Lambert vet supply is offering quality Milk replacer for Puppies at competitive prices; we provide pets food and other products to ensure that the puppies remains healthy and grows according to its age.
2. The puppy milk replacers contain each nourishing component
that a puppy gets from their moms when they are youthful.
These milk replacers are particularly critical to puppies whose
moms have gone on or in situations where the mother
dismisses the youthful puppies. Also, they are extremely
valuable in situations where the puppies are not ready to suck
appropriately or when the mother is wiped out.
7. Whole of Life Performance
• Numerous reseacrh show that replacement heifer calves with higher
growth rates in the first 8-10 weeks of life have significantly improved
first lactation yields and fertility performance.
• Latest research from Moorepark shows significantly higher liveweight gains
(+16%) for calves fed a top quality milk replacer versus whole milk.
Reduced Risk of Scour
• Whole Milk is very high quality but consistency varies in terms of
temperature and composition (think of the variation between morning
and evening milkings). Inconsistency greatly increases the risk of scour
• Milk Replacer is consistent and acidified to improve digestion and decrease
the risk of scour.
8. Earlier weaning
• Whole milk contains very high levels of fat/energy. This delays
solid feed intake, rumen development and ultimately weaning.
• A top quality milk replacer contains lower levels of fat and high
levels of digestible milk proteins to encourage intake of starter
rations and rumen development leading to earlier weaning.
• Feeding antibiotic milk greatly increases the risk of development
of resistant organisms. At a minimum do not feed to heifers.
• Feeding whole milk greatly increases the risk of spreading disease
e.g. Johne’s disease.
9. ï‚ž Lower costs per litre: Premier Milk Replacers
products are competitively priced, please phone
for a quote
ï‚ž Lower risk of disease: Feeding milk replacers
prevents the transfer of diseases from cow to
calf e.g. para-tuberculosis
ï‚ž Convenience: Milk replacer can be fed at any
time of day
ï‚ž Less effort: Using a milk replacer saves labour
and time when using an automatic feeding
ï‚ž Longer shelf life: Milk replacers can be stored for
up to 12 months