MindMeister is an online mind mapping and brainstorming tool that allows users to create mind maps, add icons and images, format maps, add additional information, share maps, publish maps, start presentations, export maps, print maps, change themes or customize maps, control zoom, and brainstorm with multiple users simultaneously. Key features include creating a blank mind map, adding icons and images to topics, and formatting maps.
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1. Application:
MindMeister (Online Mind Mapping and Brainstorming tool)
To helps the users to create their mind maps.
Tasks to achieve the purpose:
Create a blank mind map
Adding icons & images
Formatting the maps.
Add additional information
Share your map
Publish your map
Start a presentation
Export your maps
Print your map
Change themes or customize it
Control the zoom your maps
Brainstorming mode(work with multiple users simultaneously on the
same mind map)
2. Sub-tasks:
Create a blank mind map
1. Click on "New Mind Map"
2. Select the "Blank" template
Your mind map will be created.
Add icons & images
1. Select your topic
2. Open the icon menu
3. Select your desired icon