The document is a letter from the head teacher of Milford Primary School thanking James for his involvement with the school's governing body. The head teacher expresses regret that James will no longer be able to serve on the governing body and wishes him all the best for the future. The letter is signed by the head teacher, D Magner, and provides contact details for Milford Primary School.
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Milford Primary School Letter (03.05.11)
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Telephone: Nottingham 0115 915 2951 CLIFTON ESTATE,
Fax: Nottingham 0115 915 2951 NOTTINGHAM NG11 9BT
Tuesday, 3 May 201 1
Dear James
I am sorry to hear that you wil! no longer be able to serve on the Governing Body.
On behalf of the school I would like to thank you for your involvement with the school
and wish you all the best in the future.
Yours sincerely
D Magner
Head Teacher
our style is legendary
Headteacher: Mr. D. Magner