This document discusses the causes of abandoned babies. It cites lack of religious education leading to promiscuity among teenagers, family break-ups, and relationship issues as the main reasons babies are abandoned. Teenage lovers who engage in illegal or promiscuous relationships sometimes give birth but lack responsibility and care, abandoning the baby. Failure to properly educate and monitor children can result in innocent babies becoming victims.
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1. Definition : Point 1
What is abandoned baby : that they throw Happen when is a relationship
away the babies at any places without of illegal done by the lovers
taking care of it later. When lack of religious
Why choose topic : become a sensitive education, the spiritual
issue among the public, especially to becomes ill, the desire to live
parents who have a daughter godless will be empty Point 2
Point will be discuss : Because of their promiscuity among
Less education religious
teenagers is easy to forget what's
teenagers promiscuity
happening around them
family break-up
Them decided to give birth to the baby
Point 3
Family breakdown as a result
there is no understanding
All teenagers have to things before between husband and wife
act The end causing a violent
Case the innocence baby become divorce
the victim
, parents should play their role to
monitor association their children