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The Victorian Experience
The Victorian Experience
The Victorian Experience
The Victorian Experience
"Mrs Lewes is getting her eyes
redder and swollener every
morning as she lives through her
tragic story. But there is such a
strain of poetry to relieve the
tragedy that the more she cries, and
the readers cry, the better say I. (G.H.
Lewes, 5 March 1860)
The Victorian Experience
I cannot choose but think upon the time
When our two lives grew like two buds that kiss
At lightest thrill from the bees swinging chime,
Because the one so near the other is.
He was the elder and a little man
Of forty inches, bound to show no dread,
And I the girl that puppy-like now ran,
Now lagged behind my brothers larger tread.
I held him wise, and when he talked to me
Of snakes and birds, and which God loved the best,
I thought his knowledge marked the boundary
Where men grew blind, though angels knew the rest.
If he said Hush! I tried to hold my breath;
Wherever he said Come! I stepped in faith.The Victorian Experience
 Autobiographical: Maggie grows up in a provincial
milieu = reflects Eliots own struggles growing up as an
intellectually ambitious girl. Several incidents related
to GEs own childhood: hacking off her hair, running
away with gypsies
 A double Bildungsroman? How is Toms development
explored sympathetically?
The Victorian Experience
 Toms schoolmaster Mr Stelling, declares that girls may
have a great deal of superficial cleverness; but they
couldnt go far into anything. Theyre quick and
 Maggie is sent instead to Miss Firnisss boarding-
school, which concentrates more on the development
of manners than the expansion of the mind
 (Book 2, ch. 1).
The Victorian Experience
 an over-cute womans no better nor a long-tailed
sheep  shell fetch none the bigger price for that (Mr
Tulliver, Book 1, ch. 2).
 Maggies childhood reading: Pugs tour of Europe,
Animated Nature.
 Daniel Defoes The Political History of the Devil
That old woman in the waters a witch  theyve put her
in to find out whether shes a witch or no; and if she
swims shes a witch, and if shes drowned  and killed,
you know  shes innocent, and not a witch, but only a
poor silly old woman. But what good would it do her
then, you know, when she was drowned? (Book 1, ch. 3)
 John Bunyans Pilgrims Progress
The Victorian Experience
The Victorian Experience
It had the corners turned down in
many places, and some hand, now
for ever quiet, had made at certain
passages strong pen and ink
marks, long since browned by
time. Maggie turned from leaf to
leaf and read where the quiet hand
pointed.  She went on from one
brown mark to another, where the
quiet hand seemed to point,
hardly conscious that she was
readingseeming rather to listen
to a low voice.
The Victorian Experience
 The Mill on the Floss as tragic
Bildungsroman, or anti-
 Susan Fraiman Unbecoming
Women: British Women
Writers and the Novel of
Development 1993 (Columbia
UP, 1992)
The Victorian Experience
 GE, Silly Novels by Lady
Novelists - published
anonymously in the
Westminster Review in
1856. In the essay, Eliot
criticises the majority of
novels written by and for
women, objecting to
their 'silliness' and
disregard for reality.
 In contrast, Eliot wants
to explore how social
environment acts to
produce different
outcomes for young
women who are
apparently born in
similar circumstances
e.g. Maggie and Lucy...
The Victorian Experience
 "It's for your own good I say
 Modeled on GEs mother's
sisters, the Pearsons
 "to leave an unimpeachable
 A particular moment in
human development 
how rich Protestant
peasants lived in middle
England  (Hughes)
 played out in the character of Maggie
 Shes more like a gypsy nor ever, says Aunt Pullet; its
very bad luck, sister, as the gell should be so brown . . .
I doubt itll stand in her way ilife to be so brown
 I can tell you something about Geography too  thats
about the world we live in  very useful and
interesting,its in my Catechism of Geography
(i:11:109). (Maggie offering to educate the Gypsies
The Victorian Experience
 Transgressive romantic liaisons - Philip Waken,
Stephen Guest
 However, to Stephen, if the past is not to bind us,
where can duty lie? (vii:4:475).
 Ultimately Maggie chooses duty over passion;
brother and family over her lover; the past over the
 Renunciation rewarded only by death  a deeply
pessimistic novel?
The Victorian Experience
 Maggie inherits her innovative spirit from her father
and his lineage:
 Mr. Tullivers grandfather had been heard to say that
he was descended from one Ralph Tulliver, a
wonderfully clever fellow, who had ruined himself
The Victorian Experience
 In Sophocles play, Antigone insists on carrying out
funeral rites for her dead brother, despite Creons
orders  this leads to her own death
 In her essay, The Antigone and its Moral (1856), GE
explains that the basis of Antigones tragedy is the
dramatic collision of principles of equal validity; not
the triumph of one set of principles over the other.
 the impulse of sisterly piety which allies itself with
reverence for the Gods, and this clashes with the
duties of citizenship; two principles, both having their
validity, are at war with each other.
 Maggie, however, acts more on feeling (sympathy)
than duty. The Victorian Experience
 The Mill on the Floss indicates that emotional
attachment to the past is stronger than an imagined
future. Other novels display a stronger belief in
innovation and progress. E.g.
 Silas Marner: Eppie chooses to remain with her
adoptive father, Silas, and the community to which she
has grown accustomed;
 Middlemarch: Dorothea renounces her inheritance
from Casaubon.
 However a reversal in Daniel Deronda: blood comes to
be associated with race.
The Victorian Experience
The Victorian Experience

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Mill on the_floss

  • 1. The Victorian Experience The Victorian Experience
  • 3. The Victorian Experience "Mrs Lewes is getting her eyes redder and swollener every morning as she lives through her tragic story. But there is such a strain of poetry to relieve the tragedy that the more she cries, and the readers cry, the better say I. (G.H. Lewes, 5 March 1860)
  • 5. I cannot choose but think upon the time When our two lives grew like two buds that kiss At lightest thrill from the bees swinging chime, Because the one so near the other is. He was the elder and a little man Of forty inches, bound to show no dread, And I the girl that puppy-like now ran, Now lagged behind my brothers larger tread. I held him wise, and when he talked to me Of snakes and birds, and which God loved the best, I thought his knowledge marked the boundary Where men grew blind, though angels knew the rest. If he said Hush! I tried to hold my breath; Wherever he said Come! I stepped in faith.The Victorian Experience
  • 6. Autobiographical: Maggie grows up in a provincial milieu = reflects Eliots own struggles growing up as an intellectually ambitious girl. Several incidents related to GEs own childhood: hacking off her hair, running away with gypsies A double Bildungsroman? How is Toms development explored sympathetically? The Victorian Experience
  • 7. Toms schoolmaster Mr Stelling, declares that girls may have a great deal of superficial cleverness; but they couldnt go far into anything. Theyre quick and shallow. Maggie is sent instead to Miss Firnisss boarding- school, which concentrates more on the development of manners than the expansion of the mind (Book 2, ch. 1). The Victorian Experience
  • 8. an over-cute womans no better nor a long-tailed sheep shell fetch none the bigger price for that (Mr Tulliver, Book 1, ch. 2). Maggies childhood reading: Pugs tour of Europe, Animated Nature. Daniel Defoes The Political History of the Devil That old woman in the waters a witch theyve put her in to find out whether shes a witch or no; and if she swims shes a witch, and if shes drowned and killed, you know shes innocent, and not a witch, but only a poor silly old woman. But what good would it do her then, you know, when she was drowned? (Book 1, ch. 3) John Bunyans Pilgrims Progress The Victorian Experience
  • 9. The Victorian Experience It had the corners turned down in many places, and some hand, now for ever quiet, had made at certain passages strong pen and ink marks, long since browned by time. Maggie turned from leaf to leaf and read where the quiet hand pointed. She went on from one brown mark to another, where the quiet hand seemed to point, hardly conscious that she was readingseeming rather to listen to a low voice.
  • 10. The Victorian Experience The Mill on the Floss as tragic Bildungsroman, or anti- Bildungsroman? Susan Fraiman Unbecoming Women: British Women Writers and the Novel of Development 1993 (Columbia UP, 1992)
  • 11. The Victorian Experience GE, Silly Novels by Lady Novelists - published anonymously in the Westminster Review in 1856. In the essay, Eliot criticises the majority of novels written by and for women, objecting to their 'silliness' and disregard for reality. In contrast, Eliot wants to explore how social environment acts to produce different outcomes for young women who are apparently born in similar circumstances e.g. Maggie and Lucy...
  • 12. The Victorian Experience "It's for your own good I say this." Modeled on GEs mother's sisters, the Pearsons "to leave an unimpeachable will A particular moment in human development how rich Protestant peasants lived in middle England (Hughes)
  • 13. played out in the character of Maggie Shes more like a gypsy nor ever, says Aunt Pullet; its very bad luck, sister, as the gell should be so brown . . . I doubt itll stand in her way ilife to be so brown (i:7:68). I can tell you something about Geography too thats about the world we live in very useful and interesting,its in my Catechism of Geography (i:11:109). (Maggie offering to educate the Gypsies The Victorian Experience
  • 14. Transgressive romantic liaisons - Philip Waken, Stephen Guest However, to Stephen, if the past is not to bind us, where can duty lie? (vii:4:475). Ultimately Maggie chooses duty over passion; brother and family over her lover; the past over the future. Renunciation rewarded only by death a deeply pessimistic novel? The Victorian Experience
  • 15. Maggie inherits her innovative spirit from her father and his lineage: Mr. Tullivers grandfather had been heard to say that he was descended from one Ralph Tulliver, a wonderfully clever fellow, who had ruined himself (iv:1:274). The Victorian Experience
  • 16. In Sophocles play, Antigone insists on carrying out funeral rites for her dead brother, despite Creons orders this leads to her own death In her essay, The Antigone and its Moral (1856), GE explains that the basis of Antigones tragedy is the dramatic collision of principles of equal validity; not the triumph of one set of principles over the other. the impulse of sisterly piety which allies itself with reverence for the Gods, and this clashes with the duties of citizenship; two principles, both having their validity, are at war with each other. Maggie, however, acts more on feeling (sympathy) than duty. The Victorian Experience
  • 17. The Mill on the Floss indicates that emotional attachment to the past is stronger than an imagined future. Other novels display a stronger belief in innovation and progress. E.g. Silas Marner: Eppie chooses to remain with her adoptive father, Silas, and the community to which she has grown accustomed; Middlemarch: Dorothea renounces her inheritance from Casaubon. However a reversal in Daniel Deronda: blood comes to be associated with race. The Victorian Experience

Editor's Notes

  • #4: Kathryn Hughes in the Guardian 26th March 2010.
  • #10: Walter Scott (Philip Waken) romance
  • #13: Mary Pearson Everard
  • #19: Tom and Maggie overwhelmed by the flood Photograph: Rischgitz/Getty Images