This document contains information from the website over various years from 1997-2022. It discusses topics related to education including rising demand for higher education, the potential for education to be enjoyable and relevant, connectivism as a learning theory, massive open online courses from MIT, and characteristics of successful projects.
3. UNESCO estimates that by 2025, there will be
at least 80 million more people seeking higher
education than are currently.
Meeting this new demand through
conventional means would require the
construction of three universities a week
accommodating 40,000 students for the next
12 years
4. هل من الممكن أن يكون التعليم ممتع ا؟ ومطلوب ا؟
هل من الممكن أن يطور شب اب عرب ي منصة تعليمية متميزة وجذابة؟
هل لدين ا أعض اء تدري س يصنفون كعلم اء لديهم م ا يقدمونه بكل احترافية ومهنية؟
هل من الممكن أن نس اهم ف ي حل مشكل ة التعليم، الت ي تع ان ي منه ا الحكوم ات ؟
5. Connectivism:
A Learning Theory for the Digital Age
Many learners will move into a variety of different, possibly unrelated fields over the course
of their lifetime.
Informal learning is a significant aspect of our learning experience. Formal education no longer
comprises the majority of our learning. Learning now occurs in a variety of ways – through
communities of practice, personal networks, and through completion of work-related tasks.
Learning is a continual process, lasting for a lifetime. Learning and work related activities are
no longer separate. In many situations, they are the same.
Technology is altering (rewiring) our brains. The tools we use define and shape our thinking.
The organization and the individual are both learning organisms. Increased attention to
knowledge management highlights the need for a theory that attempts to explain the link
between individual and organizational learning.
Many of the processes previously handled by learning theories (especially in cognitive
information processing) can now be off-loaded to, or supported by, technology.
Know-how and know-what is being supplemented with know-where (the understanding of
where to find knowledge needed).
6. MIT
000551 سجلوا ف ي الم ادة األول ى
أكثر من عدد خريج ي MITمنذ انش ائه ا قبل 501 ع ام ا
0027 ط الب ا اجت ازوا الم ادة ..
م ا يع ادل التدري س لمدة أربعين ع ام ا بواقع م ادت ان كل فصل
7. 1.
Active Learning
Self Passing
Instant feedback: turns Teaching moments in learning out comes
Peer Learning
Scale of Economics