This document summarizes information about the South Pacific Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. It states that while there are over 37 million people living in the region, there are only about 423,000 Adventists, with ratios ranging from one Adventist per 87 people overall to as low as one per 13 people in some island nations. This creates challenges for financing church operations. The document notes that the Thirteenth Sabbath Offering this quarter will help build medical clinics, distribute audio Bibles, and provide printed Bibles for children in the region.
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Mision 1er trimestre 2013
2. Window Into the South Pacific
Almost 37 million people live in the South Pacific Division,
including more than 423,000 Adventists. Thats a ratio of one
Adventist for every 87 people. However, New Zealand and
Australia, the two most economically developed countries, have
ratios of one Adventist for about every 400 people. The majority
of Adventists live in smaller, less developed island groups, such
as Fiji (one Adventist in 32 people), Papua New Guinea (one in
28), the Cook Islands (one in 19), Vanuatu (one in 14) and
Solomon Islands (one in 13). This creates challenges to finance
the work in the region. In many of the island nations, leaders
have few resources to nourish their members.
3. The South Pacific Division is focusing this Thirteenth
Sabbath Offering on reaching the people in the island
nations by providing critical outreach materials and
medical clinics to expand the churchs work into the heart
of the South Pacific Division.
4. Opportunities
This quarters Thirteenth Sabbath Offering will help:
Build clinics in at least four isolated areas in Papua New Guinea
Purchase solar-powered MP3 players (God pods) for Papua New
Guinea, Solomon Islands, and Vanuatu
Provide 15,000 Bibles for children in the islands of the south Pacific to
use and share with their families.