This document summarizes Christopher's research progress in August 2013 as part of the Mobile Internet Technologies Group's game studies. It outlines readings on game analysis methods and the definition of video games as an artistic medium. It also lists Christopher's upcoming tasks, which include preparing questions for industry meetings, writing a paper on gameplay and narrative, and working on a game project with others.
4. ? In terms of being a creative
work, video games remain
mostly undefined
? More accurately, the fluid
nature of the medium resists
? This is highly-analogous with
the medium of Art, which
frequently shrugs off definition
? Tavinor proposes that the fluid
nature of both these mediums
suggests analogous analysis
methods 4
¡°The Art of Videogames¡±
(Tavinor, 2009)
5. ? Tavinor proposes a tentative
method of analysis of games:
? Attempt to directly define the
? Analyze how certain important
examples of the medium function
within the interactive parameters
of its natural environment
? Draw conclusions and
commentaries that not only
address the medium of games, but
also make commentaries on Art
Philosophy and Aesthetics at large
¡°The Art of Videogames¡±
(Tavinor, 2009)
7. Maybe our societal definitions of what Art
really is much change to fit the new data:
8. Maybe our societal definitions of what Art
really is much change to fit the new data:
9. What¡¯s the Point?
? The fluid/myriad nature of the video game
medium may require a modification and/or
widening of the definitions of:
? Itself (Video Games)
? Related/Predecessor Fields (Art,
Cinema, Literature)
10. ? Edited collection of academic
essays and papers on Game
Studies at large
? ¡°Road Map¡± of Game Studies
? Collected works display a
gradient in the field, with
empirical Social Sciences on one
end, and Interpretive
Humanities approaches on the
other end
¡°Computer Games: Text, Narrative,
and Play¡± (Carr et al, 2008)
11. ? In particular, these materials are
the prototype textbooks of the
field of Game Studies
? If I can at least fashion my study
to both emulate and build on
the style and methods found in
these books, I think it will
produce a competitive Masters
How I wish to use these materials
12. ½ñáá¤ÎÕnî}
? CEDEC Questions/TGS Prep (Aug 9th)
? MGS: ¡°Gameplay-Narrative Symbiosis¡± (Aug
? Minimalism in Shadow of the Colossus
? Game project with other members (Beta Due
date: Aug 30th)