My children Julian and Nicholas spent every free moment between walking the pups, reading, and eating playing Minecraft this summer. I got on their case and said, okay, literacy time! Create a presentation to tell me what this Minecraft things is all about, and they did. Watch this!
3. 損 Minecraft is a game where your
creativity comes to life. You can
build block by block, whatever you
want. But its not that easy
4. 損 Mobs are monsters in Minecraft there is a Zombie, which if you kill
it, it will drop feathers, and you can make arrows.
損 Skeletons will shoot you with arrows, If you kill it will drop
arrows, and bones. You can use arrows to fight other mobs. and
you can use bones for fertilizer and grow things instantly, and can
tame wolves.
損 Spiders are fast, but barely will harm you. They drop string you
can make bows, fishing poles, and white wool.
損 Then there are creepers which if you get too close they will
explode!! If you kill them they drop gun powder, and you can make
5. 損 At first to make a nether portal you need to have obsidian (at
least 10) then you make the design,(4 by 5) and then light it
with flint and steel.
損 When you go into it, there will be a red block called netherrack, if
you light it on fire it will stay light forever except if you hit it.
損 Then when you start finding lava and you will see something that
looks like a pig and a zombie, thats called a pigmen. IF there is
more around and you hit one of them all of them will start to attack
you if you kill it, you will get cooked pork chops.
損 In the sky, is it a bird? Is it a plane? No its a ghast. Ghasts will
try to shoot fire balls at you. Too kill it sometimes it comes down
and you can hit it, just like creepers it will drop gun powder.
6. 損 To start of you need wooden planks, then
find a spot to build your house. (Make sure
you have an open area) Next think of how
big you want it. Then BUILD!
損 When youre done with the house, make a
crafting table, some chests, and a furnace.
Then make some torches to light up your
house. Hint: if you can get more wood and
burn it in a furnace you can make charcoal.
Then make a pickaxe and you can start
mining. Tip: Make a stone pickaxe
7. 損 When mining your going to need a pickaxe, and a shovel.
Your going to need a pickaxe because you need to mine the
ores (coal iron etc.)
損 You need your shovel to dig dirt and gravel so you can dig it
損 Pickaxes Wooden: Can mine Coal. Stone: Coal, Iron Lapis.
Iron: Coal ,Iron , Gold , Redstone, Lapis, Diamond. Golden:
Coal, but brakes stone or cobblestone quickly. Diamond
損 Pickaxe information source: Minecraft explorer app
損 Best ore: DIAMOND!
9. 損 Bucket: Used for collecting liquids.
損 Chest: Used for storing items
損 Clock: To tell if it is night or day.
損 Compass. Points strait into the direction of your bed.
損 Fishing rod: To collect fish.
損 Flint & Steel: To light blocks or mobs on fire.
損 Map: Brings you too other players and any areas
particular on the map.
損 Saddle: Found in dungeons, and you can ride a pig
with it.
損 Shears: Used to collect leave blocks.
損 Source: Minecraft explorer app.
10. 損 Bread: Heals 3 hearts
損 Cake: You can eat it 6 times, and it heals 遜 a heart.
損 Cooked Fish: 3 hearts.
損 Cooked Porkchops: 4 hearts.
損 Cookies: 1 heart each.
損 Mushroom Stew: 5 hearts.
損 Raw Fish: 1 heart.
損 Raw Porkchops: 2 hearts.
損 Source: Minecraft explorer app.
11. 損 Cactus: If you touch it you will lose 遜 an heart
損 Tall grass: When you brake it you might get a seed.
損 Mushrooms: Mushrooms cannot be eaten, but can
be crafted into mushroom stew.
損 Sapling: If you plant one on the ground it will grow
to be a tree.
損 Seeds: When planted it will turn into wheat, and
can be made into bread, cake, or cookies.
損 Sugar Cane: You can plant sugar cane on grass.
When fully in growth you can brake it and turn it in
to sugar and make cake!
損 Source: Minecraft explorer app.
12. 損 Chicken: Health: 2 hearts, will occasionally will lay eggs, if you kill
it, it will drop feathers.
損 Cow: Health: 5 hearts, you can use a bucket to milk it, and if you
kill it, it will drop leather.
損 Pig: Health 5 hearts, if you have a saddle you can ride the pig, if
you kill it, it will drop raw porkchops.
損 Sheep: Health: 4 hearts, you can dye sheep with any dye, and if
you kill it, will drop 1 piece of wool, if you shear it, it will drop 1-4
pieces of wool.
損 Squid: Health: 5 hearts, squid live under water, if you kill it, it will
drop ink sacs.
損 Wolf (Tamed): Health: 10 hearts, to tame a wolf you must have
bones, once youve tamed it, it will follow you if you command it to
or it will sit. If you hit another mob your wolf will kill it if someone
or something attacks you, your wolf will attack it.
損 Source: Minecraft explorer app.