Comets, meteors, and asteroids are objects that orbit the sun. A comet has three main parts - a icy nucleus, a coma of evaporated gases, and one or two tails that point away from the sun. The Oort cloud is a hypothesized spherical region at the outer edges of the solar system that is the source of long-period comets. Meteoroids enter the earth's atmosphere and burn up, creating meteor showers when the earth passes through their debris trails. Asteroids orbit the sun and range in size and composition, with some containing moons.
3. Comet Structure
10 km Dirty Snowball
Cloud of evaporated ices and ions
may be 100,000 km in diameter
Always points away from Sun
Solar Wind and Radiation Pressure
4. The Oort Cloud
In 1950 Jan Oort noticed that
no comet has been observed with an orbit that
indicates that it came from interstellar space,
there is a strong tendency for aphelia of long period
comet orbits to lie at a distance of about 50,000 AU,
there is no preferential direction from which comets
22. Barringers Crater
An iron meteorite 100 feet across and 70,000 tons
slamed into the Earth at about 43,000mph in the
Arizona desert near Flagstaff 40,000 years ago.
Barringer Crater is 4,100 feet wide and 571 feet