This document discusses lessons learned from a company transformation that delivered amazing results in 12 months, going from financial losses to acquiring another company and establishing a joint venture with a Fortune 500 company. It explains that to achieve such a drastic and fast turnaround, a core team of top professionals from different industries must be assembled, led by an inspiring leader, and focus on changing multiple business attributes simultaneously through a new business model. Ruthless execution of the plan is essential, with fast feedback loops to learn from the market. Autonomy is needed to seriously innovate. The document then provides a brief introduction to upcoming disruptions from exponential technologies across industries, creating new industries and wealth but also requiring companies to transform to survive.
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1. From turnaround to miracle and
intro 21st century disruptions
With all exponential technologies growing so fastand going across industries I
expect a lot of disruption for many industries the years to come . So far it is
happening mainly within the Information Industry whereallis digitalized but
we see already expansion to Industries with hard assets ( e g Hospitality >>
AirBnB , Transportation >> Uber ,.. ) where the enabling Information and
Networking technologies are dematerializing and demonetizing industries by
leveraging third party assets .
In this article I will focus firston the lessons learned froma company
transformation that ended to deliver amazing results :
When a company is loosing money and cannot makeits business model work
needs many things to be changed . This normally takes a few years .when a
company ( multinational , 3 continents) shareholders ask for a badly needed
turnaround after a few failed ones and end up with a transformed company
in all aspects ( shareholders reduction , better products , better processes ,
delivery time reduction , new upstreamand downstreampartners ,
competitiveness , new strategy ,.. ) + acquiring another company + undergoing
due diligence and establish a JV with fortune 500 company ALL within 12
months then this is what I call a miracle.
Here the focus will be to explain what you need to make such a
transformation happen . This was my 6th
company transformation/turnaround
after 5 moreas participant , member of a management team in the lead of a
transformation or as CEO leading the transformation.
What we learned , a Team Effort :
- Starting from customers talk personally to as many people across
the wholevalue chain . Decide within max 60 days the key changes
2. - Assembling a core team withthe best people available for the task
is priority
- Drastic , complex and fast turnaround can only happen witha good
team of top professionals having the right experiences
preferably froma different industry , are determinedtosucceed, are
able to think out of the box and are lead froman inspiring and
disciplined leader.
- To achieve breakthrough focus on only 1-2 key business attributes
is not enough . You need change of multiple business attributes e.g
Speed , Better partners , Better People , new customer interaction
process , New Digital marketing and supply chain technologies . >>
NEW Business Model if applicable.
- Shared Mindset that if something can be done it will be done .
- The Turnaround Leader + Team needs to be determined to follow
the plan even if it is needed to disturb individual shareholder
interests .
- Bringing fast better people on board and after changes in
processes and strategy many of the existing employees decide to
leave themselves as thenew environmentdoes not representthem.
- Software and systems/solutions thinking becomes more and
more important in our networked world.
- Learning by establishing fast feedback loops frommarket to the
company is vital for success
- Leadership to inspire and focus people behind a much bigger
vision/purpose thanthemselves is key
- Embracing more and more digital marketing , better company
wide digital collaborationtools , reaching out to the community of
3. partners /beyond and leveraging thirdparty assets are essential
for achieving results.
- Ruthless Focus onExecutionof the plan including the planned
iterations withfast feedback loops the essencetodeliver.
These werethe key lessons and below 2 morefor the JV period :
- A JV needs autonomy to deliver .To seriously Innovatecannot
be done within an established company which protects the
established corebusiness model without full autonomy !
- Finally we inspiredand nurturedmany employees and managers
that started with low level of exposureand learned so much with
such a wealth of experiences within 3 years time period ! In such a
business setting you learn in 3 years whatyou need 10 years in a big
Intro what will happen the coming years with
all Exponential Technologies
Here my focus will be to give a shortintroduction of whatwill be
needed in the future as the new exponentially growing technologies ( Artificial
Intelligence , Crowdsourcing , Robotics & Drones , Big Data & Data Analytics ,
Sensors , mobile , Digital Encryption & Currencies , 3D printing , Genetics ,. )
startgoing across almost all Industries ( e g Entertainment , Transportation ,
Medical , Financial , Education , Communication , Manufacturing , Energy ,
Military , ) .
At the same time big companies using the new technologies startto expand
their businesses to other industries ( e g Apple >>> Cars , Google to cars and
space, .. ) creating soon new Industries . Smaller companies as well
having easier access to many new technologies will be able to develop faster
adjacent solutions or even enter new industries .
4. The result will be :
- A very competitive and faster by day business environment
- Creation of new Industries frommerging of old ones with addition
of new elements
- Creation of tremendous wealth and abundance
- Many companies will almost monopolize their market
- Many new niches will be created
- Many companies will need to reorganizeand transformthemselves
to surviveand thrive
For a few of the above subjects and what will be needed to create
transformation within the new Exponential Technologies environment I will
come back with a new article shortly.
Thank you very much and as always welcomecomments and dialogue.