This document discusses mission statements and provides examples of mission statements from different companies and organizations. It then prompts the reader to draft their own personal mission statement. A mission statement is formally defined as a summary of a company, organization, or individual's purpose, aims, and values. Examples of mission statements provided include Disney ("To make people happy"), Google ("To make the world's information universally accessible and useful"), Coca-Cola ("To refresh the world in body, mind, and spirit"), and Facebook ("To give people the power to share and make the world more open and connected"). The document encourages drafting a personal mission statement focusing on one's goals and objectives for the next few months.
4. Quiz Time
Whos mission statement is this?
To make people happy. We create happiness by
providing the finest in entertainment for people of all
ages, everywhere.
5. Whos mission statement is?
To make the world's information universally
accessible and useful
6. Whos mission statement is?
Everything we do is inspired by our enduring mission
to refresh the world in body, mind, and spirit. To inspire
moments of optimism and happiness. To Create Value
and Make a Difference
7. Whos mission statement is?
To give people the power to share and make the world
more open and connected.
8. My Personal Mission Statement
Do the best I can to guide, encourage and support each
and every student in Luttrellstown Community College
preparing for their leaving cert, so that they can all
continue to reach their full potential.
9. What is your Personal Mission
Take a blank page and write down for yourself - what is
your own mission statement right now. What are you
about for the last 4 months in 2nd Level?
What is the end game for June 2016?
Name it, face it, write it down. Be honest.
10. Personal Mission Statement
Everyone has their own specific vocation, mission
and plan in life; everyone must carry out a concrete
assignment that demands fulfilment. Therein you
cannot be replaced, nor can your life be repeated.
Everyone's task is unique as is their specific
opportunity to implement it.
Victor Frankl (1905 1997)