1. The document outlines a biology lesson plan about the eye for 10th standard students.
2. The objectives are to teach students about the overall structure and function of the eye and develop their creativity skills through mind maps.
3. The lesson plan details the key terms, structures, and functions that will be covered - including the eye's layers, chambers, receptors (rod and cone cells), and role in vision. It provides teaching methods such as class discussion, diagrams, and a mind map activity.
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Mind mapping on the topic - EYE
1. Name of the teacher: Benson Abraham Standard: X
Name of the School: St. Thomas Strength:
Subject: Biology Date
Unit: Beyond the Senses Period
Topic: Eye Time: 40 mins
Curricular Statement
1. To obtain Knowledge about eye.
2. To attain Conceptual idea regarding the overall structure and function of eye.
3. To develop creativity skills in developing mind maps.
Learning Outcome
Factual Knowledge
The learners recalls the layers of eye and receptors of eye.
Conceptual Knowledge
The learner understands the structure, function etc of the eye.
Procedural Knowledge
The learner compares rod and cone cells
Meta cognition
The learner evaluates the fucnction of rod cells and cone cells
Process Skills
The learner develops skill in observing and interpreting mind maps.
Content Analysis
Socket of Skull, eyelash, eyelid eyebrow, tear, lysosomes, aqueous and vitreous chamber, Sclera, cornea, conjuctiva, choroid, Iris, Yellow spot, blind spot, receptors, rod and cone cells
1. The function of eye is sight
2. The eye is protected by the socket of skull, eyelash, eye lid, eye brow, tear, and lysosome.
3. The eye has two chambers, aqueous chamber and vitreous chamber.
4. The eye contains three layers sclera, choroid and retina.
5. The image is formed in retina
6. There are two types of receptors- Rod cells (dim light), cone cells( intense light).
2. Teaching Learning Interaction
Pupil Response
As part of awakening process the teacher conducts a discussion with the students.
How do we see things?
Pupil says through eyes
So today we are going to study about Eye (BB to the center)
To the upper left side of the black board the teacher write Function. Can anyone say the fuction of Eye?
Sight (BB Under Function )
Pupil Says Sight
To the upper right of the BB teacher writes Protection and asks students to say the parts that help in protecting eye
Pupil says Skull (BB), Eyelash, Eyelid, eyebrow(BB), Tears(BB)
The Teacher write the pupils response under protection.
The eye has two Chambers (BB) (under Eye) ie. Aqueous Chamber and Vitreous Chamber (BB under chamber).
Aqueous Chamber is filled with a watery fluid called Aqueous humor that supplies nutrients and oxygen to the cells of lens and cornea.
Pupils listens carefully
Major Concept
Minor Concept
Protection, Chambers, layers and receptors of eye.
The learner already knows the function of eye and how the eye is protected by the eye.
Teaching- Learning Resources
The diagram of the structure of eye.
Eye-Mind Map.
Textbook of Biology X, Concise Biology, Teacher Plus Magazine February 2011.
3. Vitreous Chamber is filled with a jelly like substance which helps to maintain the shape of eyeball.
The teacher then show a picture of the structure of the eye and points aqueous chamber and vitreous chamber.
Now let us see the different layers of eye. Can you name the Layers of eye(BB) that you know?
Pupil says retina
Thats right but there are 3 layers in the Eye, The outer Sclera, middle choroid, and Inner Retine(BB under the layers of eye). The transparent front portion of sclera is called cornea(BB under sclera) and the anterior pair of cornea is protected by a membrane called Conjuctiva (BB).
The Teacher with the help of chart points of cornea and conjunctiva
The middle layer is called Choroid.
It consists of Iris and blood capillaries (BB)
Have you seen Iris?
Pupil listens and Observes carefully
Pupils says Yes, It is the dark color on Eye.
The inner most layer is the retina . It helps in vision. The image is formed in Retina, that is sent to brain as the signal. The place in Retina where there is great vision is called Yellow Spot (BB under retina), and a place where there is no vision is called Blind spot (BB under retina).
The teacher shows Yellow Spot and Blind Spot on chart.
Pupil Listens Carefully
Receptor of Eye (BB under Eye). The receptors consists of a protein Retinal(BB) which consists of Opsin and Vitamin A (BB).
The receptors are present in 2 type of cells Rod cells and Cone cells (BB under receptors). Rod cells contains pigment called Rodopsin (BB) that helps vision in dim light and cone cells contains pigment called Photopsin (BB)- intense light.
Pupils listens carefully
The teacher then makes the students to read the mind map created on the board.
Pupils learns actively