
際際滷Share a Scribd company logo
Personal Details:
Date of Birth : April,3 1984.
Place of Birth : Alexandria-Egypt
Nationality : Egyptian.
Marital Status : Married.
Military Service : Exempted.
Driving License : Available ( Have International Driving License).
Visa Status : Business Visit.
Objective: to engage in a worldwide organization that would allow me to progress in my career and
reach my potential, i.e. to be the best that I can in the best place for me.
o BA. Faculty of Commerce, English Section, Alexandria University, Damanhour Branch,
(Accountant Department).
o Year of Graduation : 2006
 Professional Experience:
o Job Title: Sales Indoors from 15/5/2007 to 20/7/2007.
Company: Castle Company for tourism, advertising and media .
Job Role: Persuading Customers with product (Renting A free week every year at
Resorts like Sharm El-Shekh,Ghardaa ).
o Job Title: Stock Accountant from 4/2/2008 till 20/3/2008.
Company: Road Line Factory.
Job Role: Check in-out items of main stock and prepare inventory stories reports.
o Company: Prima Company For Imports, Exports (only Agent at Middle East Area for
Healthy system products.
Job Title: Data Entry from 23/3/2008 till 30/12/2009.
Job Role: Make data entry for contracts that customers contact with company after
Reviewing them mathematically & payment type.
Job Title: Stock Accountant From 1/1/2010 till 20/11/2013.
Job Role: Check in-out products from main store to one branch of company & make a
forecasting sheet of pending product items that delivered late to prepare
shipment order from Italy.
Job Title: Senior Accountant from 21/11/2013 till 23/1/2016.
Job Order: -Review all in-out cash entry to the branch for all department i.e. collection,
store department.
-Prepare Cash Flow for the branch of Company.
-Make payroll for all employers of branch.
Mina Adel William Awad
Doha, Qatar from 1, Februerary 2016.
Address: Ezdan Village 24 wakera, Qatar.
Qatar Phone: (974)30723692.
Egypt phone: 012-449 32 68
E-mail: mina_awad122@hotmail.com
-Follow all Bank transactions in-out related to Company (Issue deposits,
prepare bank papers related to shipment orders).
- Make Income Statement for the branch.
- Make forecasting expenses monthly.
- prepare all incentives for employers & agents that make contracts for
-Make all computerized reports for sales of branch.
 Personal Skills and Courses:
o Computer Skills:
 Excellent command of Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) and
Certified Commercial Excel at The Arab Academy for Science and Technology.
 Have a Feedback about ERP System.
Other Skills:
 Certified QuickBooks system Course at LR2B Center.
 The 1st
part of CMA Course in progress ( 50% of CMA course)
o Languages:
 English Language: Good command of written and spoken & listening.
 Arabic Language: National language.
 French Language: Fair command. .
 Other Personal Skills ,Interests and Hobbies:
 Playing Sports i.e. Football,Pingpong,Vollyball& Swimming.
 Accurate, methodical and creative.
 Enthusiastic, devoted and self-motivated.
 Capable of multitasking, attentive to tiny details, excellent organizing capabilities.
 Good communication skills, team work spirit and friendliness.
References furnished upon request

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  • 1. Personal Details: Date of Birth : April,3 1984. Place of Birth : Alexandria-Egypt Nationality : Egyptian. Marital Status : Married. Military Service : Exempted. Driving License : Available ( Have International Driving License). Visa Status : Business Visit. Objective: to engage in a worldwide organization that would allow me to progress in my career and reach my potential, i.e. to be the best that I can in the best place for me. Education: o BA. Faculty of Commerce, English Section, Alexandria University, Damanhour Branch, (Accountant Department). o Year of Graduation : 2006 Professional Experience: o Job Title: Sales Indoors from 15/5/2007 to 20/7/2007. Company: Castle Company for tourism, advertising and media . Job Role: Persuading Customers with product (Renting A free week every year at Resorts like Sharm El-Shekh,Ghardaa ). o Job Title: Stock Accountant from 4/2/2008 till 20/3/2008. Company: Road Line Factory. Job Role: Check in-out items of main stock and prepare inventory stories reports. o Company: Prima Company For Imports, Exports (only Agent at Middle East Area for Healthy system products. Job Title: Data Entry from 23/3/2008 till 30/12/2009. Job Role: Make data entry for contracts that customers contact with company after Reviewing them mathematically & payment type. Job Title: Stock Accountant From 1/1/2010 till 20/11/2013. Job Role: Check in-out products from main store to one branch of company & make a forecasting sheet of pending product items that delivered late to prepare shipment order from Italy. Job Title: Senior Accountant from 21/11/2013 till 23/1/2016. Job Order: -Review all in-out cash entry to the branch for all department i.e. collection, store department. -Prepare Cash Flow for the branch of Company. -Make payroll for all employers of branch. Mina Adel William Awad Accountant Doha, Qatar from 1, Februerary 2016. Address: Ezdan Village 24 wakera, Qatar. Qatar Phone: (974)30723692. Egypt phone: 012-449 32 68 E-mail: mina_awad122@hotmail.com
  • 2. -Follow all Bank transactions in-out related to Company (Issue deposits, prepare bank papers related to shipment orders). - Make Income Statement for the branch. - Make forecasting expenses monthly. - prepare all incentives for employers & agents that make contracts for Customers. -Make all computerized reports for sales of branch. Personal Skills and Courses: o Computer Skills: Excellent command of Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) and Certified Commercial Excel at The Arab Academy for Science and Technology. Have a Feedback about ERP System. Other Skills: Certified QuickBooks system Course at LR2B Center. The 1st part of CMA Course in progress ( 50% of CMA course) o Languages: English Language: Good command of written and spoken & listening. Arabic Language: National language. French Language: Fair command. . Other Personal Skills ,Interests and Hobbies: Playing Sports i.e. Football,Pingpong,Vollyball& Swimming. Accurate, methodical and creative. Enthusiastic, devoted and self-motivated. Capable of multitasking, attentive to tiny details, excellent organizing capabilities. Good communication skills, team work spirit and friendliness. References furnished upon request 2