobile is heading and how you should be planning. We'll also address the Facebook capabilities available to app developers for user acquisition and user re-engagement, a technical checklist and tips, techniques and best practice for getting the most out of an ad campaign and how you can manage your activity at scale.
The document outlines a museum day topic proposal process for students, which allows them to submit topic proposals, research sources, and gain exposure to multiple topics before beginning formal research using a variety of sources. It discusses objectives of the process like allowing students to feel comfortable with topics and share findings, and notes the use of OneNote for proposals and online resources for research. It also raises questions about further facilitating sharing and reinforcing that not all topics will have answers to the standard "5W" questions.
MediaWhiz POV: Content Marketing Like a Pro, Tactics and Techniques. Matomy Media Group
Daryl Colwell gave a presentation on content marketing best practices. He discussed defining the target audience, writing about topics they care about, and offering incentives for sharing content to improve SEO. He also covered how to generate leads through content by making the buyer the hero, including calls to action, and preparing sales teams. The top 10 best practices included knowing the audience, committing to regular publishing, engaging buyers at different stages, measuring ROI, and being timely.
Asia represents substantial opportunities (business development, sourcing, investments...). However, Asian countries are deeply different from each other, probably as much as European countries are.
Our team prepared a series of Asian Country Briefings to help our visitors, friends, and partners better understand those different countries from a business prospective. In this short report, you will find an overview of the Asian countries we will cover. We hope you will find it useful and then be in a strong(er) position to benefit from the substantial opportunities the Asian markets offer, be it for investments, disribution, outsourcing (IT services, Engineering services), or European sourcing purposes.
Should you have questions or comments, feel free to post them in the comment box below or drop us a note to
1. Dokumen tersebut memberikan penjelasan tentang AutoCAD, program aplikasi grafis untuk membuat gambar 2D dan 3D. 2. Ia menjelaskan perkembangan versi AutoCAD dan cara menggunakan perintah-perintah dasarnya seperti membuat garis, lingkaran, persegi panjang, dan offset objek. 3. Diberikan pula penjelasan tentang sistem koordinat yang dapat digunakan dalam AutoCAD.
Este documento resume la evoluci¨®n de la m¨²sica popular a trav¨¦s de la historia. Comienza con la m¨²sica popular tradicional y su diversificaci¨®n en varios g¨¦neros como la m¨²sica cl¨¢sica y popular. Luego describe la emergencia de varios estilos en los siglos 18-20 como el cupl¨¦, la copla, la canci¨®n ligera y la m¨²sica de baile como el bolero y el fox-trot. Tambi¨¦n analiza el jazz y su origen entre los afroamericanos, as¨ª como los movimientos musicales populares contempor¨¢neos del rock, pop y m¨²s
After effective trade shows, the hard work begins. These slides offer the core activities to successfully developing business and relationships after the event has finished.
This document lists several art projects and exhibitions from 2014, including "Sliding Architecture" displayed at SiTE-LAB for ArtPrize, a piece called "SNOW" shown at Inlight Richmond, a solo exhibition named "Quick Response", and a public lecture on Fluxus and Games given at the Flint Institute of Arts.
Metode pembuatan production drawing menggunakan perintah subtract pada AutoCAD dapat dijadikan alternatif untuk galangan kapal Indonesia. Pembagian model 3D konstruksi kapal menjadi komponen-komponen dengan perintah subtract, explode, dan extrude. Penerapannya pada kapal tanker minyak menghasilkan gambar kerja, daftar bahan, dan gambar potongan per blok.
OPEN WIDE : L¡¯open source pour les systemes embarques Temps reelAlexandre LAHAYE
Conf¨¦rence Open Wide - Avril 2012 : L'Open Source pour les syst¨¨mes embarqu¨¦s temps r¨¦el
Cette troisi¨¨me ¨¦dition organis¨¦e ¨¤ Paris et Toulouse a r¨¦uni pas moins de 140 personnes au total et fait salle pleine ¨¤ Toulouse avec 110 personnes ! Les participants ont pu d¨¦couvrir les diff¨¦rentes solutions pour d¨¦velopper des syst¨¨mes embarqu¨¦s temps r¨¦el en environnement Open Source.
Pour d¨¦couvrir les autres pr¨¦sentations, rendez-vous sur notre site :
SMB Seattle - Yes We Can Measure Social MediaSMB Seattle
Kaite Paine, the acclaimed ¡°Queen of Measurement,¡± explains why measuring Social Media is not about impressions or eyeballs but rather listening, engaging, and thinking like the customer. Accompanying livestream video here:
Facebook mobile advertising is a rapidly growing opportunity which is why it's important to define your strategy NOW. We'll discuss where Facebook mobile is heading and how you should be planning. We'll also address the Facebook capabilities available to app developers for user acquisition and user re-engagement, a technical checklist and tips, techniques and best practice for getting the most out of an ad campaign and how you can manage your activity at scale.
The document outlines a museum day topic proposal process for students, which allows them to submit topic proposals, research sources, and gain exposure to multiple topics before beginning formal research using a variety of sources. It discusses objectives of the process like allowing students to feel comfortable with topics and share findings, and notes the use of OneNote for proposals and online resources for research. It also raises questions about further facilitating sharing and reinforcing that not all topics will have answers to the standard "5W" questions.
MediaWhiz POV: Content Marketing Like a Pro, Tactics and Techniques. Matomy Media Group
Daryl Colwell gave a presentation on content marketing best practices. He discussed defining the target audience, writing about topics they care about, and offering incentives for sharing content to improve SEO. He also covered how to generate leads through content by making the buyer the hero, including calls to action, and preparing sales teams. The top 10 best practices included knowing the audience, committing to regular publishing, engaging buyers at different stages, measuring ROI, and being timely.
Asia represents substantial opportunities (business development, sourcing, investments...). However, Asian countries are deeply different from each other, probably as much as European countries are.
Our team prepared a series of Asian Country Briefings to help our visitors, friends, and partners better understand those different countries from a business prospective. In this short report, you will find an overview of the Asian countries we will cover. We hope you will find it useful and then be in a strong(er) position to benefit from the substantial opportunities the Asian markets offer, be it for investments, disribution, outsourcing (IT services, Engineering services), or European sourcing purposes.
Should you have questions or comments, feel free to post them in the comment box below or drop us a note to
1. Dokumen tersebut memberikan penjelasan tentang AutoCAD, program aplikasi grafis untuk membuat gambar 2D dan 3D. 2. Ia menjelaskan perkembangan versi AutoCAD dan cara menggunakan perintah-perintah dasarnya seperti membuat garis, lingkaran, persegi panjang, dan offset objek. 3. Diberikan pula penjelasan tentang sistem koordinat yang dapat digunakan dalam AutoCAD.
Este documento resume la evoluci¨®n de la m¨²sica popular a trav¨¦s de la historia. Comienza con la m¨²sica popular tradicional y su diversificaci¨®n en varios g¨¦neros como la m¨²sica cl¨¢sica y popular. Luego describe la emergencia de varios estilos en los siglos 18-20 como el cupl¨¦, la copla, la canci¨®n ligera y la m¨²sica de baile como el bolero y el fox-trot. Tambi¨¦n analiza el jazz y su origen entre los afroamericanos, as¨ª como los movimientos musicales populares contempor¨¢neos del rock, pop y m¨²s
After effective trade shows, the hard work begins. These slides offer the core activities to successfully developing business and relationships after the event has finished.
This document lists several art projects and exhibitions from 2014, including "Sliding Architecture" displayed at SiTE-LAB for ArtPrize, a piece called "SNOW" shown at Inlight Richmond, a solo exhibition named "Quick Response", and a public lecture on Fluxus and Games given at the Flint Institute of Arts.
Metode pembuatan production drawing menggunakan perintah subtract pada AutoCAD dapat dijadikan alternatif untuk galangan kapal Indonesia. Pembagian model 3D konstruksi kapal menjadi komponen-komponen dengan perintah subtract, explode, dan extrude. Penerapannya pada kapal tanker minyak menghasilkan gambar kerja, daftar bahan, dan gambar potongan per blok.
OPEN WIDE : L¡¯open source pour les systemes embarques Temps reelAlexandre LAHAYE
Conf¨¦rence Open Wide - Avril 2012 : L'Open Source pour les syst¨¨mes embarqu¨¦s temps r¨¦el
Cette troisi¨¨me ¨¦dition organis¨¦e ¨¤ Paris et Toulouse a r¨¦uni pas moins de 140 personnes au total et fait salle pleine ¨¤ Toulouse avec 110 personnes ! Les participants ont pu d¨¦couvrir les diff¨¦rentes solutions pour d¨¦velopper des syst¨¨mes embarqu¨¦s temps r¨¦el en environnement Open Source.
Pour d¨¦couvrir les autres pr¨¦sentations, rendez-vous sur notre site :
SMB Seattle - Yes We Can Measure Social MediaSMB Seattle
Kaite Paine, the acclaimed ¡°Queen of Measurement,¡± explains why measuring Social Media is not about impressions or eyeballs but rather listening, engaging, and thinking like the customer. Accompanying livestream video here:
This project is from a Contract 1 design studio. The design is for a Diane von Furstenberg boutique. This presentation was nominated for the Annual Donghia Scholarship Award.
Presentazione dei progetti RInnova nel campo dell'Energia illustrati dal ricercatore ing. Massimiliano Fantini, affiancato dal docente universitario prof. Marco Tartagni (DEIS - Universit¨¤ di Bologna)
2013 Open projects for CPU.(Creative Project Union) by EAST4.
Open idea / process and mind.
this is real professional project. we just open for more great idea :)
Kay e Sante nan Ayiti INTERNATIONALE Competition [Haiti]
EAST4 is finalist (20team) of Kay e Sante nan Ayiti Competition!
Team : Joon H. Park, Seungyeoun Lee, Hankyu Ryu, Huckju Moon (architects); and Dayeong Kwon (Junior architecture )
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