Social Media Marketing Presentation at the
- Brighton Social Media Meetup:
My presentation includes; How Traditional Demographics for social media campaigns are no longer relevant.
How our peculiar assumptions of generation X must NOT be applied to target generation Y and Z
Where we can look for demographics of the future.
What metrics we can integrate into social media marketing campaigns today, to better target the behaviour of purchasers of the future.
Millennials are a generation born between 1980-2000 that will have an estimated $1.4 trillion in spending power by 2020. They are more racially diverse, less religious, and were the first generation to come of age in a digital world. Millennials prioritize social causes, experience, and reviews from friends over traditional advertising. They are optimistic yet burdened by student debt and distrustful of institutions. Millennials expect companies and brands to share their values and provide convenient, personalized shopping experiences through multiple channels including mobile.
More than 230 million millennials in Chinaor about 17% of the total populationare undergoing the biggest change of their young lives: becoming adults. Hundreds of millions of young Chinese from the 90s generation are getting older, becoming more mature and shifting their perspectives from self-focused to society-focused.
Millennials are not shy and tell us exactly how they want to receive information and how they want to be targeted. Brands do not necessarily listen and frankly that is unacceptable.
The technology that is available in the marketplace has never made it easier for brands and marketers alike to design personal information streams tailored to the individual. Organizations are struggling to understand what is happening in their world. In past years, brands created campaigns designed for the masses.
Traditionally campaigns were targeted at a specific segment of the population, but that is as far as it went. There was no thought or plan targeting the consumer at the individual marketing level. Millennials count for 2.5 billion people, nearly 35% of the world's population and have undoubtedly ushered baby boomers out of the "buying power" seat with social media as their biggest ally. The estimated millennial spending in 2015 is expected to reach $2.45 trillion globally. All those dollars up for grabs it is no wonder companies are feeling the pressure.
As the whole world is going digital, it is not surprising Millennials or otherwise known as the "Y" Generation have rapidly transformed the way brands interact with the customer. The main focus of organizations is to create marketing strategies that will engage customer behavior through their desired communication channel. The advancement of technology has transformed the way millennials expect brands to accommodate their wants and needs. Millennials want a brand to have socially conscious platforms that are committed to making a difference in the world. Millennials want it all and are not afraid to ask for it. Above all, they want to buy from a company who makes them feel special and values their loyalty.
Millennials are shaking up the way organizations communicate with customers and compelling companies to update their entire business strategies to stay relevant. Organizations that embrace the changes millennials are demanding are seeing an increase in customer acquisitions and retention. A brand that is going to give them the personalized treatment they expect will be laughing at their competitors all the way to the bank.
Ever wondered why the two hottest words in marketing today are Millennial and Multicultural?
Well the short answer is that the Millennial Generation (18-34) rules category after category and Multiculturals are their heart and source of vitality and growth.
Andy Halley-Wright, VP Planning and Research at Y&R/Bravo Miami, looks at how despite millennials coming of age in dire economic times, they are optimistic, open minded and brave. And in the home of the brave, the American Dream burns brightest in multicultural millennial hearts. Naturally various life stages and different mindsets fall between the ages of 18 and 34. In fear of over simplification, the younger cohort (18-24) are Explorers (4Cs) driven by the mega need of discovery while the older segment (25-34) are Aspirers (4Cs) motivated to make a mark and to show the world that they are making it.
"Born in a digital world, eight in 10 Millennials in America own a smartphone. They are always on, always connected like 1 in 2 are tweeting, liking, emailing, you-tubing or whatever; while on the toilet! No generation has ever spread the word about themselves and help build or break brands like this generation. And again, Hispanics are at the bleeding edge, especially when it comes to mobile," he writes.
If Millennial and Multicultural are the two hottest words in marketing today, the two most important commandments they impart are that the marketer should Embrace Diversity and Be Participatory. Of course, thats easier said than done.
This document discusses characteristics of the Millennial generation born between 1980-1995. It provides statistics showing that Millennials now represent the largest living generation in the US, driving over $2 trillion in annual spending. As digital natives who are hyper-connected via social media, Millennials are more optimistic than older generations but have faced economic challenges entering the workforce. The document segments Millennials into younger Explorers and older Achievers and notes that while sharing some attributes, Millennials should not be viewed as a homogeneous group.
This document discusses characteristics of the Millennial generation born between 1980-1995. It provides statistics showing that Millennials now represent the largest living generation in the US, driving a significant portion of consumer spending. As digital natives who came of age during difficult economic times, Millennials rely heavily on social connections, family support, and optimistically believe in personal improvement despite challenges. Their values emphasize happiness, passion and diversity over tradition.
How Nonprofits Can (And Should!) Engage Millennial Donors and VolunteersJulia Campbell
What we cover in this presentation:
Myths and misconceptions that are hurting your ability to reach this generation;
How to recruit and engage Millennials into your organization;
How to use specific social media platforms to reach younger donors and volunteers;
How to incorporate storytelling into your content to attract younger donors;
Real-world examples from nonprofits getting it right.
Si les prises de parole concernant les g辿n辿rations Y et Z sont l辿gion, il 辿tait primordial pour Starcom dadopter une prise de position limpide sur ces termes surexploit辿s. Notre 辿tude est une photographie de la soci辿t辿, une immersion dans le monde des 束 jeunes 損 travers une recherche documentaire, des interviews dexperts et la synth竪se des 辿tudes que nous avons r辿alis辿es pour nos clients sur ces cibles.
This document discusses trends in ethnic and religious populations in the United States and opportunities for multicultural marketing. It notes that minorities now make up the majority in many major urban areas and their purchasing power is rapidly increasing. Specific groups discussed include Hispanics, the largest minority group, African Americans, Asians, and Native Americans. Their populations, cultures, assimilation trends, and projected purchasing power through 2045 are summarized.
The document proposes a new news website called that is designed specifically for millennials. It will feature popular hashtags as section topics like #BlackLivesMatter and #PokemonGo. An editorial team of 10 members, including reporters covering sports, entertainment, technology and politics, will create content. The goal is to understand millennials by having all news written by millennials for millennials, as traditional advertising has proven ineffective at capturing their attention. Companies are fiercely competing for the large millennial demographic and their $200 billion in annual buying power.
This document discusses marketing strategies for Generation Y (Millennials). It provides demographic data on Gen Y, including their size, age range, racial composition, priorities, spending habits, and media usage. The document also offers recommendations for communicating with and reaching Gen Y, such as using word-of-mouth marketing, viral campaigns, social media, and cause marketing. Authenticity, quality, and experiences are keys to appealing to Gen Y consumers.
Millennials may be more diverse, social, and optimistic than expected. While struggling in the difficult economy, they are entrepreneurial and care about social issues and authentic brands. They value self-expression through music, art, and social media. Millennials are the most racially diverse generation and care about their families and communities despite financial challenges. They are optimistic about their future success and potential.
Generation Z encompasses ages 13 to 19, with a psychographic overlap with young Millennials ages 20 to 24. As digital natives with more familiarity with virtual worlds than previous generations, Generation Z is redefining the "new normal."
The document provides an overview of Millennials in the workforce based on LinkedIn data. It discusses that Millennials currently make up a large portion of the workforce and will comprise 50% of the workforce by 2020. It then lists some of the top occupations for Millennials on LinkedIn, including salesperson, software developer, and administrative employee. Finally, it introduces that a LinkedIn survey found the top things Millennials want in a job, but does not list what those things are.
Brands are facing an emerging challenge in multicultural marketinghow do they execute against total market? Changing demographics and the need for efficiencies in market spend, targeting and process are driving this discussion.
Achieving effective solutions requires a deeper understanding of cultural dynamics. Brands must be engaged in more authentic and meaningful dialogue with consumers; inspire innovation and creativity that connects more broadly; and achieve efficiencies through an integrated approach.
Within the US and globally we are experiencing the acceleration of a cultural shift marked by cultural remix or Hybriculturalism. The desire to respond to this cultural shift is evident in the call to action known as total market. However, there is still a struggle to understand the dynamics. For total market approaches to work, this understanding is critical.
Millennial consumer research, part of portfolioOlivia Deith
Millennials and Generation Z are more diverse, tolerant, and compassionate than previous generations. They are driving social change through activism on social media and by expressing their beliefs online. These generations value education, careers, community, and making a positive impact. They reject stereotypes and embrace opportunities to better the world. Millennials are especially interested in brands that support social causes and stand for more than just profits. As digital natives, they are very engaged on social media and expect brands to interact with them online.
Hispanic American Teens & Chonga Girls 2010magdamena
Hispanic-American teens are emerging as a powerful cultural and economic force in mainstream America. They represent the fastest growing demographic in the US, with nearly half of all US children under 18 being Hispanic. By 2025, nearly 3 in 10 children will be Hispanic. Hispanic teens also have significant purchasing power of over $20 billion currently, and their influence on fashion, music and other industries will continue growing significantly in the coming years.
Hispanic-American teens are becoming a powerful cultural and economic force in mainstream America. They represent the fastest growing demographic in the US, making up 22% of the population under 18. By 2025, nearly 3 in 10 children will be Hispanic. This large and young demographic has significant purchasing power and influence over music, fashion, and pop culture trends. Their English language dominance and urban lifestyle also make them an attractive target for brands and advertisers.
You've no doubt heard about Millennials (also known as Generation Y, born after 1980) for years now. ... Born after 1995, members of the emerging Gen Z are expected to become the dominant business influencers of tomorrow
Social media has become a fundamental part of communication and commerce. Several facts illustrate its widespread adoption: 300,000+ businesses have Facebook presences; 96% of Generation Y have joined social networks; and Facebook added 100 million users in less than 9 months. Additionally, social media influences customer behavior - 78% of consumers trust peer recommendations over advertisements. As a result, social media is increasingly seen as essential for businesses, as the ways people interact and obtain information have shifted significantly online.
Ferris Bueller's Gen Y Guide - Millennials & Credit UnionsweCU2
@_weCU2 overview of Millennials through the words of the immortal film 'Ferris Beuller's Day Off'. What do Millennials look for in their financial services partner and why Credit Unions meet that need so well.
The Millennial Generation: Who They Are & Why You Need ThemMorgan Smith
Delivered at Longmont Startup Week 2016 by Morgan Smith. These slides focus on the generational story and profile of the Millennial Generation and outline the economics, consumption habits, politics, and workplace habits around Millennials and then answers why we need them. The slides are only part of the presentation delivered by Morgan and hearing him in person completes your understanding of the information presented.
Trendbook created using primary and secondary data and market research describing the key influencers that will affect product development over the next 18 months.
This document discusses segmenting the millennial generation based on life stages. Millennials range in age from 18-34 but have different priorities and financial situations depending on where they are in life. The document suggests dividing millennials into three life stages - dependent adults, those on their own, and those starting a family. These stages have differing characteristics like marital status, social media usage, wealth levels, and top concerns. Understanding these differences is important for businesses hoping to successfully market to millennials.
A spa in Minneapolis offers the perfect escape for relaxation and self-care. Whether youre looking for a deep-tissue massage, a rejuvenating facial, or a full-body treatment, the city has a variety of wellness centers to choose from. Many spas provide specialized services such as aromatherapy, hot stone therapy, and hydrotherapy. You can also enjoy organic skincare treatments, meditation spaces, and holistic healing therapies. From luxurious retreats to small boutique wellness spots, a spa in Minneapolis caters to every need, ensuring a peaceful and refreshing experience for both locals and visitors seeking to unwind and rejuvenate.
This document discusses characteristics of the Millennial generation born between 1980-1995. It provides statistics showing that Millennials now represent the largest living generation in the US, driving over $2 trillion in annual spending. As digital natives who are hyper-connected via social media, Millennials are more optimistic than older generations but have faced economic challenges entering the workforce. The document segments Millennials into younger Explorers and older Achievers and notes that while sharing some attributes, Millennials should not be viewed as a homogeneous group.
This document discusses characteristics of the Millennial generation born between 1980-1995. It provides statistics showing that Millennials now represent the largest living generation in the US, driving a significant portion of consumer spending. As digital natives who came of age during difficult economic times, Millennials rely heavily on social connections, family support, and optimistically believe in personal improvement despite challenges. Their values emphasize happiness, passion and diversity over tradition.
How Nonprofits Can (And Should!) Engage Millennial Donors and VolunteersJulia Campbell
What we cover in this presentation:
Myths and misconceptions that are hurting your ability to reach this generation;
How to recruit and engage Millennials into your organization;
How to use specific social media platforms to reach younger donors and volunteers;
How to incorporate storytelling into your content to attract younger donors;
Real-world examples from nonprofits getting it right.
Si les prises de parole concernant les g辿n辿rations Y et Z sont l辿gion, il 辿tait primordial pour Starcom dadopter une prise de position limpide sur ces termes surexploit辿s. Notre 辿tude est une photographie de la soci辿t辿, une immersion dans le monde des 束 jeunes 損 travers une recherche documentaire, des interviews dexperts et la synth竪se des 辿tudes que nous avons r辿alis辿es pour nos clients sur ces cibles.
This document discusses trends in ethnic and religious populations in the United States and opportunities for multicultural marketing. It notes that minorities now make up the majority in many major urban areas and their purchasing power is rapidly increasing. Specific groups discussed include Hispanics, the largest minority group, African Americans, Asians, and Native Americans. Their populations, cultures, assimilation trends, and projected purchasing power through 2045 are summarized.
The document proposes a new news website called that is designed specifically for millennials. It will feature popular hashtags as section topics like #BlackLivesMatter and #PokemonGo. An editorial team of 10 members, including reporters covering sports, entertainment, technology and politics, will create content. The goal is to understand millennials by having all news written by millennials for millennials, as traditional advertising has proven ineffective at capturing their attention. Companies are fiercely competing for the large millennial demographic and their $200 billion in annual buying power.
This document discusses marketing strategies for Generation Y (Millennials). It provides demographic data on Gen Y, including their size, age range, racial composition, priorities, spending habits, and media usage. The document also offers recommendations for communicating with and reaching Gen Y, such as using word-of-mouth marketing, viral campaigns, social media, and cause marketing. Authenticity, quality, and experiences are keys to appealing to Gen Y consumers.
Millennials may be more diverse, social, and optimistic than expected. While struggling in the difficult economy, they are entrepreneurial and care about social issues and authentic brands. They value self-expression through music, art, and social media. Millennials are the most racially diverse generation and care about their families and communities despite financial challenges. They are optimistic about their future success and potential.
Generation Z encompasses ages 13 to 19, with a psychographic overlap with young Millennials ages 20 to 24. As digital natives with more familiarity with virtual worlds than previous generations, Generation Z is redefining the "new normal."
The document provides an overview of Millennials in the workforce based on LinkedIn data. It discusses that Millennials currently make up a large portion of the workforce and will comprise 50% of the workforce by 2020. It then lists some of the top occupations for Millennials on LinkedIn, including salesperson, software developer, and administrative employee. Finally, it introduces that a LinkedIn survey found the top things Millennials want in a job, but does not list what those things are.
Brands are facing an emerging challenge in multicultural marketinghow do they execute against total market? Changing demographics and the need for efficiencies in market spend, targeting and process are driving this discussion.
Achieving effective solutions requires a deeper understanding of cultural dynamics. Brands must be engaged in more authentic and meaningful dialogue with consumers; inspire innovation and creativity that connects more broadly; and achieve efficiencies through an integrated approach.
Within the US and globally we are experiencing the acceleration of a cultural shift marked by cultural remix or Hybriculturalism. The desire to respond to this cultural shift is evident in the call to action known as total market. However, there is still a struggle to understand the dynamics. For total market approaches to work, this understanding is critical.
Millennial consumer research, part of portfolioOlivia Deith
Millennials and Generation Z are more diverse, tolerant, and compassionate than previous generations. They are driving social change through activism on social media and by expressing their beliefs online. These generations value education, careers, community, and making a positive impact. They reject stereotypes and embrace opportunities to better the world. Millennials are especially interested in brands that support social causes and stand for more than just profits. As digital natives, they are very engaged on social media and expect brands to interact with them online.
Hispanic American Teens & Chonga Girls 2010magdamena
Hispanic-American teens are emerging as a powerful cultural and economic force in mainstream America. They represent the fastest growing demographic in the US, with nearly half of all US children under 18 being Hispanic. By 2025, nearly 3 in 10 children will be Hispanic. Hispanic teens also have significant purchasing power of over $20 billion currently, and their influence on fashion, music and other industries will continue growing significantly in the coming years.
Hispanic-American teens are becoming a powerful cultural and economic force in mainstream America. They represent the fastest growing demographic in the US, making up 22% of the population under 18. By 2025, nearly 3 in 10 children will be Hispanic. This large and young demographic has significant purchasing power and influence over music, fashion, and pop culture trends. Their English language dominance and urban lifestyle also make them an attractive target for brands and advertisers.
You've no doubt heard about Millennials (also known as Generation Y, born after 1980) for years now. ... Born after 1995, members of the emerging Gen Z are expected to become the dominant business influencers of tomorrow
Social media has become a fundamental part of communication and commerce. Several facts illustrate its widespread adoption: 300,000+ businesses have Facebook presences; 96% of Generation Y have joined social networks; and Facebook added 100 million users in less than 9 months. Additionally, social media influences customer behavior - 78% of consumers trust peer recommendations over advertisements. As a result, social media is increasingly seen as essential for businesses, as the ways people interact and obtain information have shifted significantly online.
Ferris Bueller's Gen Y Guide - Millennials & Credit UnionsweCU2
@_weCU2 overview of Millennials through the words of the immortal film 'Ferris Beuller's Day Off'. What do Millennials look for in their financial services partner and why Credit Unions meet that need so well.
The Millennial Generation: Who They Are & Why You Need ThemMorgan Smith
Delivered at Longmont Startup Week 2016 by Morgan Smith. These slides focus on the generational story and profile of the Millennial Generation and outline the economics, consumption habits, politics, and workplace habits around Millennials and then answers why we need them. The slides are only part of the presentation delivered by Morgan and hearing him in person completes your understanding of the information presented.
Trendbook created using primary and secondary data and market research describing the key influencers that will affect product development over the next 18 months.
This document discusses segmenting the millennial generation based on life stages. Millennials range in age from 18-34 but have different priorities and financial situations depending on where they are in life. The document suggests dividing millennials into three life stages - dependent adults, those on their own, and those starting a family. These stages have differing characteristics like marital status, social media usage, wealth levels, and top concerns. Understanding these differences is important for businesses hoping to successfully market to millennials.
A spa in Minneapolis offers the perfect escape for relaxation and self-care. Whether youre looking for a deep-tissue massage, a rejuvenating facial, or a full-body treatment, the city has a variety of wellness centers to choose from. Many spas provide specialized services such as aromatherapy, hot stone therapy, and hydrotherapy. You can also enjoy organic skincare treatments, meditation spaces, and holistic healing therapies. From luxurious retreats to small boutique wellness spots, a spa in Minneapolis caters to every need, ensuring a peaceful and refreshing experience for both locals and visitors seeking to unwind and rejuvenate.
Men's shops in Shahabad began with a simple yet profound vision: to redefine the fashion industry by offering clothing that not only looks good but also feels good. We noticed a gap in the market where style often compromised comfort, and vice versa. Determined to bridge this divide, we set out to create a brand that marries the two seamlessly.
The fashion industry is undergoing a transformative shift towards sustainability as global concerns about climate change and resource depletion grow. Consumers, brands, and designers are increasingly prioritizing eco-friendly materials, ethical production practices, and reducing waste.
In a time when sustainability matters more than anything else, corporations are going the extra mile in finding means of reducing their footprints on the environment. In the numerous enterprises that are seizing this challenge, Rinipo takes the lead by minimizing waste generated in manufacturing. Through the deployment of advanced technology and creative tactics, Rinipo is not just enhancing its own efficiency in business but also making a new norm for sustainable business practices.
Technological innovation and new materials are in the forefront of revolutionizing industries and setting the future agenda in today's rapid world. Organizations that adopt innovative materials not only enhance their products but also drive the sustainability and efficiency of their operations. Rinipo, a firm with a pioneering mindset, has been able to incorporate advanced materials into its product design and manufacturing. This focus not only improves the performance of their products but also supports their vision for a sustainable future.
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Beyond Work, Pieter Stalenhoef Maintains an Active LifestyleWilliamClack2
Aspiring Author Pieter Stalenhoef is presently employed as a financial advisor for Santander Investment Services in Greater Boston, Massachusetts. Outside of work, Stalenhoef leads an active life with hobbies like tennis, skiing, and cycling that keep him busy.
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scienticfic foundation of health good healht and wellbeingaishwaryam59368
Health and Its Importance
Health is a fundamental aspect of human life, influencing overall well-being and the ability to lead a fulfilling life. It is a dynamic state of physical, mental, and social well-being, not merely the absence of disease. The importance of health cannot be overstated, as it affects longevity, productivity, and quality of life. A healthy individual can contribute to society, achieve personal goals, and experience a sense of fulfillment. Good health enables people to engage in daily activities effectively, maintain relationships, and pursue ambitions without the constraints of illness or disability.
Influencing Factors of Health
Several factors influence an individual's health, including biological, environmental, social, and lifestyle-related elements:
Genetics: Inherited traits play a crucial role in determining susceptibility to certain diseases and overall health conditions.
Environment: Clean air, safe drinking water, and proper sanitation contribute to overall health, while pollution and hazardous surroundings can cause health issues.
Nutrition: A balanced diet rich in essential nutrients helps maintain good health, prevent diseases, and support growth and development.
Physical Activity: Regular exercise strengthens muscles, improves cardiovascular health, and enhances mental well-being.
Mental Health: Psychological well-being is as important as physical health. Stress, anxiety, and depression can impact overall health.
Social Factors: Economic status, education, and community support affect access to healthcare and healthy lifestyle choices.
Healthcare Access: Availability and affordability of healthcare services determine the ability to prevent, diagnose, and treat illnesses.
Health and Behaviour
Health and behavior are closely linked. Personal habits and lifestyle choices significantly impact overall health. Unhealthy behaviors such as smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, poor diet, and sedentary lifestyles can lead to chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular diseases. On the other hand, adopting healthy habits like regular exercise, balanced nutrition, and stress management contributes to overall well-being.
Health Beliefs
Health beliefs shape an individual's approach to well-being and medical care. Cultural, religious, and personal beliefs influence how individuals perceive health and illness. Some may rely on traditional remedies, while others trust modern medicine. Understanding these beliefs is crucial for effective healthcare interventions and health promotion efforts.
Advantages of Good Health
Maintaining good health provides several advantages, including:
Increased life expectancy
Enhanced productivity and efficiency
Better mental health and emotional stability
Improved quality of life
Reduced healthcare costs and burden on medical systems
Greater ability to handle stress and challenges
Enhanced social and family relationships
Health and Society
The hea
Allan Kinsella-Biography, Director Assurance, Ministry for Primary Industrieskinsellaallan2
Allan Kinsella is a leadership expert, former military officer, and public service professional with experience in crisis management and strategic assurance. Explore his SpeakerHub profile to learn more about his insights and expertise.
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Fillerina Plus is an advanced dermo-cosmetic treatment designed to target deep wrinkles and significant volume loss. With a unique blend of eight hyaluronic acid molecules, it deeply penetrates the skin to plump, hydrate, and restore lost volume, delivering visible anti-aging results.
12. This is the first generation where the universe
literally does revolve around them. They control
everything they want to see and trash the rest.
Brands HAVE to be IN the conversation and NOT interrupting it.
Being a Millennial myself. I understand this generation.
CEO of Sociallyin - Digital advertising agency focused on reaching