1) Internet usage among car buyers in India has increased significantly and is influencing their purchasing decisions more than traditional media like television and newspapers.
2) A report found that the internet offers consumers a peer-to-peer model for research and feedback, allowing for unlimited comparisons between options.
3) 61% of potential car buyers shared positive pre-purchase experiences online, while only 6% shared negative experiences and 33% did not share any experiences.
Turkey has a population of over 78 million people, with 70% living in urban areas and 87.4% of the total population being literate. Internet usage in Turkey is growing fast, with 45% of the population being internet users as of 2010. While internet penetration is increasing, usage is still not equal, with 58.8% of the population having never used the internet. Facebook is the most visited website and social network in Turkey. E-commerce also shows growth but still only involves a small percentage of the population and businesses. LinkedIn has over 800,000 Turkish members, most being men aged 25-34 working in large tech or manufacturing companies.
Communications Excellence: Tactics Used by BioPharma Execs to Increase Organi...Best Practices
This report will help organizations to improve their efficiency and effectiveness through the creation of internal and external communication processes. It also provides key insights like effective channels for internal and external communication, as well as preferred medium for communications frequently used by executives and others.
Webchutney Digital Healthcare Report 2011Sidharth Rao
Webchutney is an award-winning digital marketing agency in India that works with leading companies to develop engaging online experiences that build relationships with consumers. It provides services such as online advertising, website design, mobile marketing, and social media for clients in various industries including Airtel, Microsoft, Unilever, and Samsung. Ranked as India's number one digital agency for two years, Webchutney has over 200 professionals across multiple offices committed to leading the interactive marketing industry.
Bioscope into the Digital Growth in India - iMedia Malaysia DeckSidharth Rao
This document summarizes internet and digital growth trends in India. It finds that while internet reach has grown, with over 240 million users, depth of usage is more important, with only 61 million regular users. Youth and urban males are leading users. Popular online activities include web searches, emailing, music, and social networking. Mobile internet is gaining volume rapidly due to lower costs and more phones. The document advocates an integrated digital approach for clients including social media, campaigns, and mobile. Case studies show successes with social change networks, matrimonial marketing, and cricket-based brand engagement. It concludes the internet should be treated as an individualized mass medium.
Mint Coverage: Webchutney Digital Media Outlook 2009Sidharth Rao
This document discusses online advertising spending trends in India. It notes that most advertisers use the internet for tactical purposes like increasing awareness, boosting leads and sales rather than customer engagement. It projects that online ad spending in India will increase 44% from 2009-2010 as more advertisers recognize the internet is where consumer attention has shifted, despite most money still being spent on traditional media like television and print. Currently, consumer goods companies have a lower online advertising profile.
Webchutney is an India-based digital marketing agency that has been ranked as India's number one digital agency for two years in a row. It works with major brands in areas like online advertising, website design, mobile marketing, and social media. Webchutney has over 150 employees across three offices in India. The document provides an overview of Webchutney's services and credentials in digital marketing.
Mint Coverage Webchutney Report Inside the mind of the wired consumer durable...Sidharth Rao
The document discusses how the internet has come to significantly influence consumer purchasing decisions of durable goods. While friends and family remain an important source of product research, the internet provides an in-depth source of information from multiple sources to help consumers make informed choices. A survey found that over half of non-owners intending to purchase appliances like refrigerators and washing machines will use the internet to research options within the next 6-12 months before purchasing. The internet is also becoming one of the primary mediums for consumers to share their experiences with products after purchasing.
Mint Coverage Webchutney Digital Outlook 2010Sidharth Rao
The document summarizes key findings from a 2010 study on digital media trends and online advertising spending among India's top 1,000 advertisers. Some of the main findings include:
- Online ad spending grew 66% in 2009 but still only accounted for 4% of total ad spending. It was projected to grow 45% in the next fiscal year.
- Banking, financial services, and insurance contributed the most (19%) to online ad spending, followed by consumer services (18%).
- Most advertisers used online ads primarily to drive traffic to their websites and create brand awareness, but few saw it as effective for customer engagement or direct sales.
- Mobile advertising growth was lower than expected, with
Webchutney Digital Media Outlook 2010 ReportSidharth Rao
A comprehensive study of the Top 1000 marketers across various categories in India, Webchutney's Digital Media Outlook 2010 report brings valuable insight on prevelant trends, the rationale behind ad-spend allocations and perceptions around the use of Internet as a medium in advertising and marketing today.
Webchutney Digital Automotive Report 2010Sidharth Rao
Webchutney's Digital Automotive report, 'Inside the Mind of the Wired Car Buyer' is a definitive guide to understanding the influence of Online in driving consumers' car purchase decisions in India.
Webchutney Digital Media Outlook Report 2009Sidharth Rao
To understand the status of the top 500 advertisers in India (who control most advertising spends) and to see how seriously and purposefully these prominent Indian marketers are looking at using the digital medium in their marketing plan, we decided to conduct a research study on the topic and share the findings as presented in the first ever Webchutney Digital Media Outlook 2009 report
The following paper elucidates the enormous benefits of an alternative marketing plan in online brand building. The internet has enabled a whole new dimension of interactivity, which generates innovative ways to influence the prospects mentality.
The document was written in late 2006 and hence some examples mentioned maybe dated. Revised version will release this year
The Digital Vote Bank - The Tipping point in 2009 General Elections in IndiaSidharth Rao
The buzz for India's15th general elections has started brimming with anticipation of choosing a leader who adequately represents the ‘mass’ as well as the ‘class’ of over one billion inhabitants. Political parties need to step in tune with expectations of an evolving electoral base which is intelligent, opinionated, and leverages the power of the digital medium to find its individual voice amongst a crowd.
The following discussion elucidates the need for political parties to change the Indian campaign/political landscape by including a bottom-up interactive online strategy to communicate with and engage the central character in this effort – ‘The Voter’.
Viral Marketing answers one of the biggest marketing challenges faced by organizations today, drawing attention to an advertising saturated mind.
This document attempts to highlight the benefits of a viral marketing plan in online brand building.
Mint Coverage Webchutney Digital Outlook 2010Sidharth Rao
The document summarizes key findings from a 2010 study on digital media trends and online advertising spending among India's top 1,000 advertisers. Some of the main findings include:
- Online ad spending grew 66% in 2009 but still only accounted for 4% of total ad spending. It was projected to grow 45% in the next fiscal year.
- Banking, financial services, and insurance contributed the most (19%) to online ad spending, followed by consumer services (18%).
- Most advertisers used online ads primarily to drive traffic to their websites and create brand awareness, but few saw it as effective for customer engagement or direct sales.
- Mobile advertising growth was lower than expected, with
Webchutney Digital Media Outlook 2010 ReportSidharth Rao
A comprehensive study of the Top 1000 marketers across various categories in India, Webchutney's Digital Media Outlook 2010 report brings valuable insight on prevelant trends, the rationale behind ad-spend allocations and perceptions around the use of Internet as a medium in advertising and marketing today.
Webchutney Digital Automotive Report 2010Sidharth Rao
Webchutney's Digital Automotive report, 'Inside the Mind of the Wired Car Buyer' is a definitive guide to understanding the influence of Online in driving consumers' car purchase decisions in India.
Webchutney Digital Media Outlook Report 2009Sidharth Rao
To understand the status of the top 500 advertisers in India (who control most advertising spends) and to see how seriously and purposefully these prominent Indian marketers are looking at using the digital medium in their marketing plan, we decided to conduct a research study on the topic and share the findings as presented in the first ever Webchutney Digital Media Outlook 2009 report
The following paper elucidates the enormous benefits of an alternative marketing plan in online brand building. The internet has enabled a whole new dimension of interactivity, which generates innovative ways to influence the prospects mentality.
The document was written in late 2006 and hence some examples mentioned maybe dated. Revised version will release this year
The Digital Vote Bank - The Tipping point in 2009 General Elections in IndiaSidharth Rao
The buzz for India's15th general elections has started brimming with anticipation of choosing a leader who adequately represents the ‘mass’ as well as the ‘class’ of over one billion inhabitants. Political parties need to step in tune with expectations of an evolving electoral base which is intelligent, opinionated, and leverages the power of the digital medium to find its individual voice amongst a crowd.
The following discussion elucidates the need for political parties to change the Indian campaign/political landscape by including a bottom-up interactive online strategy to communicate with and engage the central character in this effort – ‘The Voter’.
Viral Marketing answers one of the biggest marketing challenges faced by organizations today, drawing attention to an advertising saturated mind.
This document attempts to highlight the benefits of a viral marketing plan in online brand building.
Mint Coverage Webchutney Report "Inside the Mind of the Wired Car Buyer"
1. 14‘ WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2010, DELHI www.livemint.com
Auto mint
Even as the global auto industry struggled in the wake of the economic slump, it bounced back in India, with passenger car
sales rising a sharp 40% from December 2008 to December 2009, a trend that has continued since then. Alongside this, the
decisions of car buyers in India have been increasingly influenced by the Internet.
As a report by digital marketing agency webchutney makes clear, Internet usage is no longer limited to the urban Indian any
more. The medium is fast overtaking traditional media such as television and newspapers, at least when it comes to consum-
ers choosing their set of wheels, mainly because the Web offers a consumer-to-consumer model compared with the older the
marketeer-to-consumer template. Add to that the power of unlimited comparisons and user feedback.
Experience in Internet usage of car owners Type of car experience shared online
Positive experience
Internet for
one-five years
experience 54%
Using 61% 38%
Internet 8%
for more
than five 5% Using Not shared an experience
years Internet for
past one year
Various online channels used to share
car experiences
Car owners who use Internet
(25-39 years) (Above 40 years) 11% platforms
Don’t intend to Others 36%
purchase another car 27%
16% 26%
22% Consumer website
review websites
Intend to 78%
purchase Type of pre-purchase experience
another car
shared online by potential car buyers
61% Positive
Vehicle ownership: online Indians experience
versus rest of India
Internet users National-level ownership
Car owners experience
10% 6%
2% Not shared
an experience
Two-wheeler owners
Preferred source of information for potential car buyers
31% Online channels used by potential car buyers
Internet 72%
to share experiences (pre-purchase)
Social platforms
Annual household income of online
potential car buyers Company website 27%
More than R12 lakh 6%
R9.6-12 lakh 7% 53% Friends and family Others
R4.8-9.6 lakh 16% Consumer review
R3-4.8 lakh 22%
N EWS Type of post-purchase experience
R1.5-3 lakh 30%
R0.75-1.5 lakh 13%
Magazines/Newspapers/Brochures 52% shared online by car buyers
Less than R0.75 lakh 5% experience
DEALER Not shared
56% 37% an experience
Likelihood of car purchase among
online potential car buyers 44% Dealers 7%
18-24 After 24 months
12% Online channels used by car owners to
15% share experiences (post-purchase)
12-18 25%
Within 26% Social platforms
months 20% six months
Company website
29% 6-12
months 1% Don’t know Consumer review
Graphic by: Uttam Sharma/Mint; Source: webchutney Others 9%
Reliance of potential car owners:
online versus offline
Source of information consulted for various vehicular attributes
Internet Newspapers Consumer magazines Friends and relatives Dealers TV
Company websites/
catalogues 81%
3% 3% 2% 4% 1% 2%
8% 7% 7% 9% 8%
Online consumer 65% 2% 18% 10% 19%
10% 17% 30%
review websites 17%
26% 33%
Social 13% 24% 31% 33%
61% 19% 32%
networking sites 13% 19% 12%
16% 8%
12% 12% 14% 7% 7%
Family/friends/ 12% 14%
relatives 79% 6% 13% 11%
49% 40%
38% 45% 30% 29% 29%
Auto magazines 30% 29%
and TV shows 77%
Salesmen at Fuel efficiency Safety features Performance of Vehicle Brand image of Running costs Driving appeal Insurance Resale value
dealer outlets 44% the vehicle specifications company premium