India is a country dominated by the male gender. Males are considered superior to women and they usually patronize women. This is a thumb-rule set a long time back and is still followed in some parts or some castes. Each sex is unique and each male or female is dominant in his/her own territory. Comparing them on the basis of a singular trait will be like comparing a bird and a fish.
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Mission Heal | Saves the Girl Child
1. Introduction:
India is a country dominated by the male
gender. Males are considered superior to
women and they usually patronize women.
This is a thumb-rule set a long time back and
is still followed in some parts or some castes.
Each sex is unique and each male or female is
dominant in his/her own territory.
Comparing them on the basis of a singular
trait will be like comparing a bird and a fish.
2. Atrocities against women:
In a society which has a biased mindset,
especially that is male dominated, females
are suffering. Looked upon like slaves,
these women have to do what their
husbands or father’s want. They mostly
lose their right to get schooled. With a
bleak future ahead, these illiterate
women have to dance to the whims of
their oppressors.
Dowry harassments, mental torture as
well as physical torture are suffered by
such victims.
3. Female infanticide is another atrocity
which has had overwhelming
consequences. Female infanticide proves
that how fallen your morality is. A nation
with a higher percentage of genocide, no
matter how rich is the poorest of all. With
beliefs that only the male child can
alleviate the family situation of poverty or
unemployment and girls are only a liability,
how can the nation or the society progress.
With such false and misleading beliefs, the
government as well as the people must
take swift action to restore balance in the
4. Mission Heal:
Many NGO’s have worked towards guiding
families, women and children on the path
of equality. Mission Heal is one such NGO
that is working for helping these women
and children. Mission Heal organizes
camps as well awareness campaigns for
women empowerment.
Free medical check-up, donations of books
and clothes are offered for the benefit of
the poor. Mission Heal has many
objectives which include child literacy,
women empowerment as well as nature
5. Of all these aims, Mission Heal
believes that women empowerment is
the most important. They believe that
it is of paramount importance to save
the girl child. Educating her is also one
of the NGO’s objectives.
Mission Heal also creates awareness
about the ill-effects of female
infanticide and they educate families
on how important a girl-child is. They
convince families against infanticide to
protect the girl child.
6. Believing in Her:
A woman like a man is not a liability to the
society but an asset. In today’s world, men
and women have accomplished equal share
of feats. A society or a group of people is
considered morally or mentally weak, which
considers women as passive creatures with
no ability to do things that males can.
There are many spheres of life in which
women have shown greater dominance than
males. But does that mean that women are
stronger? The answer is NO. Each person is
born with special abilities. Respect those
abilities, not the gender behind it.