1) While some workers and the public fear that information systems (IS) cause job losses, overall employment has continued to grow as IS have become more prevalent.
2) IS can have different effects on employment - some applications may replace human labor while others create demand for more skilled jobs.
3) Studies have found that computer users generally earn higher wages than non-users, but the impact of IS on overall employment levels remains unclear with different industries affected in different ways.
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1. 074067<br />HMNP Karunarathna<br />Should companies be responsible for unemployment caused by their Information Systems? Why or why not?<br />The attitudes of workers and the general public toward IS effects on employment may or may not reflect personal experience with technology in theworkplace, but they are important for understanding popular concerns regarding the issue. These attitudes are often positive, but they also include concerns about societal impacts and other problems among those personally affected.As will be clear, most ofthe questions deal with concerns about job loss rather than skill shifts.As early as 1965, a Harris poll revealed that more than half of there spondents believed that automation raised unemployment rates, whereas 38 percent thought it resulted in better and cheaper consumer goods. Among skilled and unskilled blue collarworkers, 1416 percent felt at risk of job loss because of automation, whereas only 4percent of managerial and professional workers thought similarly<br />Much of the attention IS has garnered is due to its unique power and speed, the diversity of IS applications in the workplace, and its recent, pervasive presence. Although many definitions are possible, IS can be defined as capital equipment that makes extensive use of microelectronics and programmed instructions or software. IS are often flexible, reprogrammable, and automatic or self-acting. They can record, process, communicate, and react to vast amounts of information entered by users, received from the environment, or stored internally. Prominent examples of IS specific to manufacturing and similar blue collar jobs include numerically controlled and computer numerically controlled machine tools, robots, computerized diagnostic and testing equipment, manufacturing process controls such as programmable logic controllers, automated material handling equipment, automated guided vehicles, factory local area networks (LANs), computer-aided design and manufacturing (CAD/CAM), material resource planning software to manage supplies and inventory, and flexible manufacturing systems that integrate many of these technologies into more fully automated systems.<br />Prominent informationSystem applications in office and service sector environments include common desktop applications such as word processors, spreadsheets, databases, e-mail clients, and Internet browsers; data entry and transactions processing systems (e.g., payroll, billing, bank transactions, and insurance claims); LANs; CAD; automatic teller machines; bank networks for electronic funds transfer; electronic data interchange for automated ordering and payment between purchasers and suppliers; barcode scanners; and point-of-sale devices.Additional tabulations not shown here indicate that white collar workers, more-educated workers, women, and whites are significantly more likely to use computers than others. Perhaps contrary to stereotype, workers between the ages of 25 and 54 use computers at roughly similar rates and are significantly more likely to use computers than workers who are either younger or older.<br />Clearly, different computer applications are likely to have different effects on the labor market. They may vary in the extent to which they substitute for human labor and stimulate the demand for more-skilled workers. It is also important to consider that the complexity of computers as a product does not necessarily imply anything about the level of skill required to operate computers or work in a computerized environment. The majority of people who use electrical devices or drive automobiles do not have a sophisticated understanding of their underlying principles. Whether high-technology equipment is associated with high-technology or highly skilled jobs is an empirical question.<br />Predictions that automation would lead to mass unemployment have persisted for many years, as early as the Great Depression in the twentieth century and resurfacing in the mid-1950s to early-1960s, when a combination of relatively high unemployment and new production technologies led many to argue that a causal connection existed between the two. These concerns reemerged in the initial years of the recovery from the recession of the early 1990s when the relatively slow decline in unemployment prompted fears of a quot;
jobless recoveryquot;
or even the quot;
end of work.quot;
<br />Although certain populations and jobs in certain industries may be disproportionately affected by technological change, in retrospect, most believers in technology-induced mass unemployment seem to have mistaken fluctuations in the business cycle for more fundamental transformations of the workplace and labor market. Although periods of high unemployment are painful, they have reflected mostly oscillations in general business activity rather than the effects of abrupt technological change. When macroeconomic conditions have improved, unemployment has declined. Despite the unprecedented diffusion of information technology since 1980, employment in the late 1990s was better than at any time in the previous 30 years.<br />Data on total employment in the United States show robust and nearly uninterrupted growth between 1948 and 2000.During this period of rising productivity, mechanization, and computerization, total employment more than doubled from less than 60 million to more than 135 million, and there has been no obvious slackening of the pace in the past two decades, during which computers became much more common in the workplace. Trends in unemployment and in the employment population ratio also do not suggest a general tendency for large numbers of workers to be made redundant.<br />Effects of Computers on Employment and Wages: 1999<br />Increase Decrease No difference<br />Employment 43 32 23<br />Wages 39 19 39<br />Source: National Public Radio, Kaiser Family Foundation, and Kennedy School of<br />Government 2000, p. 22.<br />Computers can also increase the demand for skill by altering the distribution of workers between occupations, either by stimulating the growth of more high- and medium-skilled jobs or through automation and other labor-saving technology that eliminates less-skilled jobs.A large body of literature explores each of these possible causal pathways. Initial studies found that computer users earned wages that were 1015 percent higher than otherwise similar nonusers, a phenomenon known as the computer wage premium. This premium was interpreted as indicating the importance of computer-specific skills or human capital.<br />There is a correlation between computer use and declines in production worker employment in manufacturing between 1979 and 1992, but almost all of this decline occurred during the deep recession before 1984 and the trend remained flat at least through the late 1990s, so it is hard to attribute the earlier decline to the widespread diffusion of computers. Other studies indicate that the shop-floor automation one would most expect to be associated with declines in the employment of production workers do not have the predicted labor-displacing effect.<br />