Between April 2, 1976 when Doug Wallace staged the first public protest against Mormon racism and June 9, 1978 when the church reversed its practice of demeaning black people by allowing black men priesthood, Doug kept the pressure on the church. This Millennial Messenger copy was the last one produced. Many observers credit the publication for prompting the Church leaders to make the reversal with the hope it would
silence the efforts of Doug. However Doug had learned too much about the dis-honesty of the church to be persuaded to quit the good fight. He was asked by a reporter for the Seattle TV station owned by the church if he would now quit his fight? He answered with a resounding NO!
2. The Millennial Messenger, of March-April 1978, Triggered the Mormon
Church to abandon its Racist policy of denying priesthood rights to
Black male members.
The issue preserved on the following pages introduced the sinister
Side of Mormonism. A side which very few members of the church are
Aware of.
Byron Marchant, one of the contributing writers, in his article concerning
The Brazil temple suggested that it would be impossible for the church
To identify candidates for temple recommends from the mixed racial
Composition of Brazilian members of the church.
He was arrested on Temple Square in Salt Lake City at the Sunday
Session of the 1978 April annual conference for trespass as he was distributing
Copies of the Messenger. The church later caused a dismissal of the charges
Doug Wallace was sought out for interview by the church on June 8, 1978
The day the church reversed its policy. When he refused to cease embarrassing
The church about its sinister corruption, a Shelton WA attorney JOHN C.RAGAN
Was assassinated as a ploy to lure Wallace into an elaborate scheme of discredit.
That too failed and Wallace has waited upon the Lord until the present time .
3. The Millennial Messenger was first published as a monthly news letter
beginning in September, 1977. Each month had a different colored paper.
In 1978 , the Messenger was published three times only. It was published
as magazine in January, February and the March-April edition.
The May-June issue was never published because the church reversed
itself on June 8th
1978 with an expedient search for worthy Black male
members whom the church could feel justified in ordaining to the
As to which article contained in the March-April issue caused the church to
make that reversal, it is certain that they could not dedicate the Brazil
Temple without removing the exception to temple rites as affecting Black
males. Based on subsequent events, the criminal past of the church was
also a deciding factor in the reversal. In any event there is no question that
the March-April issue prompted the church to timely reverse its racist
Apologies have been extended for the appearance and editing of the
Messenger due to the lack of time in its preparation. It was a one day- two
finger typing operation without the benefit of more modern computer word
4. Contributing writers to the famed edition
who have passed on to their rewards as
known are:
C.D. McBride 1895 - 1992
G.T. Harrison 1901 - 1995
John W. Fitzgerald 1904 - 1998
Irene S. Leland 1916- 2005
Miranda Young Snow AKA LaPriel James 1915- 2001
May their memories be cherished for the bold actions they took during their
lifetimes to sound the alarm that intelligent discovery provokes! They were
Heroes in their time.
* Byron Marchant still retains several original collectors copies *