Ogilvie Fleet outlines five reasons for companies to introduce a salary sacrifice car scheme through them: 1) It saves employers approximately 贈300 per car per year in reduced National Insurance contributions; 2) It helps attract and retain employees by providing a valuable benefit; 3) On average, it saves employees 贈70 per month on motoring costs; 4) Ogilvie Fleet fully supports the scheme with automated systems and customer service; 5) The scheme can support environmental goals by offering fuel efficient and low emission vehicle options.
2. Hello. Were Ogilvie Fleet.
We manage 鍖eets of cars for organisations
large and small. We are also pioneering
an easier and more cost effective way
for employees to run a car.
A salary sacri鍖ce scheme lets employees give up
part of their salary (under the terms and
conditions of their employment) in return for the
employers agreement to provide them with
a non-cash bene鍖t in this case a car. Its a
tax ef鍖cient way for organisations to provide
employees with a brand new, fully insured and
maintained car for typically 3 years at a cost lower
than they could achieve in the retail market.
Whilst a salary sacri鍖ce car scheme may not be
suitable in every instance, here are 5 great reasons
why you should consider one for your organisation.
3. Save approximately
贈300 in net employer
NI contribution
per car per year.
Although the employer's National Insurance
Contribution (NIC) is still payable on the provision of a
car to the employee, this is typically substantially less
than the employer NIC that would have been paid on
the salary being sacri鍖ced, resulting in a 鍖nancial
saving of several hundred pounds over the term of a
vehicle contract for the employer.
With typical employee take up rates of 3% per annum
we are literally saving our customers 贈100,000's
across the 3 year term of the scheme.
4. Attract and retain
great staff.
A salary sacri鍖ce car scheme is a high end bene鍖t
and with motoring costs rising all the time, a scheme
like this will always be an attractive part of an
employee's bene鍖ts package.
It means youll be able to attract and retain high
calibre employees and offer a highly valued bene鍖t in
an evolving competitive employment market.
5. A bene鍖t that saves
your employees an
average of 贈70
per month!
In times of low or no pay awards and tight
鍖nancial constraints for all, this is a staff bene鍖t
that saves the employee between 32% and
47% depending on their tax rate.
On top of that, employees also enjoy 鍖eet
discounts, corporate 鍖nance rates and VAT
ef鍖ciencies unavailable on a personal lease
6. Fully supported
by Ogilvie Fleet.
The salary sacri鍖ce car scheme is fully supported by
Ogilvie with an automated online system, minimal
administration, regular review meetings, excellent
customer service and a robust implementation process
with bespoke marketing all provided for the duration of
the scheme.
Ogilvie have relationships with the majority of employee
bene鍖t providers and consultants which also enables us
to offer customers a single sign on facility.
With a large number of schemes in place in both private
and public sectors, Ogilvie also have the experience to
work with you and understand the best early
termination protection for your organisation and your
7. Supporting the
green agenda.
We can tailor a scheme to your exact requirements
and have many schemes where all vehicles available
are as low as sub 120g/km CO2. (This still gives an
extensive selection of small, medium and large cars!).
This means that your employees are driving greener
cars and are reducing the CO2 of home to work and
business mileage as well as helping to mitigate duty of
care legislation.
Fuel ef鍖cient vehicles can also be much more cost
effective typically a further 贈50 per month saving your
employees more money.