Thoughts and remarks on a paper by Matthew Gentzkow (2014) ??Trading dollars for dollars: the price of attention online and offline?? AEA papers and proceedings. My own paper "Media dwell time" does tell that one minute consumption of a given medium is not equal to one minute of attention to another one when it comes to ad absorption. Just because attention value is not the same !
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Trading minutes for minutes in advertising ? Attention is not only about time
1. Trading minutes for minutes?
Thoughts and remarks on a paper by Matthew Gentzkow (2014)
? Trading dollars for dollars: the price of attention online and
offline ? AEA papers and proceedings, vol. 104 n°5
2. Based on ? Trading dollars for dollars ?
? the price of attention in
traditional media has fallen as the
Internet has made advertising markets
increasingly competitive ?
? the price of attention for similar
consumers is actually higher online
than offline?
Source: Matthew Gentzkow “Trading Dollars for Dollars: The Price of Attention Online and Offline”
in American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings. 104 (5). May 2014. pp,481-488.
3. The so-called ? price of attention ?
Media Minutes per person per day Advertising revenue per hour
2008 2012 Evolution 2008 2012 Evolution
Print 9.54 8.24 -14% $ 2.78 $ 1.57 -44%
Online 0.63 0.54 -14% $ 3.79 $ 4.24 12%
Internet 26.12 37.17 42% $ 0.68 $ 0.68 0%
Magazines 3.95 3.64 -8% $ 2.58 $ 2.07 -20%
Television 205.4 209.8 2% $ 0.27 $ 0.26 -4%
Source: Matthew Gentzkow ? Trading dollars for dollars: the price of attention online
and offline ? p.485
? Minutes per person per day is for American adults 18 and older. Advertising revenue per hour is total amount
advertising revenue divided by total annual minutes in 2012 dollars ?
5. Dubious assumptions
Empirical evidence that ? of concurrent
minutes is the right way when
multitasking does increase?
? Average minutes per day as
minutes of exclusive use
plus half ‘for simplicity’ of minutes concurrent with other activities ?
Validation ?
?For print newspapers and magazines […] implicitly fixing reading
time per copy at the 2008 value ?
Above all:
is exclusive media usage
synonymous with attention ?
6. Ad absorption after 30 minutes of
controlled, exclusive use of media
% of ads correctly recalled vs ads exposed in two
separate (US & BE) experiments
More on:
7. Minutes for minutes does not work !
% of ads correctly recalled vs ads exposed in two
More on:
separate (US & BE) experiments
8. Nevertheless ? Trading dollars for dollars ? tells
a lot on media consumption
& advertising investments
9. What the data do tell us on media usage
Actually change in circulation *
Media Minutes per person per day Advertising revenue per hour
2008 2012 Evolution 2008 2012 Evolution
Similar evolution
Print 9.54 8.24 -14% $ 2.78 $ 1.57 -44%
Online 0.63 0.54 -14% $ 3.79 $ 4.24 12%
Internet 26.12 37.17 42% $ 0.68 $ 0.68 0%
Magazines 3.95 3.64 -8% $ 2.58 $ 2.07 -20%
Television 205.4 209.8 2% $ 0.27 $ 0.26 -4%
Online newspapers evolution
different from Web in general !
Change in circulation *
In spite of a heavy increase of
Web exclusive usage *,
consumption relatively stable
+6% cumulated time spent
Source: Matthew Gentzkow ? Trading dollars for dollars: the price of attention online
and offline ? p.485
? Minutes per person per day is for American adults 18 and older.
* See above
10. What the data do tell us on ad invest
Media Minutes per person per day Advertising revenue per hour
Reports of decrease: ad
2008 2012 Evolution 2008 2012 Evolution
market overreacts
Print Losses 9.54 in paper ad 8.24 revenue
-14% $ 2.78 $ 1.57 -44%
Online not balanced 0.63 by online 0.54 gains
-14% $ 3.79 $ 4.24 12%
Internet 26.12 37.17 42% $ 0.68 $ 0.68 0%
Magazines 3.95 3.64 -8% $ 2.58 $ 2.07 -20%
Television 205.4 209.8 2% $ 0.27 $ 0.26 -4%
Seems the overall media
allocation remains unchanged
or decreases globally
>40% up in 4-5 years !
Source: Matthew Gentzkow ? Trading dollars for dollars: the price of attention online
and offline ? p.485
? Minutes per person per day is for American adults 18 and older. Advertising revenue per hour is total amount
advertising revenue divided by total annual minutes in 2012 dollars ?
11. Contradictory to Gentzkow’s statements:
one minute of media use ≠ one minute of
another media use
when it comes to attention
It seems the ad market (not only US…) flows into
Internet, forgetting the confirmed marketing
attractiveness of ? old media ?, especially print
In times of recession, overall media investment
does not grow, only the media shares change ?