This document describes how to set up a L2TP/IPsec VPN client within a Docker container. It provides details on:
1) The motivation for putting the VPN client in a container, including easier deployment and configuration.
2) The components used - including Ubuntu, StrongSwan for IPsec, and Xl2tpd for L2TP.
3) The steps to build a Docker image with these components and configure it using environment variables to connect to a VPN server.
4) How to run the Docker container, check the VPN connection status, and next steps to improve the image size and routing.
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Mise en place d'un client VPN l2tp IPsec sous docker
1. Mise en place d¡¯un client
2. Qui est ikoula ?
Cr¨¦ation : 1998
8 000 VM en
Effectif : 47 employ¨¦s
5 000 serveurs
2 Datacenters en
France et pr¨¦sence
sur 3 continents
5. ? Gestion simplifi¨¦e
? Facilit¨¦ de d¨¦ploiement
? Le m¨ºme conteneur quelque soit l¡¯OS parent
(m¨ºme Windows)
? Simplification de la configuration
(¨¤ l¡¯image des configuration clients VPN Windows 8+ et OS X)
19. ? R¨¦duire la taille de l¡¯image
? Am¨¦liorer le lancement du service, pour ¨¦viter l¡¯appel ? tail ¨Cf
/dev/null ?
? Joindre un script iptables pour router le trafic de l¡¯host ¨¤ travers
le tunnel VPN/
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