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Building a sustainable, shared data community.

What is data and how is It used?
 Facts, Statistics or Items of Information
 -Social Trends

 Data is used to identify problems, realize solutions and
   affect positive change.
 Milwaukee 2010 Floods  FEMA disaster relief monies
 New York City
   Million Dollar
 Chicago Highlighting poverty along CTA lines
What is a Data Set?
 A collection of data, usually presented in tabular form.
What is Open Data?

 It is the idea that certain data should be freely available to
     everyone to use and republish as they wish, without
     restrictions from copyright, patents or other mechanisms of
What does open standard mean?

 Interoperable among diverse internal and external platforms
    and applications

 Fully published and available royalty-free

 Implemented by multiple vendors

 Controlled by an open industry organization with a well-
   defined inclusive process for evolution of the standard
What is MDI?

 It's Milwaukee's Open Data Initiative.

 MDI was founded by a collection of professionals
 advocating for the adoption of standards for data
 and information systems.

 We want Milwaukee technology entrepreneurs, businesses,
 community organizations and government to solve
 problems and create opportunities with data.
MDI Principles
 All systems must be interoperable

 Systems should be extendable

 Systems should not have barriers (to join or leave)

 Vendors should cooperate on standards

 Data systems should create entrepreneurial opportunities
Functional Specs for Sharing Data

 Allow real-time or ad-hoc pull requests for data
 Interoperable with other systems
 No technical barriers to use or to stop using the system (no catches!)
 System must be built without proprietary technology

 DATA FORMATS (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_format)
 Portable files: XML, KML, CSV
 Accessible API: JSON, REST, Web Services
 Accessible Feed: RSS, XML

 Machine Readable
 Available at the user's request.
MDI Resources

  MDI Example Notebook:

  MDI Web Site and Blog:

  MDI Group Forum (Google Group):

  MDI Twitter Feed:

  MDI Facebook Page:
What we need from you

 Let's make it easy to Move Milwaukee Forward!

 Join/Follow us.

 Adopt standards.

 Contribute data.

 Build something.

 Share your creation.

 Attend Meetups.
Thank you!

Meetup: http://www.meetup.com/MKEData/
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/mkedata/
Twitter: @datamke
Discussions: https://groups.google.com/group/milwaukeedata
Email: contactus@milwaukeedata.org
Web Site: http://www.milwaukeedata.org

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Milwaukee data initiative gis_day

  • 1. Building a sustainable, shared data community. www.milwaukeedata.org
  • 2. What is data and how is It used? Facts, Statistics or Items of Information -GIS -Crime -Economic -Educational -Social Trends Data is used to identify problems, realize solutions and affect positive change.
  • 3. Examples Milwaukee 2010 Floods FEMA disaster relief monies
  • 4. Examples New York City Million Dollar Blocks
  • 5. Examples Chicago Highlighting poverty along CTA lines
  • 6. What is a Data Set? A collection of data, usually presented in tabular form.
  • 7. What is Open Data? It is the idea that certain data should be freely available to everyone to use and republish as they wish, without restrictions from copyright, patents or other mechanisms of control.
  • 8. What does open standard mean? Interoperable among diverse internal and external platforms and applications Fully published and available royalty-free Implemented by multiple vendors Controlled by an open industry organization with a well- defined inclusive process for evolution of the standard
  • 9. What is MDI? It's Milwaukee's Open Data Initiative. MDI was founded by a collection of professionals advocating for the adoption of standards for data and information systems. We want Milwaukee technology entrepreneurs, businesses, community organizations and government to solve problems and create opportunities with data.
  • 10. MDI Principles All systems must be interoperable Systems should be extendable Systems should not have barriers (to join or leave) Vendors should cooperate on standards Data systems should create entrepreneurial opportunities
  • 11. Functional Specs for Sharing Data FEATURES Allow real-time or ad-hoc pull requests for data Interoperable with other systems No technical barriers to use or to stop using the system (no catches!) System must be built without proprietary technology DATA FORMATS (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_format) Portable files: XML, KML, CSV Accessible API: JSON, REST, Web Services Accessible Feed: RSS, XML AVAILABILITY Machine Readable Available at the user's request.
  • 12. MDI Resources MDI Example Notebook: https://www.evernote.com/pub/esmartwave/mdiexamples MDI Web Site and Blog: http://milwaukeedata.org MDI Group Forum (Google Group): https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!forum/milwaukeedata MDI Twitter Feed: http://twitter.com/datamke MDI Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/mkedata
  • 13. What we need from you Let's make it easy to Move Milwaukee Forward! Join/Follow us. Adopt standards. Contribute data. Build something. Share your creation. Attend Meetups.
  • 14. Thank you! Meetup: http://www.meetup.com/MKEData/ Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/mkedata/ Twitter: @datamke Discussions: https://groups.google.com/group/milwaukeedata Email: contactus@milwaukeedata.org Web Site: http://www.milwaukeedata.org