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Personal Counseling
Once upon a time, there lived six blind men in a village. One day the
villagers told them, Hey, there is an elephant in the village today."
They had no idea what an elephant is. They decided, Even though we
would not be able to see it, let us go and feel it anyway." All of them
went where the elephant was. Every one of them touched the
Hey, the elephant is like branch of a tree," said the 鍖rst man who
touched his leg.
Oh, no! It is like a rope," said the second man who touched the tail.
Oh, no! It is like a snake," said the third man who touched the trunk of
the elephant.
It is like a big hand fan" said the fourth man who touched the ear of
the elephant.
It is like a huge wall," said the 鍖fth man who touched the belly of the
It is like a spear," Said the sixth man who touched the tusk of the
They began to argue about the elephant and every one of them
insisted that he was right. It looked like they were getting agitated. A
wise man was passing by and he saw this. He stopped and asked
them, What is the matter?" They said, We cannot agree to what the
elephant is like." Each one of them told what he thought the elephant
was like.
The wise man calmly explained to them, All of you are right. The
reason every one of you is telling it differently because each one of
you touched the different part of the elephant. So, actually the
elephant has all those features what you all said."
Oh!" everyone said. There was no more 鍖ght. They felt happy that
they were all right.
The Blind Men And The Elephant
Life is full of perceptions. At times, we all tend to be like the blind
men, who touch and feel only one aspect of life. And then,
we are all too certain that our perceptions are correct,
without looking at the bigger picture.
We all need a little wisdom to help us
have a larger outlook about life.
The logo of Metamorphosis Life Skills Private Limited is a pro鍖le of the eagle
with outstretched wing, soaring high towards the sun, the source of limitless
energy and enlightenment. For centuries, the eagle has been associated with
strength, courage, wisdom, illumination of spirit, healing, and creation. Many
religious scriptures and native cultures around the world have often and
rightfully referred to the eagle as the source of great power and balance,
assist humans to be more successful within their own lives. As the chief of all
and become more than what one believes what one is capable of rather than
accepting the status quo. One must have the courage to relinquish stale and
comfortable habits and beliefs to soar into unknown realms and new realities -
continually expanding one's view. With the eagle's magni鍖cent ability to 鍖y, it
stays connected to the earth. We must keep ourselves grounded and lay a solid
foundation for ourselves. The talons - meant to grasp and hunt - re鍖ect the
need to utilize the things of the earth. The sharp beak and strong jaw muscles
demonstrate the importance of knowing when to speak, how much and how
strongly - lest we inadvertently hurt someone with words. New vision will open
that is far reaching into the past, within the present, and to the future. Eagles
are predators with a powerful sense of energy conservation. They use their
great vision to know when to take 鍖ight and capture their prey. To align oneself
with the eagle is to take on the responsibility and power to become so much
Be The Change
Man is the creator of change in this world. As such he should be above
A holistic approach, practical idealism, and a passion for public service
Our vision serves as the framework for our Roadmap and guides every
aspect of our service by describing what we need to accomplish in order to
People: Be a great place to work/learn where people are inspired to be the
Portfolio: Bring to the educational institutions a portfolio of quality training
modules and curriculum in life skills learning that anticipate and satisfy
Partners: Nurture a winning network of customers (schools) and suppliers
Pro鍖t: Maximize long-term return to share-owners while being mindful of
Metamorphosis Life Skills Pvt. Ltd is committed to bringing the best life
skills education to students, educators, creative professionals, and people
across the country through its innovative counseling, training, and
As a company, and as individuals, we value integrity, openness, personal
excellence, constructive self-criticism, continual self-improvement, and
mutual respect. We are committed to our customers and partners and have
We take on big challenges, and pride ourselves on seeing them through. We
hold ourselves accountable to our customers, shareholders, partners, and
employees by honoring our commitments, providing results, and striving
Our goal has always been to enhance our company value, maintain our
sustainable long-term development and generate greater results for our
By upholding our core value of Responsibility Makes Perfection, we strive
to achieve educational, social and economic sustainability in a way that
coordinates the present and the future while taking the interests of our
ife comes with its share of problems. In fact, problems are integral to our
It is not the presence of problems that determines the quality of our health and our
well-being, but rather what we do when we encounter these problems. Most times,
we are able to handle life's challenges on our own, but there certainly are times when
all of us could use a helping hand to get through a stressful situation. And
Metamorphosis Life Skills extends the helping hand to you. Our counseling services
We are proud to introduce to you MILESTONE, our service-oriented initiative to
provide you an anchor at times of emotional need, stress, or when you simply need
We are here
to listen!
Have something on
your mind?
A one-to-one counseling service, Milestone takes you from
being the passenger in your life to being the driver. It is all
about having someone believe in you and encourage you;
about getting valuable feedback; about seeing things from
new perspectives; and helping you set your sights on new
horizons. It is all about enabling you to take the 鍖rst
step to 'where you want to be' from 'where you are.'
What You Say In Here
Stays In Here
Lets Talk...
ommunication' is de鍖nitely the key to Milestone. A Milestone is incomplete
without a counselee (you) and a counselor (us). The primary responsibility of
the counselor is to maintain focus amid the chaos in the counselee's life.
Unlike the counselee's family, friends, or business
associates, the counselor has just one vested
interest in the former, and that is to ensure
that the he/she is able to access
his/her unique potential. Needless
to say, the relationship between the
two is strictly con鍖dential. We treat
n counseling, our areas of expertise are mood di鍖culties, anxiety treatment, depression
We have extensive experience with issues related to Dependency (including relationship,
eating disorders, gambling addiction, internet addiction, excessive spending and many
Over the last eight years, we have developed pro鍖ciency in working with Teens. We address
We also provide Individual Therapy, Couples Therapy, Marriage Counseling, and Family
We can help
Therapy for Individuals
inemotionaldevelopment,insocialrelatednessandawareness, andinmoraljudgmentandbehavior.
Our counselors possess expertise in working with children who display emotional and behavioral problems at home, at school, or in the community. We promote and
 TherapyforTeens(Age: 13-19years)
In adulthood, there are oftentimes challenges related to marriage or relationship concerns, becoming a new family and raising young children, change in the nature of
social relationships and friendships, parenting pre-teens and teenagers, children leaving home, the aging of one's parents, illness, occupational stress or loss of job,
鍖nancial struggles, and other issues pertaining to transition and change. Each of these outward changes or adjustments holds important meaning for the adult
experiencing them. In addition, there may be additional longstanding challenges from childhood or adolescence that continue to prevent functioning or satisfaction with
Therapy for Couples
ouple therapy is a safe place to help facilitate communication between you and
your partner. Therapy typically consists of face to face meetings between the
counselor and both individuals. We combine both individual sessions and co-joint
sessions. The initial session is an assessment where we will look at the concerns
and context of the relationship issues. Often it is necessary to have follow- up
meetings with each individual partner so as to explore individual concerns,
amily therapy is a particularly useful mode of treatment when family
dynamics and functioning are problematic. In family counseling, the
focus is the family unit itself. The family counselor works from an understanding
that all parts of the family are interrelated and that change in one area affects the
Therapy for Families
eeking help is not a sign of cowardice. It is, in fact,
the stepping stone to empowerment and con鍖rming
belief that you alone are responsible for your happiness, your
growth, and for the creation of a life that you love.
It is time to own your life.
Beyond counseling
Be The Change
Setting the record straight
...the Metamorphosis way
ounseling' as a process and a psychological term is often shrouded by
misunderstanding and stigma. It is mostly associated with people who are
incapable of dealing with their emotions, feelings and life. This is far from the
with them, its scope reaches far beyond. Counseling is healing and positive in
We hope the below questions and responses will help set right a few
misconceptions about counseling in our society. It will also help you understand
How do I know if counseling is for me?
For this, the process of counseling needs to be understood clearly.
Counseling is a process of growth, of coming 'unstuck', of dealing with
di鍖culties and bottlenecks. Counseling is for anybody who is going through a
di鍖cult time in their lives. Counseling often looks like talking - but it is a
treatment. It is a process that is a lot like learning. Through counseling, people
learn about themselves. They discover ways to overcome troubling feelings or
behaviors, develop inner strengths or skills, or make changes in themselves or
involves receiving support and guidance. Through talking, listening, and
What role does the counselor play?
 Enable exploration of the issue from various angles, leading to greater
 Help you acquire new life skills that enable you to deal better with the
 Help you speak about the situation/issue freely, without fearing
 Create an environment where grief, discomfort, confusion, sorrows can
 You are feeling 'stuck'. Life is good generally but you feel you can be so
 You are doing quite well but there are certain con鍖icts and issues that
 You notice certain things about yourself and your behavior that you
 You are going through a di鍖cult phase for which you cannot get help
from your usual sources. They could be biased/judgmental or you feel
 Your relationship with your spouse or signi鍖cant other has hit rock-
It is often heard people say that counseling is for someone with a
serious mental condition. Why do I need counseling?
This is a misconception about counseling. Counseling for mentally ill
patients does exist, but at the same time, counseling is for anybody who is
I am afraid that if I go for counseling, I will have to continue for the rest
of my life. Is it true?
Counseling relationships are purposeful working relationships, and
ultimately, the goal is to ensure that you feel empowered, and to that end, it will
set and work towards your goals. While in some cases, you might 鍖nd your
immediate need satis鍖ed in 1 or 2 sessions, typically you will 鍖nd you take 3 to
Counseling in general and speci鍖cally the kind of counseling we are
Occasionally, your counselor may offer relaxation methods, hypnosis, or other
non-medical interventions for the speci鍖c purpose of your healing. At such
any preparations needed and other details, and only with your full consent will
What happens in a typical counseling session?
Your counseling session will typically take place in a location that is
private, away from earshot of others. The time and date is something you can
discuss and decide with your counselor, depending on what is convenient to
therapy sessions will approximately last 180 minutes for a week or 5
through any di鍖culties, confusions, options, con鍖icts, etc. He/she will
challenge you on inconsistencies and recognize what and how you can help
yourself. Your counselor may want you to write/ record material, work you
through different instruments, go through role plays or any other mechanism
that may be suitable, and in all such interventions, he/she will do so only after
This is your journey. The sessions act as a milestone or a check-point, and
Will my counselor add me as a friend on Facebook/ social media sites?
The relationship between your counselor and yourself is a special one and
is different from the relationship you would have with your friends, family,
doctor, lawyer, or even a social acquaintance. Maintaining boundaries and
keeping a social distance is a key part of the con鍖dentiality and objectivity
required to keep the counseling professional and ethical. While we will of
course be friendly, we will NOT add you as a friend on our personal Facebook
work with us, we would still hold back for at least 6 weeks before starting any
No, we are not doctors. We are not quali鍖ed to prescribe medication. But
yes, as a part of our training, we are equipped to pick up signals which will
require psychiatric intervention. We are trained counselors and certi鍖ed
Yes. You would meet the same counselor every time you come to discuss
The quality of your life is determined by your happiness and not
satisfaction. Counseling is a process of empowerment and it gives you the
wings and the tools to aim higher, be happier, and just be more. Your life is an
You don't drown by falling
in the water; you drown by
staying there.
~ Edwin Louis Cole
Visit us at www.mlifeskills.com
Like us at www.facebook.com/MetamorphosisLifeSkills
#2216, 1st Floor, 80 Ft Road, Indiranagar, Bangalore-560075.
Ph: 080 2525 2529, 2520 0369. Email: enquiry@mlifeskills.com

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  • 2. Once upon a time, there lived six blind men in a village. One day the villagers told them, Hey, there is an elephant in the village today." They had no idea what an elephant is. They decided, Even though we would not be able to see it, let us go and feel it anyway." All of them went where the elephant was. Every one of them touched the elephant. Hey, the elephant is like branch of a tree," said the 鍖rst man who touched his leg. Oh, no! It is like a rope," said the second man who touched the tail. Oh, no! It is like a snake," said the third man who touched the trunk of the elephant. It is like a big hand fan" said the fourth man who touched the ear of the elephant. It is like a huge wall," said the 鍖fth man who touched the belly of the elephant. It is like a spear," Said the sixth man who touched the tusk of the elephant. They began to argue about the elephant and every one of them insisted that he was right. It looked like they were getting agitated. A wise man was passing by and he saw this. He stopped and asked them, What is the matter?" They said, We cannot agree to what the elephant is like." Each one of them told what he thought the elephant was like. The wise man calmly explained to them, All of you are right. The reason every one of you is telling it differently because each one of you touched the different part of the elephant. So, actually the elephant has all those features what you all said." Oh!" everyone said. There was no more 鍖ght. They felt happy that they were all right. The Blind Men And The Elephant Life is full of perceptions. At times, we all tend to be like the blind men, who touch and feel only one aspect of life. And then, we are all too certain that our perceptions are correct, without looking at the bigger picture. We all need a little wisdom to help us have a larger outlook about life.
  • 3. The logo of Metamorphosis Life Skills Private Limited is a pro鍖le of the eagle with outstretched wing, soaring high towards the sun, the source of limitless energy and enlightenment. For centuries, the eagle has been associated with strength, courage, wisdom, illumination of spirit, healing, and creation. Many religious scriptures and native cultures around the world have often and rightfully referred to the eagle as the source of great power and balance, leadership,andvision.Allofthesetraitscanbeviewedsymbolicallyasideasto assist humans to be more successful within their own lives. As the chief of all thewingedcreatures,theeagleisagreatteacher.Itinspiresonetoreachhigher and become more than what one believes what one is capable of rather than accepting the status quo. One must have the courage to relinquish stale and comfortable habits and beliefs to soar into unknown realms and new realities - continually expanding one's view. With the eagle's magni鍖cent ability to 鍖y, it stays connected to the earth. We must keep ourselves grounded and lay a solid foundation for ourselves. The talons - meant to grasp and hunt - re鍖ect the need to utilize the things of the earth. The sharp beak and strong jaw muscles demonstrate the importance of knowing when to speak, how much and how strongly - lest we inadvertently hurt someone with words. New vision will open that is far reaching into the past, within the present, and to the future. Eagles are predators with a powerful sense of energy conservation. They use their great vision to know when to take 鍖ight and capture their prey. To align oneself with the eagle is to take on the responsibility and power to become so much morethanoneappearstobe. Be The Change
  • 4. VISION: Man is the creator of change in this world. As such he should be above systemsandstructures,andnotsubordinatetothem. A holistic approach, practical idealism, and a passion for public service de鍖neMetamorphosis. Our vision serves as the framework for our Roadmap and guides every aspect of our service by describing what we need to accomplish in order to makelifeskillseducationapartofourmainstreamacademics. People: Be a great place to work/learn where people are inspired to be the besttheycanbe. Portfolio: Bring to the educational institutions a portfolio of quality training modules and curriculum in life skills learning that anticipate and satisfy educationalsystem'srequirementsandessentials. Partners: Nurture a winning network of customers (schools) and suppliers (University).Togetherwecreatemutualandenduringvalue. Planet:Bearesponsiblecitizenthatmakesadifferencebyhelpingbuildand supportsustainableschoolswithvalueeducation. Pro鍖t: Maximize long-term return to share-owners while being mindful of ouroverallresponsibilities. Productivity:Beahighlyeffective,lean,andfast-movingorganization. MISSION: Metamorphosis Life Skills Pvt. Ltd is committed to bringing the best life skills education to students, educators, creative professionals, and people across the country through its innovative counseling, training, and supportiveinitiations. As a company, and as individuals, we value integrity, openness, personal excellence, constructive self-criticism, continual self-improvement, and mutual respect. We are committed to our customers and partners and have apassionforrevivingoureducationsystem. We take on big challenges, and pride ourselves on seeing them through. We hold ourselves accountable to our customers, shareholders, partners, and employees by honoring our commitments, providing results, and striving forthehighestquality. Our goal has always been to enhance our company value, maintain our sustainable long-term development and generate greater results for our clients. By upholding our core value of Responsibility Makes Perfection, we strive to achieve educational, social and economic sustainability in a way that coordinates the present and the future while taking the interests of our educationalsystemintoaccount.
  • 5. ife comes with its share of problems. In fact, problems are integral to our growth.Whiletheycanattimesmakelifeoverwhelming,dealingwiththemisa must.Somelookatproblemsasopportunities,whileotherstrytoignorethem. It is not the presence of problems that determines the quality of our health and our well-being, but rather what we do when we encounter these problems. Most times, we are able to handle life's challenges on our own, but there certainly are times when all of us could use a helping hand to get through a stressful situation. And Metamorphosis Life Skills extends the helping hand to you. Our counseling services andworkshopsareavailabletoanyone,whoisseekingempowermentfromwithin. We are proud to introduce to you MILESTONE, our service-oriented initiative to provide you an anchor at times of emotional need, stress, or when you simply need someonetohearyouout. We are here to listen! Have something on your mind? L A one-to-one counseling service, Milestone takes you from being the passenger in your life to being the driver. It is all about having someone believe in you and encourage you; about getting valuable feedback; about seeing things from new perspectives; and helping you set your sights on new horizons. It is all about enabling you to take the 鍖rst step to 'where you want to be' from 'where you are.'
  • 6. What You Say In Here Stays In Here Lets Talk... ommunication' is de鍖nitely the key to Milestone. A Milestone is incomplete without a counselee (you) and a counselor (us). The primary responsibility of the counselor is to maintain focus amid the chaos in the counselee's life. Unlike the counselee's family, friends, or business associates, the counselor has just one vested interest in the former, and that is to ensure that the he/she is able to access his/her unique potential. Needless to say, the relationship between the two is strictly con鍖dential. We treat con鍖dentialityveryseriously. C
  • 7. n counseling, our areas of expertise are mood di鍖culties, anxiety treatment, depression counseling,managingissuesrelatedtoself-esteem,angermanagement,andadjustment. We have extensive experience with issues related to Dependency (including relationship, eating disorders, gambling addiction, internet addiction, excessive spending and many others). Over the last eight years, we have developed pro鍖ciency in working with Teens. We address manytypesofparentingconcerns(E.g.:Teenactingoutofstressandangerorteendepression, relocation,academicissuesduetofamilycon鍖icts,etc.). We also provide Individual Therapy, Couples Therapy, Marriage Counseling, and Family Therapy. I We can help
  • 8. Therapy for Individuals herapyisintendedtohelppeoplemakechanges.Thesechangesmayinvolvethinkingdifferently, feelingdifferently,and/oractingdifferently.Howtherapyisconductedisdeterminedby: Thenatureofthedi鍖cultyoneisexperiencing. Thespecialneedsoftheindividualconcerned. Theageand/orstageofdevelopment. Therapyismanagedinawaywhichuseswell-acceptedprinciplestoguidetheprocessofchange. Therangeandcomplexityofeverychild'sachievementsinthe鍖rst12yearsoflifeandadolescencecanbe extraordinaryandconfusingbecauseofrapidchangesinphysicalgrowth,inlearningandperception, inemotionaldevelopment,insocialrelatednessandawareness, andinmoraljudgmentandbehavior. TherapyforChildren(Age:6-12years) Our counselors possess expertise in working with children who display emotional and behavioral problems at home, at school, or in the community. We promote and educatechildrentoexpresstheirneedsanddesiresverballyratherthanbehaviorallyandhelpthemtodevelophealthiercopingstrategies. Forinterventionswithchildren,weutilizeavarietyofapproachesincludingplaytherapy,theater,familytherapy,andindividualtherapyforolder,moreverbalchildren TherapyforTeens(Age: 13-19years) Wehavetheexpertiseandinterestininterveningwithadolescentshavingavarietyofsocial,emotional,andbehavioralchallenges. TherapyforAdults(Age:20yearsandabove) In adulthood, there are oftentimes challenges related to marriage or relationship concerns, becoming a new family and raising young children, change in the nature of social relationships and friendships, parenting pre-teens and teenagers, children leaving home, the aging of one's parents, illness, occupational stress or loss of job, 鍖nancial struggles, and other issues pertaining to transition and change. Each of these outward changes or adjustments holds important meaning for the adult experiencing them. In addition, there may be additional longstanding challenges from childhood or adolescence that continue to prevent functioning or satisfaction with one'slife.Wehaveextensiveexperienceandtraininginworkingwithadultclientsinavarietyoftreatmentmodalitiesincludingindividual,conjoint,and/orfamilytherapy. T
  • 9. Therapy for Couples ouple therapy is a safe place to help facilitate communication between you and your partner. Therapy typically consists of face to face meetings between the counselor and both individuals. We combine both individual sessions and co-joint sessions. The initial session is an assessment where we will look at the concerns and context of the relationship issues. Often it is necessary to have follow- up meetings with each individual partner so as to explore individual concerns, perspectives,fearsandstylesofcommunicationpertainingtothecouple. amily therapy is a particularly useful mode of treatment when family dynamics and functioning are problematic. In family counseling, the focus is the family unit itself. The family counselor works from an understanding that all parts of the family are interrelated and that change in one area affects the overallfunctioningofthewhole. Therapy for Families C F
  • 10. eeking help is not a sign of cowardice. It is, in fact, the stepping stone to empowerment and con鍖rming belief that you alone are responsible for your happiness, your growth, and for the creation of a life that you love. It is time to own your life. Beyond counseling S Be The Change
  • 11. Setting the record straight ...the Metamorphosis way ounseling' as a process and a psychological term is often shrouded by misunderstanding and stigma. It is mostly associated with people who are incapable of dealing with their emotions, feelings and life. This is far from the truth.Whilecounselingdoesoffersolutionstopeoplewhohavedi鍖cultydealing with them, its scope reaches far beyond. Counseling is healing and positive in nature-afterall,manisasocialanimal. We hope the below questions and responses will help set right a few misconceptions about counseling in our society. It will also help you understand theprocessofcounselingbetter. How do I know if counseling is for me? For this, the process of counseling needs to be understood clearly. Counseling is a process of growth, of coming 'unstuck', of dealing with di鍖culties and bottlenecks. Counseling is for anybody who is going through a di鍖cult time in their lives. Counseling often looks like talking - but it is a treatment. It is a process that is a lot like learning. Through counseling, people learn about themselves. They discover ways to overcome troubling feelings or behaviors, develop inner strengths or skills, or make changes in themselves or theirsituations. Counselingisinfactacombinationofbuildingtrust,talking,andlistening.Italso involves receiving support and guidance. Through talking, listening, and observing,acounselorcanevaluatetheproblemthatneedsattention. What role does the counselor play? Acounselorcanhelpyouinthefollowingways: Offeryouunbiasedlistening. Enable exploration of the issue from various angles, leading to greater clarity/understanding. Help you acquire new life skills that enable you to deal better with the situation. Help you speak about the situation/issue freely, without fearing judgment/condemnation. Create an environment where grief, discomfort, confusion, sorrows can 鍖ndanoutlet,andhelp.youdealwiththematyourownpace. Afewscenarioswherecounselingcomesinhandy: You are feeling 'stuck'. Life is good generally but you feel you can be so muchmoretherecanbemore'you'. You are doing quite well but there are certain con鍖icts and issues that botheryou. You notice certain things about yourself and your behavior that you cannotunderstandordonotlike,orsay'ThisisjustnotmeorwhoIwant tobe.' You are going through a di鍖cult phase for which you cannot get help from your usual sources. They could be biased/judgmental or you feel theywon'tunderstand. C
  • 12. Your relationship with your spouse or signi鍖cant other has hit rock- bottomandyouwanttogetyourrelationshipbackontrack. Therehasbeenacrisisinthefamilyandithasshakenyouup. Youareconcernedaboutasuddenchangeinyourchild'sbehavior. It is often heard people say that counseling is for someone with a serious mental condition. Why do I need counseling? This is a misconception about counseling. Counseling for mentally ill patients does exist, but at the same time, counseling is for anybody who is lookingforsupportandhelpintidingoveradi鍖cultsituation. Hereareafewmorepopularmythsaboutcounselingthatarenottrue: Itisexclusivelyfortheseverelydepressed,suicidalormentallyill. Visitingacounselorimpliesyouareincapableorincompetent. Itinvolvesmedication,hypnosis,andothermumbo-jumbo. I am afraid that if I go for counseling, I will have to continue for the rest of my life. Is it true? Counseling relationships are purposeful working relationships, and ultimately, the goal is to ensure that you feel empowered, and to that end, it will set and work towards your goals. While in some cases, you might 鍖nd your immediate need satis鍖ed in 1 or 2 sessions, typically you will 鍖nd you take 3 to 20sessions. Arecounselorsmindreaders? Counseling in general and speci鍖cally the kind of counseling we are engagedin: Isnotmind-reading. Doesnotinvolvegivingadvice. Isaprocessofempowermentanddoesnotpromotedependence. Doesnotinvolveprescriptionofmedicines. Occasionally, your counselor may offer relaxation methods, hypnosis, or other non-medical interventions for the speci鍖c purpose of your healing. At such times,youwillbeexplainedatlengthwhatthisentails,howitmightbene鍖tyou, any preparations needed and other details, and only with your full consent will suchtechniquesbeused. What happens in a typical counseling session? Your counseling session will typically take place in a location that is private, away from earshot of others. The time and date is something you can discuss and decide with your counselor, depending on what is convenient to you.Aconsultationsessionforone-timeinteractionwouldlastforabout30-50 minuteswiththecounselor.However,dependingonyourneed,yourcounseling therapy sessions will approximately last 180 minutes for a week or 5 consecutivedays. Thesessionitselfwillseeyourcounselorlisteningactivelytoyou,helpyousort through any di鍖culties, confusions, options, con鍖icts, etc. He/she will challenge you on inconsistencies and recognize what and how you can help yourself. Your counselor may want you to write/ record material, work you through different instruments, go through role plays or any other mechanism that may be suitable, and in all such interventions, he/she will do so only after explainingtoyouwhatitisfor,howitcouldhelpyou,andproceedonlywithyour expresspermission. This is your journey. The sessions act as a milestone or a check-point, and muchoftheworkisanongoingactiononyourpart.
  • 13. Will my counselor add me as a friend on Facebook/ social media sites? The relationship between your counselor and yourself is a special one and is different from the relationship you would have with your friends, family, doctor, lawyer, or even a social acquaintance. Maintaining boundaries and keeping a social distance is a key part of the con鍖dentiality and objectivity required to keep the counseling professional and ethical. While we will of course be friendly, we will NOT add you as a friend on our personal Facebook pro鍖leswhenyouareanactiveclientorseekingtobeone.Ifonconcludingyour work with us, we would still hold back for at least 6 weeks before starting any othersocial/non-socialrelationship. However,youarequitewelcometo'like'theMetamorphosispageonFacebook, followusthereandwritetousifyouwish. Areyoudoctors? No, we are not doctors. We are not quali鍖ed to prescribe medication. But yes, as a part of our training, we are equipped to pick up signals which will require psychiatric intervention. We are trained counselors and certi鍖ed practitionersinGestalttherapy,NLP,CBTandTransactionalAnalysis. WillIseethesamepersoneverytime? Yes. You would meet the same counselor every time you come to discuss yourissues.Thiswillensurecontinuity,comfort,andcon鍖dentiality. Ileadasatis鍖edlife.WhydoIneedcounseling? The quality of your life is determined by your happiness and not satisfaction. Counseling is a process of empowerment and it gives you the wings and the tools to aim higher, be happier, and just be more. Your life is an occasiontocelebrate-risetoit!
  • 14. You don't drown by falling in the water; you drown by staying there. ~ Edwin Louis Cole
  • 15. Visit us at www.mlifeskills.com Like us at www.facebook.com/MetamorphosisLifeSkills
  • 16. LIFE SKILLS PVT. LTD. TM #2216, 1st Floor, 80 Ft Road, Indiranagar, Bangalore-560075. Ph: 080 2525 2529, 2520 0369. Email: enquiry@mlifeskills.com