Cервисы для коллективной работы в интернете.HELEN DEGTYAREVAС помощью каких сервисов можно провести совместную коллективную работу учеников и учителей.
Glogster edu-users-guideHELEN DEGTYAREVAThis document provides a user's guide for Glogster EDU version 2.6. It outlines the key features and functionality available to users with different account types, including basic teachers, premium teachers, and those with a school license. The guide covers registration, license activation, the dashboard homepage, profile customization, managing students and classes, creating projects and presentations, and using portfolios.
Glogster edu-users-guideHELEN DEGTYAREVAThis document provides a user's guide for Glogster EDU version 2.6. It outlines the key features and functionality available to users with different account types, including basic teachers, premium teachers, and those with a school license. The guide covers registration, license activation, the dashboard homepage, profile customization, managing students and classes, creating projects and presentations, and using portfolios.