The document introduces MindTap, a new personal learning experience platform from Cengage that goes beyond ebooks and supplements to provide an integrated experience on any device. It summarizes research finding technology improves student engagement and outcomes. As an early adopter program, instructors will use MindTap in fall 2011 courses and provide feedback in exchange for student scholarships and support. The program aims to work with schools open to digital resources as the primary content delivery method.
2. Todays LandscapeFrom whats out there today:at best, eBook replicas of the print experience lots of disparate, loosely integrated digital content solutionsfast emerging demand to learn on multiple devicespent up demand to personalize digital content From 2010 Cengage/Eduventures Study:58% of instructors believe technology in courses positively impacts student engagement. In addition, 71% of instructors that rated student engagement levels as high report using technology as the basis of their instruction.Instructors that rated engagement as high also saw a greater benefit to learning outcomes.
3. What is MindTap?Personal Learning ExperienceNot just an eBook, Homework, Assessment, Resource Supplement or LMS solutionDelivery Platform, Products driving engagement and outcomes based learning, AND ServicesBuilt on a powerful and extensible MindApps framework of AppsMindTap Reader is included in all current Cengage products to drive a more enhanced eReader experience while setting the stage for a more comprehensive MindTap future
4. How Does it Work?Cloud-based technology allowing you and your students to access from anywhere, on any deviceIntegrates into your LMSMixes all your assets into one experience narrative, multimedia, activities, assessments, etc.Can be personalized through:Personal annotations also aggregated in a notebook Turning apps on/off to enable/disable capabilitiesChanging sequence of learning path units and activitiesEmbedding your own content (text, video, PowerPoint, lecture captures, etc.)
5. Why Did We Create It?Research shows technology leads to better outcomesResearch shows that students prefer print because the right digital solution does not exist yetRequests by educators to be able to make digital content more personal and extensible have been largely unsatisfiedEfforts to date from content/technology companies have been too restrictive and offer too many non-integrated elements
6. What Makes it Different?Its all about choice your choice, not ours:We do not focus on or require a single LMS, or any LMSWe do not require you or your students to purchase a specific deviceIts modular, so you add what you need, not what we think you needIt can be personalized, allowing you to set the sequence and activities to best adapt to your curriculum
7. Has MindTap Been Tested?In the past year, a number of research models have been applied to testing the concept, interface, efficacy, services, etc.The vast majority of instructors and students noted never seeing anything like it.Nine schools are currently using it in a classroom setting, and feedback initially has been exceedingly positive.
8. Whats the Early Adopter Program?We want instructors that will take full advantage of the power of this Personal Learning ExperienceSchools need to be: Bellwether institutions that believe in the power of technology in educationOpen to using digital resources as their PRIMARY source of content deliveryWilling to take advantage of the included services to ensure maximum efficacyWilling to provide feedback
9. Why Should I be in the Program?Agree to use MindTap in your Fall 2011 courseYour students receive a 50% scholarship for use in the first termRequires feedback and other participationThe program is effective and easy to use
10. Early Adopter Program TimelineAdopt MindTapSpring 2011Receive MindTap EAP Welcome KitMay 2011Product AvailableJuly 2011Course Care Training and ImplementationJuly/August 2011Feedback Focus Group/VisitSept-Dec 2011