The document outlines a vision, strategy, and structure for the US Catholic Church to effectively engage youth. The vision involves a three-stage model of missionary education and vocation promotion. The structure clarifies each member's role and how they are linked to accomplish this work, despite obstacles. It analyzes the strategy to identify areas for further development.
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2. Why a Vision, Strategy, and Structure? To help us concretize effective ways for the US Catholic Church context and the culture of youth today, drawn from the overall vision of the congregation in this work To help us work together by aligning us on the same waypoints, traveling in the same direction, given the very different areas our confreres are involved in To make it easier for planning and evaluation To clarify a compelling picture of this work and why we need to dedicate ourselves in spite of a context with obstacles and reasons to be discouraged. Clarify where each confreres role is with clear expectations and how we are all linked in this endeavor.