Missy Franklin is an American swimmer who won 6 gold medals at the 2013 World Championships. She was recently awarded the Laureus World Sportswoman of the Year award, beating out strong competition like Serena Williams. Franklin attends the University of California, Berkeley where she majors in psychology while continuing her swimming career, maintaining a grueling daily schedule of training, classes, homework, and competing in swim meets. Despite her success, Franklin remains upbeat, social, and focused on improving her swimming while creating her own legacy in the sport.
Susan Loken began running in her 30s and has since had a successful running career, competing in numerous marathons across the country. At age 44, she competed in the 2008 U.S. Olympic Team Trials marathon, finishing 40th overall. She is passionate about promoting health and fitness for youth through her involvement with Chances for Children Arizona. While pursuing her own running goals, her dream is to continue helping the organization in their mission.
Warren Sneary had long struggled with depression and was out of work. Through a friend's recommendation, he joined the Bike Minded program to get back into cycling. With their support providing a bike and gear, Warren began cycling again with a coach. It greatly improved his mental wellbeing and self-esteem. He now cycles regularly for both transportation and recreation, and feels it saved his life by improving his mental health and social engagement.
This document contains 4 stories from individuals involved with the Marin Race Walkers club in Marin County, California.
Story 1 is about Phyllis Abbate who took up racewalking 7 years ago after reading an article about it. She has since made many friends through the club and enjoys the fitness benefits.
Story 2 is about Herman Arrow who had heart surgery at age 66. He later helped start the local Mended Hearts support group and took up racewalking in his 70s, winning many medals in national competitions.
Story 3 is about Esther Beirne who was encouraged by her sister to take a racewalking class and has since made it a way of life, enjoying the friendships
This document is about the author's passion for various sports like football and their dreams of playing on varsity teams in high school and college. It discusses their disappointment at not making teams and finding new passions in extreme sports like surfing, windsurfing, and kitesurfing. The author sees surfing as more than just a sport, describing it as a lifestyle, culture, and spirit. They provide details on surf culture of the 50s/60s and their visions of modernizing aspects of that era. The document explores both the author's personal athletic journey and their deep love and fascination with surfing and beach culture.
1. Chris George is a former competitive swimmer and current swimming coach. He began swimming at age 6 and swam competitively through college, qualifying twice for the Olympic trials.
2. After graduating college, George struggled finding his path until he took a coaching job and discovered a passion for motivating young swimmers. He is now the head coach of a club team in Arkansas.
3. Under George's coaching, all of his swimmers achieved personal best times at their championship meet during his first year coaching. He focuses on positivity and building confidence in his swimmers.
I had to complete an action project for my Gender and Pop Culture Class, and this is my action. I made a \'Zine (self made magazine) in order to expose people to the problems with advertisement of female athletes. Feel free to comment or express your opinions, but please be respectful. Thank you and I hope you enjoy it!
This document summarizes Marge Garnero's experience with racewalking over the past 3 years. She was first introduced to it through the Leukemia Society's Team in Training program for the Honolulu Marathon in 1996. She was intrigued by the efficient style of an Olympian racewalker coach. She has since pursued racewalking lessons and joining the Marin Race Walkers club, finding it enriching both physically and psychologically. Racewalking has helped her feel stronger and taught her patience. She has also enjoyed the mental focus, competitions, and friendships involved.
St. Joseph Academy High School in San Marcos, CA was recognized as a 2014 School of Excellence by the Cardinal Newman Society. The principal and board members commented that SJA excels at providing authentic Catholic education and strong academics as shown by high test scores. SJA teaches Catholic faith and values along with a rigorous classical curriculum and extracurricular activities.
This document describes two people's experiences with and perspectives on racewalking. The first person, Louise M. Stutsman, discusses how taking a racewalking class 5 years ago reinvigorated her after her tennis game deteriorated. She finds being part of the Marin Racewalkers club enriching and life-enhancing as an elderly person. The second person, Brenda Usher-Carpino, describes taking up racewalking after enjoying ice skating for years. She was familiar with racewalking from childhood and fell in love with it from her first try. She discusses the health benefits and supportive community she has found through racewalking.
Kerri Walsh Jennings discusses her experiences competing in beach volleyball alongside Misty May-Treanor, being considered the greatest beach volleyball duo of all time. She also discusses competing in the 2012 Olympics while five weeks pregnant, staying active during her pregnancy, and posing nude for ESPN both during and after her pregnancy. She emphasizes listening to your body, staying consistent with healthy eating and exercise, and being patient during the journey after pregnancy to lose weight.
This document is the weekly newsletter of the Plano Rotary Club. It provides information on upcoming meetings and speakers, as well as birthdays for the month. It summarizes a recent meeting, recognizing members and discussing presentations from coaches of local high school football teams. The newsletter aims to inform members and build community within the club.
Vicki Spears was born in rural North Carolina in 1971 to a teenage mother. She was raised by her mother, aunts, grandparents, and neighbors who instilled in her strong African American values of faith, character, and strength. Spears desires to become an educator to preserve African American culture and pass on the lessons of her upbringing to future generations. She is currently studying at Shaw University, an HBCU founded after the Civil War, whose mission is consistent with her goals of empowering students through education, faith, and service.
Ann Meyer Petrovic and Mary Lou Douglas played professional baseball in the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League (AAGPBL) in the 1940s and 1950s. Petrovic spent six years playing for the Kenosha Comets/Minneapolis Millerettes and Chicago Bluebirds/Queens, while Douglas pitched for the South Bend Blue Sox from 1952-1954 before the league disbanded. Both women overcame challenges as female athletes but helped blaze a trail for future generations of women in sports.
Sophie Barnett and Corinne Sri-Widada are tae kwon do world champions from Kingsbridge who are trying to inspire others. Despite having no coordination and balance, Sophie took up tae kwon do six years ago and became world champion. Corinne hopes their success stories show that "if I can do it, you can too." They train 3 hours a week and more during competitions. Both credit their coach Lesley McGhie's passion and encouragement for their success. They want to inspire all skill levels and ages to participate in martial arts.
This article profiles 6 Singaporean athletes competing in the upcoming Rio Olympics: Timothee Yap (athletics), Leonard Ong (windsurfing), Chen Feng (table tennis). It discusses their backgrounds, how they got into their sports, their goals and preparations for the Rio Olympics. It also briefly profiles the men's water polo team that will be competing in the Asian Swimming Championships, discussing the discipline and lessons they've learned from their sport.
George P. Fenton II writes a letter of recommendation for Michael Brown, who served under his command in the US Marine Corps. Fenton observed Brown demonstrate exceptional composure and maturity even in combat situations, making prudent decisions based on strong morals. Brown influenced others through his respected opinions and led by example. He was selected for an elite platoon due to his aptitude, discipline, and fortitude. Fenton is confident Brown's experiences abroad and in the Marines will serve him well academically and socially at Columbia University.
Teksten en liederen die geprojecteerd werden op Ten Bos op O.L.H. Hemelvaart (C) 2016 (Sint Amanduskerk Erembodegem). De teksten van onze vieringen zijn te vinden op de website: http://www.kerkembodegem.be/tenbos/liturgie/vieringen.html
I giocatori partono in slalom, tenendo una pettorina di colore diverso in mano (cerchi colorati) e dopo lultimo cono passano palla indietro al compagno della fila (1). Il mister chiama il colore (2) che per primo si deve muovere per ricercare scambio 1-2 con un altro giocatore di unaltra fila (3). Tutti gli altri si muovono di conseguenza. Si passa poi la pettorina al giocatore successivo. Tipologie di conduzione palla e trasmissione a scelta.
Players dribble through the cones bringing in the hand a vest with different colours (circles here) and then pass the ball back to the mate in the same queue after the last cone (1). The coach calls the colour (2) who shall move first to find a wall pass with a player in another queue (3). All the others shall move as consequence. The vest must be given to the following player. Dribbles and pass type variations shall be choosen
The executive assistant is requesting approval to research converting the company basement into an on-site workout facility. A previous employee survey found that staff preferred an on-site gym to gym memberships due to lower costs and convenience. An on-site gym could save the company money in healthcare costs and increase productivity by promoting employee health. It may also help with employee recruitment and satisfaction. The assistant needs approval to gather financial information to begin the research and remodeling process.
The document is a scrapbook for an intimate relationship psychology course containing various chapters that discuss:
1) How social needs for affiliation, intimacy, and belonging explain why people form relationships and use social media.
2) The psychology of attraction, which is driven by proximity, reciprocity, and aimed at reproduction through sexual behavior.
3) How adult attachment forms the basis for true love in long-term partner choice through developing dependence and comfort with each other beyond physical attraction.
4) How differences in male and female communication styles can lead to conflicts as relationships transition from physical attraction to attachment after reproduction goals are met. Dissolution may result if this transition is not successfully navigated.
Ik ben Saskia Vugts (1963) Al jaren schilder ik portretten in opdracht met olieverf. Na mijn opleiding aan de academie ben ik professioneel portretschilder. Mijn grootste inspiratiebron is de unieke mens. Met liefde probeer ik in ieder portret een hart en ziel te leggen.Op een geheel eigenwijze schilder ik mijn portretten op de authentieke manier met een knipoog naar modern design. Voorheen tekende ik portretten met pastel, ik maak ook dierportretten in opdracht. Aan een Portretopdracht gaat een fotoshoot vooraf. Waar veel energie ingestoken wordt, het is belangrijk om een goed beeld van de te portretteren persoon te krijgen. Na een aantal maanden is het te vervaardigen portret klaar. In opdracht van de gemeente Vught schilderde ik een levensgroot staatsieportret van Koning Willem Alexander(150/210). Voor meer informatie kijk op mijn persoonlijke website: http://saskiavugts.nl/portret-in-opdracht/
Bescherming - Vierde Adventszondag (A 2016)Ten Bos
Teksten en liederen die geprojecteerd werden op Ten Bos op de vierde zondag van de Advent. (A) 2016 (Sint Amanduskerk Erembodegem). De teksten van onze vieringen zijn te vinden op de website: http://www.kerkembodegem.be/tenbos/liturgie/vieringen.html
Este bolet鱈n informativo anuncia dos conferencias sobre nuevas metodolog鱈as educativas que se llevar叩n a cabo el 6 de octubre. Tambi辿n proporciona detalles sobre reuniones informativas para familias durante la semana del 5 al 9 de octubre y compartes varios anuncios y recordatorios sobre eventos, fechas l鱈mite, men炭s y m叩s.
- The Haryana Public Service Commission announced a corrigendum regarding the recruitment of 1647 Assistant Professor positions in government colleges in Haryana.
- The classification of positions reserved for disabled candidates was challenged in court. The court directed the commission to resolve the issues with the classification as per government policies and guidelines.
- As a result, the commission has revised the classification of positions to include the backlog of positions for disabled candidates up to March 2016. The notice provides the new detailed classification of positions by subject, category and disability type.
Este documento resume un cap鱈tulo de un libro sobre la organizaci坦n educativa. Explica que la organizaci坦n escolar puede referirse a la instituci坦n educativa, al conjunto de conocimientos sobre su ordenaci坦n, o al proceso de estructurar sus elementos din叩micamente. Describe cuatro fases de la gesti坦n de una organizaci坦n escolar: planificar, organizar, dirigir y controlar. Concluye que cada fase puede contemplarse desde la perspectiva de las dem叩s a lo largo del tiempo y espacio.
08 de diciembre
La Concepci坦n Inmaculada de la
Sant鱈sima Madre de Dios
Queridos hermanos, reciban un saludo fraterno de parte de la Unidad de Espiritualidad Eudista. El 08 de diciembre celebramos la Solemnidad de la Inmaculada Concepci坦n de Mar鱈a. Los invitamos a meditar con san Juan Eudes sobre esta realidad divina:...
- The document provides a summary of an individual's objective, educational background, employment history, certifications, training, achievements and references.
- They seek a position in quality management where they can utilize over 10 years of experience developing quality systems, conducting audits, training employees and obtaining certifications like ISO and BRC.
- Their career has involved roles in quality control, management, engineering and auditing for various industries including manufacturing, chemicals and food processing.
Michael Phelps had a difficult childhood but found success in swimming at a young age. He won 6 gold medals at the 2004 Athens Olympics and set the record in 2008 Beijing by winning 8 gold medals. At the 2012 London Olympics, Phelps won his 19th gold medal, breaking the all-time record. Though he retired from competitive swimming, Phelps continues his passion for the sport and ocean life. He established a foundation to promote healthy lifestyles for youth and hopes to transition to competitive golf.
This document describes two people's experiences with and perspectives on racewalking. The first person, Louise M. Stutsman, discusses how taking a racewalking class 5 years ago reinvigorated her after her tennis game deteriorated. She finds being part of the Marin Racewalkers club enriching and life-enhancing as an elderly person. The second person, Brenda Usher-Carpino, describes taking up racewalking after enjoying ice skating for years. She was familiar with racewalking from childhood and fell in love with it from her first try. She discusses the health benefits and supportive community she has found through racewalking.
Kerri Walsh Jennings discusses her experiences competing in beach volleyball alongside Misty May-Treanor, being considered the greatest beach volleyball duo of all time. She also discusses competing in the 2012 Olympics while five weeks pregnant, staying active during her pregnancy, and posing nude for ESPN both during and after her pregnancy. She emphasizes listening to your body, staying consistent with healthy eating and exercise, and being patient during the journey after pregnancy to lose weight.
This document is the weekly newsletter of the Plano Rotary Club. It provides information on upcoming meetings and speakers, as well as birthdays for the month. It summarizes a recent meeting, recognizing members and discussing presentations from coaches of local high school football teams. The newsletter aims to inform members and build community within the club.
Vicki Spears was born in rural North Carolina in 1971 to a teenage mother. She was raised by her mother, aunts, grandparents, and neighbors who instilled in her strong African American values of faith, character, and strength. Spears desires to become an educator to preserve African American culture and pass on the lessons of her upbringing to future generations. She is currently studying at Shaw University, an HBCU founded after the Civil War, whose mission is consistent with her goals of empowering students through education, faith, and service.
Ann Meyer Petrovic and Mary Lou Douglas played professional baseball in the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League (AAGPBL) in the 1940s and 1950s. Petrovic spent six years playing for the Kenosha Comets/Minneapolis Millerettes and Chicago Bluebirds/Queens, while Douglas pitched for the South Bend Blue Sox from 1952-1954 before the league disbanded. Both women overcame challenges as female athletes but helped blaze a trail for future generations of women in sports.
Sophie Barnett and Corinne Sri-Widada are tae kwon do world champions from Kingsbridge who are trying to inspire others. Despite having no coordination and balance, Sophie took up tae kwon do six years ago and became world champion. Corinne hopes their success stories show that "if I can do it, you can too." They train 3 hours a week and more during competitions. Both credit their coach Lesley McGhie's passion and encouragement for their success. They want to inspire all skill levels and ages to participate in martial arts.
This article profiles 6 Singaporean athletes competing in the upcoming Rio Olympics: Timothee Yap (athletics), Leonard Ong (windsurfing), Chen Feng (table tennis). It discusses their backgrounds, how they got into their sports, their goals and preparations for the Rio Olympics. It also briefly profiles the men's water polo team that will be competing in the Asian Swimming Championships, discussing the discipline and lessons they've learned from their sport.
George P. Fenton II writes a letter of recommendation for Michael Brown, who served under his command in the US Marine Corps. Fenton observed Brown demonstrate exceptional composure and maturity even in combat situations, making prudent decisions based on strong morals. Brown influenced others through his respected opinions and led by example. He was selected for an elite platoon due to his aptitude, discipline, and fortitude. Fenton is confident Brown's experiences abroad and in the Marines will serve him well academically and socially at Columbia University.
Teksten en liederen die geprojecteerd werden op Ten Bos op O.L.H. Hemelvaart (C) 2016 (Sint Amanduskerk Erembodegem). De teksten van onze vieringen zijn te vinden op de website: http://www.kerkembodegem.be/tenbos/liturgie/vieringen.html
I giocatori partono in slalom, tenendo una pettorina di colore diverso in mano (cerchi colorati) e dopo lultimo cono passano palla indietro al compagno della fila (1). Il mister chiama il colore (2) che per primo si deve muovere per ricercare scambio 1-2 con un altro giocatore di unaltra fila (3). Tutti gli altri si muovono di conseguenza. Si passa poi la pettorina al giocatore successivo. Tipologie di conduzione palla e trasmissione a scelta.
Players dribble through the cones bringing in the hand a vest with different colours (circles here) and then pass the ball back to the mate in the same queue after the last cone (1). The coach calls the colour (2) who shall move first to find a wall pass with a player in another queue (3). All the others shall move as consequence. The vest must be given to the following player. Dribbles and pass type variations shall be choosen
The executive assistant is requesting approval to research converting the company basement into an on-site workout facility. A previous employee survey found that staff preferred an on-site gym to gym memberships due to lower costs and convenience. An on-site gym could save the company money in healthcare costs and increase productivity by promoting employee health. It may also help with employee recruitment and satisfaction. The assistant needs approval to gather financial information to begin the research and remodeling process.
The document is a scrapbook for an intimate relationship psychology course containing various chapters that discuss:
1) How social needs for affiliation, intimacy, and belonging explain why people form relationships and use social media.
2) The psychology of attraction, which is driven by proximity, reciprocity, and aimed at reproduction through sexual behavior.
3) How adult attachment forms the basis for true love in long-term partner choice through developing dependence and comfort with each other beyond physical attraction.
4) How differences in male and female communication styles can lead to conflicts as relationships transition from physical attraction to attachment after reproduction goals are met. Dissolution may result if this transition is not successfully navigated.
Ik ben Saskia Vugts (1963) Al jaren schilder ik portretten in opdracht met olieverf. Na mijn opleiding aan de academie ben ik professioneel portretschilder. Mijn grootste inspiratiebron is de unieke mens. Met liefde probeer ik in ieder portret een hart en ziel te leggen.Op een geheel eigenwijze schilder ik mijn portretten op de authentieke manier met een knipoog naar modern design. Voorheen tekende ik portretten met pastel, ik maak ook dierportretten in opdracht. Aan een Portretopdracht gaat een fotoshoot vooraf. Waar veel energie ingestoken wordt, het is belangrijk om een goed beeld van de te portretteren persoon te krijgen. Na een aantal maanden is het te vervaardigen portret klaar. In opdracht van de gemeente Vught schilderde ik een levensgroot staatsieportret van Koning Willem Alexander(150/210). Voor meer informatie kijk op mijn persoonlijke website: http://saskiavugts.nl/portret-in-opdracht/
Bescherming - Vierde Adventszondag (A 2016)Ten Bos
Teksten en liederen die geprojecteerd werden op Ten Bos op de vierde zondag van de Advent. (A) 2016 (Sint Amanduskerk Erembodegem). De teksten van onze vieringen zijn te vinden op de website: http://www.kerkembodegem.be/tenbos/liturgie/vieringen.html
Este bolet鱈n informativo anuncia dos conferencias sobre nuevas metodolog鱈as educativas que se llevar叩n a cabo el 6 de octubre. Tambi辿n proporciona detalles sobre reuniones informativas para familias durante la semana del 5 al 9 de octubre y compartes varios anuncios y recordatorios sobre eventos, fechas l鱈mite, men炭s y m叩s.
- The Haryana Public Service Commission announced a corrigendum regarding the recruitment of 1647 Assistant Professor positions in government colleges in Haryana.
- The classification of positions reserved for disabled candidates was challenged in court. The court directed the commission to resolve the issues with the classification as per government policies and guidelines.
- As a result, the commission has revised the classification of positions to include the backlog of positions for disabled candidates up to March 2016. The notice provides the new detailed classification of positions by subject, category and disability type.
Este documento resume un cap鱈tulo de un libro sobre la organizaci坦n educativa. Explica que la organizaci坦n escolar puede referirse a la instituci坦n educativa, al conjunto de conocimientos sobre su ordenaci坦n, o al proceso de estructurar sus elementos din叩micamente. Describe cuatro fases de la gesti坦n de una organizaci坦n escolar: planificar, organizar, dirigir y controlar. Concluye que cada fase puede contemplarse desde la perspectiva de las dem叩s a lo largo del tiempo y espacio.
08 de diciembre
La Concepci坦n Inmaculada de la
Sant鱈sima Madre de Dios
Queridos hermanos, reciban un saludo fraterno de parte de la Unidad de Espiritualidad Eudista. El 08 de diciembre celebramos la Solemnidad de la Inmaculada Concepci坦n de Mar鱈a. Los invitamos a meditar con san Juan Eudes sobre esta realidad divina:...
- The document provides a summary of an individual's objective, educational background, employment history, certifications, training, achievements and references.
- They seek a position in quality management where they can utilize over 10 years of experience developing quality systems, conducting audits, training employees and obtaining certifications like ISO and BRC.
- Their career has involved roles in quality control, management, engineering and auditing for various industries including manufacturing, chemicals and food processing.
Michael Phelps had a difficult childhood but found success in swimming at a young age. He won 6 gold medals at the 2004 Athens Olympics and set the record in 2008 Beijing by winning 8 gold medals. At the 2012 London Olympics, Phelps won his 19th gold medal, breaking the all-time record. Though he retired from competitive swimming, Phelps continues his passion for the sport and ocean life. He established a foundation to promote healthy lifestyles for youth and hopes to transition to competitive golf.
Michael Phelps is considered the greatest swimmer of all time. He won a total of 28 Olympic medals, including 23 gold medals, over his career competing in five Olympic Games from 2000 to 2016. Some key accomplishments include winning 8 gold medals at the 2008 Beijing Olympics, and breaking the record for most Olympic gold medals with 19 total at the 2012 London Olympics. Phelps' success was due to his immense dedication to training, practicing up to 6 hours a day, 6 days a week, and consuming over 12,000 calories per day to fuel his intense workouts. After retiring from swimming, Phelps has expressed interest in pursuing a career in professional golf.
Melanie Lynch is a health education teacher and member of the State College Area Rollers roller derby team. She has endured many injuries in roller derby but views it as teaching resilience that she applies to teaching. Roller derby helped push her to become Teacher of the Year through building fearlessness of failure from constantly falling and getting back up. Melanie believes roller derby has been life changing for almost every player and that it embodies female empowerment through being fully run by women players.
This document profiles two of the author's role models: Michael Phelps and Jennie Finch. It provides background information on their swimming and softball careers, accomplishments such as Olympic medals won, and quotes from each about their sports and being role models. The author expresses admiration for both of their athletic abilities and for growing up involved in their respective sports.
1) Heather White was an American coxswain who led her team to win gold at the 2012 and 2008 Summer Olympics. As a coxswain, she was responsible for issuing orders and leading the rowing team.
2) Coxswains undergo rigorous training of over 6 hours per day, including multiple rowing sessions and strength/cardio workouts, in order to build endurance and credibility to push the rowers. This allows them to understand the physical and mental challenges the rowers face.
3) Many rowers form relationships with other rowers because they understand the immense time commitment required for the sport when non-rowers may not. Heather met her boyfriend, also an Olympic row
Strong Women: Sur鍖ng taught me how to fail and come back strongerSteve Sorensen
She has the unique kind of determination and work ethic that you only 鍖nd in world-class athletes, and her six national gold medals speak volumes to this.
But winning isnt the only experience of being an elite athlete, and with the highs come the crushing lows.
Dr. Jessica Gallagher is a legally blind Paralympic athlete competing in cycling at the 2016 Rio Paralympics. She was previously a bronze medalist in alpine skiing. She was diagnosed with cone dystrophy at age 17 which causes low vision, but has achieved success in sports and her career as an osteopath. She is motivated to push her abilities and inspire others by showing what is possible despite vision impairment.
Women-only road races have become increasingly popular in the United States, attracting over 25,000 female runners to events like the Nike Women's Marathon. These races offer women a supportive atmosphere to socialize and celebrate their athletic accomplishments. While running was originally dominated by men, over half of all road race finishers are now women, driven by a growing sense of empowerment and community among female runners. Events like the Nike Women's Marathon provide an inviting space for women of all backgrounds and abilities to participate in the sport.
1) Alex Henley is a junior swimmer at UC San Diego who wakes up at 5:15am daily to swim in order to balance her difficult physiology major, grueling swim practice schedule, and aspirations of competing in the Olympics.
2) As one of UCSD's top swimmers who holds several individual school records, she excels in many swimming events but prefers to swim what her team needs to succeed rather than just her favorites.
3) While very accomplished individually as a champion swimmer in high school and college, her proudest moment was winning the conference championship with her UCSD team despite being rivals with Loyola Marymount University.
A magazine designed to educate the public, participants, volunteers and donors on the organization's happenings and philosophies. A creative "annual report" of sorts.
The document contains 3 brief sports news stories: 1) An England rugby player is delighted to be playing in the Six Nations after suffering an injury last year. 2) A horse racing trainer won a race on Thursday but won't commit to entering the horse in the Dubai World Cup. 3) The 16-time world darts champion Phil Taylor is surprisingly considered one of the best athletes ever in his sport.
- Muhammad Ali defeated George Foreman in the famous "Rumble in the Jungle" boxing match in 1974 in Zaire to regain the heavyweight title at age 32.
- Forty years later, Ali continues to battle Parkinson's disease, which has left him less mobile but he refuses to let it beat him, similar to how he defeated Foreman.
- Ali's wife Lonnie says the 1974 fight inspired people to believe in themselves and defy the odds, as Ali was expected to lose but won through his strategic "rope-a-dope" tactics, further cementing his legendary status.
Susie Wolff is a British racing driver who is striving to become the third woman and first British woman to participate in a Formula One Grand Prix. She has risen through the lower racing categories and is currently a development driver for Williams. Wolff hopes to break into Formula One, but faces skepticism due to being a woman in a male-dominated sport. She is passionate about being the best driver possible rather than proving women can succeed in motorsports.
South Africa flanker Schalk Burger nearly died in 2013 from bacterial meningitis contracted during surgery to remove a cyst on his spinal cord. He spent six weeks in the hospital and lost 30kg, with his parents called to say goodbye as his condition deteriorated. Through sheer willpower, Burger recovered and made remarkable returns to rugby in 2013 and to the South Africa national team in 2014. Now at his last Rugby World Cup, Burger believes South Africa can deliver under pressure as they did to win the 2007 tournament, relying on experience and adapting their power game to succeed.
The Emirates American Football League (EAFL) has experienced impressive growth in its first two years, with around 500 athletes from over 40 nationalities expected to participate in the upcoming 2014/15 season. The league's founder, Canadian Dustin Cherniawski, hopes to further develop the sport in the UAE and ambitions to field the country's first Emirati national American football team within five years. Currently, only a small percentage of EAFL players are Emirati, but member of the Sharjah royal family and Dubai Barracudas player Shaikh Khalid Al Qasimi believes the goal of a national team is achievable given the league's success so far and UAE nationals' athletic abilities.
The article profiles US women's national soccer star Alex Morgan and her passion for promoting women's soccer globally. It discusses her prolific scoring record for the US team and Olympic success. Morgan aims to help growing the women's game in countries where opportunities for women are limited after she retires from playing. She is interested in promoting women's soccer in the UAE and hopes to visit in the coming years.
The document discusses the Ivybridge rugby academy in England and its manager, Rob Gibson. It provides examples of former players from Ivybridge who have gained national recognition, and Gibson insists the current and English youth players are just as talented as those from New Zealand. Gibson is described as being incredibly hard but fair on the players in training. The academy aims to develop the players both on and off the field, and Gibson has ambitious plans to continue expanding and improving the program to help players succeed at rugby or in their future careers.
The document discusses the rugby academy at Ivybridge Community College in Devon, England. It describes how Rob Gibson, who was brought up in New Zealand, oversees the academy as part of Exeter Chiefs' youth development program. Under Gibson's leadership, which is influenced by his experience in New Zealand rugby, the academy has been highly successful, with some players going on to represent England at the under-18 level. The academy aims to develop players' skills both on and off the field through specialized training programs.
The document discusses the history of boxing in Kingsbridge, a town in South Hams, England. It describes how boxing was very popular in the town from the 1940s to the 1960s, with intense rivalries between local clubs. A man named Burgoyne started the Kingsbridge Amateur Boxing Club in 1948 and several local boxers found success. However, interest began declining in the 1970s as other distractions emerged and bigger clubs offered more prizes. The story then jumps to 2011, when a man named Ed Hall took up boxing and had a knockout win, stirring memories of Kingsbridge's boxing past for Burgoyne.
Bill Burgoyne, 90, founded the Kingsbridge Amateur Boxing Club in 1948. He recently met with 24-year old Ed Hall, the only current boxer from Kingsbridge, to discuss the town's boxing history. The two boxers compared eras and praised each other's accomplishments in the ring. Their meeting arranged by the local newspaper helped kindle their friendship and enthusiasm for reviving boxing in Kingsbridge.
Chris Lee has played rugby for Kingsbridge RFC for an astonishing 40 years, making his debut in 1975 at the age of 16. At 56, he continues to play as scrum-half for the club's A team. While most people his age are retiring, Chris remains dedicated to the game and the club, training twice a week. He attributes his longevity to staying fit with regular training and giving up smoking 25 years ago. Chris plans to continue playing and also get more involved in refereeing and coaching. He is praised by teammates and club officials for his passion, dependability, and for inspiring both young and old players.
Martin Boulter, a pub landlord in Stoke Fleming, transformed his pool room into an indoor football stadium to watch England's first World Cup game against the USA. Over 50 fans attended to watch on a large screen with official stadium seating decorated in England's colors. Despite England's disappointing 1-1 draw, the mood was electric. Boulter hopes for another large crowd and a better result for England against Algeria. Across the South Hams, many residents proudly displayed their support for England ahead of the opening game at various community events.
The document discusses Patrick Vieira's transition from star footballer to a development role with Manchester City, where he is gaining experience in different departments of the club and learning the business side of football, with the aim of broadening his knowledge and determining his next career step, which could include management. It also provides details on Vieira's impressive playing career and trophies won, and gives his perspective that while Manchester City have the players to succeed in the Champions League, experience is still needed to handle the European competition's pressures.
The document discusses Lionel Messi breaking the record for most goals scored in a calendar year. It provides background on the previous record holder, German player Gerd Muller, who scored 85 goals in 1972. It describes how Messi scored his 86th and record-breaking goal on Sunday in Barcelona's 2-1 win over Real Betis. The article highlights Messi's wide variety of goal scoring abilities and how his playing style differs from the more traditional Muller. It discusses reactions from Barcelona managers and other football figures to Messi's achievement.
Pele, considered one of the greatest footballers of all time, will share memories of his career at a film screening in Dubai. Pele achieved global glory by winning the World Cup with Brazil three times and helped the New York Cosmos achieve renown in the 1970s. At age 73, Pele remains actively involved in various projects related to his career and legacy, and is excited for upcoming events around the 2014 World Cup in Brazil, including a biographical film and new museum.
The article discusses the ongoing debate about who is the best soccer player in the world - Lionel Messi or Cristiano Ronaldo. It notes that Ronaldo has significantly outperformed Messi so far this season, scoring 17 goals in 11 appearances for Real Madrid compared to Messi's 7 goals in 9 appearances for Barcelona. The article argues that Ronaldo's impressive scoring form has established him as the best player in the world currently.
1. sport finalC10
gulfnews.com | Saturday, April 5, 2014 | Gulf News
Missy Franklin: A study in happiness
American swimming superstar thoroughly enjoying combining academia with sporting success
Kuala Lumpur
or swimming superstar
Melissa Missy Frank-
lin, life is as saccharine
sweet as her American
teen sweetheart de-
Her magnificent haul of six
gold medals at last summers
World Championships in Bar-
celona a record for the event
led to her winning the unof-
ficial Oscar of sport, the Lau-
reus World Sportswoman of the
Year Award, on March 26.
That was no mean feat, the
18-year-old having prevailed
over strong competition from
the likes of Serena Williams,
the finest tennis player on the
planet and one of the greatest
in history.
Little wonder, then, that
Franklin resembled a child at
Christmas both on receiving
her award and in the build-up
to the prestigious ceremony.
Bubbly and incessantly smi-
ley and giggly, everything in
Franklins universe is, in her
own words, awesome, in-
credible or unbelievable,
and she treats journalists with
the same warmth and cheer-
fulness as she would her most
cherished friend.
Not even questions about the
chore of studying at college can
tarnish her utopian existence.
The 6ft 1ins Californian, who
is majoring in psychology at the
University of California, Berke-
ley, says the relentless grind of
academia, which she is pur-
suing while eschewing prize
money and endorsements as an
amateur, is really great and so
much fun.
Her admission becomes all
the more impressive (or sicken-
ing, depending on how cynical
you are) when you consider the
additional burden she carries
on her broad shoulders that
of being an elite sportswoman.
Franklin, who shot to world-
wide prominence by winning
four gold medals at the Lon-
don 2012 Olympics, wakes up
at 5am every morning and
dives headlong into an exhaus-
tive and exhausting schedule
of classes, revision, swimming
and fitness work.
Its definitely a little hectic,
I dont have much free time at
all, she admits matter of factly
without a hint of regret, before
giggling girlishly as she recited
her repetitive and gruelling re-
Daily routine
I wake up normally around
5am, train for two hours in
the morning, then I have class.
Then I come back and we have
weights for about an hour, then
we train for another two hours,
then I have class after that.
Then I have class after that,
then I have homework after
class. And then we get up and
repeat it next day. I go to bed at
9pm and we dont even have a
TV in our dorm.
I love what I do so much and
every sacrifice seems so small,
she added. Everyone has to
sacrifice something, whether
its for your job or for school. It
teaches us so much about our-
selves if we are willing to give
up things and work hard to
reach our goals.
For most top athletes with
super-sized egos to match their
voluminous talents, having to
deal with frugality of student
life would be simply unbearable
having been inured to sumptu-
ous hotel suites and haute cui-
Yet Franklin insists things
have not changed dramatically
since she won global sport-
ing recognition, apart from
the burgeoning attendances to
watch her in action at college
swim meets.
Its honestly not that differ-
ent to before, she said. Its a
really normal experience and
really fun.
One journalist present at
the pre-Laureus awards me-
dia briefing thought she would
probe for a chink in this epit-
ome of blissful contentments
Had she struggled to work
the washing machine, as the
retired American swimming
great Michael Phelps did in
his first year at university, she
Freshman blues
Ive had the same struggles
as every freshman at college,
living alone, Franklin replied,
with a trademark flurry of
Being away from home,
being away from your family,
eating dorm food and cafete-
ria food all the time, doing
your laundry for first time,
its all part of the experi-
Thats exactly why I
wanted to go to college, to
get those experiences. My
roommate is a freshman on
the team and weve become
best friends. Its just like a
roomie match in heaven. Its
been really great, so much
fun and Ive already made
friends on the team that
I know I am going to have
my whole life, which is
why Im doing it.
Yet while she por-
trays herself as an or-
dinary teenager, Frank-
lin would not be one of
the greatest swimmers in
the world if she did not pos-
sess an extraordinary com-
petitive instinct.
I think one thing Ive re-
alised through swimming is I
am able to flick a switch, she
said. And thats where I can
be really bubbly and really
happy and really excited but
when it is time to race, I know
it and I am able to really home
into what I am doing and fo-
cus on the event coming up. I
am still having fun while I am
doing that.
But the sensation of being
in the zone is incredible and
thats one reason we do our
sport, for that moment. [Its
great] right before we race,
when you know youve put in
the work, know youve put in
the training, and youre be-
hind the block and youre just
She went on: That excite-
ment of feeling you cant wait
to get out there and show eve-
ryone what you can do and
prove to yourself what you can
do, theres no better feeling
than that. So thats why I like to
smile before a race: To remind
myself to have fun and remind
myself why I am doing it.
Franklin would be forgiven
for being crippled by fear at
the prospect of following the
strokes of genius achieved by
American swimming legends,
Phelps and Mark Spitz.
Yet she insists she is inspired
by their Olympic medal-win-
ning magnificence of the past
and is eager to create her own
I want to have my own
goals and aspirations, she
Watching what these ath-
letes have done is absolutely
inspiring. Id love to accom-
plish something like [what
they did] some day.
My relationship with Mi-
chael is incredible. Hes of-
fered assistance and been
absolutely incredible. I feel
like its hard to be called
the female Michael Phelps.
Because there really is no
other Michael Phelps,
male or female.
Hes so unique. What
anyone does would nev-
er be the way he did it.
And its just so in-
credible to know that
hes Michael Phelps. So
I always want to say Im
the female Missy Frank-
lin and hopefully create
my own legacy.
A meeting with Spitz, who
claimed a then-world record
seven gold medals in the pool
at the 1972 Olympic Games
(Phelps won one more at the
2008 Games), transformed
Franklin into a starstruck teen
meeting her pop idol.
Of her encounter ahead
of the Laureus World Sport
Awards, she said: I met Mark
Spitz in the elevator yester-
day morning. And he was
like, Missy? and I was like.
I didnt recognise him
without the moustache. He
was like, Im Mark Spitz. I
was like, Oh my gosh, do you
know how cool you are?. And
I totally fan-girled.
Under her coach Teri Mc-
Keever she ended her ten-
year association with former
mentor Todd Schmitz last
year Franklin insists she
has room for improvement
despite her Barcelona heroics.
Live in the present
But she says her thoughts
have not yet turned to the 2016
Rio Olympics, revealing she
prefers to live in the present.
Furthermore, like Phelps, she
wants to transcend her sport.
She said: He showed how
awesome it [swimming] is.
Im a little biased but I think
its really incredible, not just
in terms of a sport, but also
in terms of safety. Its getting
people to be water safe. Thats
one of my goals as an athlete
in this sport.
I really want to raise
awareness about making chil-
dren water safe and getting
them involved in local swim
teams, whether they are doing
it competitively or just for fun.
Its a great way of meeting
new people. Ive learned so
much about myself from this
sport. Its changed my life.
Mature beyond her years,
Franklin is acutely aware that
a sporting career can be a brief
one, and therefore recognises
the need to focus on other
things in life.
Biggest goal is to be a mum
One of my biggest goals
in life is to be a mum, she
said. I want to have a family
some day. I kind of know I am
meant to be a swimmer and I
know I am meant to be a mum
one day. I think its important
to have dreams and goals out-
side your sport.
Although swimming is
such an important part of who
I am, it doesnt define who I
Thats one of the things
sports can teach us. It can
show us about ourselves and
teach about ourselves, but it
doesnt define ourselves.
With such a wise head on
her young shoulders, allied to
her innate skill and work eth-
ic, Franklin is surely destined
for further greatness.
And whatever she does in
the future, its certain she will
be deliriously happy doing it.
By Euan Reedie, Deputy
Sports Editor
Kuala Lumpur
aureus World Sportswoman of the Year Missy Frank-
lin says the prestigious award means more to her than
winning a medal at a major competition.
Franklin said she was honoured just to be nominated for
the accolade alongside stellar sporting names such as tennis
ace Serena Williams, Russian pole vaulter Yelena Isinbayeva
and Jamaican sprint star Shelley-Ann Fraser.
The 18-year-old added that the ideals of Laureus, which
supports underprivileged youngsters through community-
based sports projects, matched her own.
She said: All awards mean different things, but some-
thing like this can almost mean more than winning a medal
or achieving a best time. Coming from an organisation with
such similar values to myself and so many of the other
athletes here, its just such an honour to be recognised by
such a huge organisation that stands for the same things
as you do.
Laureus is in 34 countries now and reached over a
million-and-a-half kids. Thats just unbelievable, using
sport to change the world.
Franklin said she did not feel superior to her five fel-
low nominees, adding: I think all the nominees in every
single category are amazing. Ive spent hours Googling
them and reading their story. And its unbelievable what
all of these athletes have accomplished. So honestly, just
to be here, I am thrilled, I am just excited.
The 18-year-old said she was particularly delighted to
be named alongside fellow American Williams in the nom-
I grew up watching Serena play tennis, she said. Her
and her sister [Venus] are absolutely incredible. They have
done so much for their sport and sport in general. Serena is
such a great representation of what Laureus is all about
using sport to change the world. All the things she does are
really incredible.
Laureus award means
more than winning a medal
By Euan Reedie
Deputy Sports Editor
Worth its weight in gold
Missy Franklin
with the
Laureus World
Sportswoman of
the Year Award
at a ceremony in
Kuala Lumpur,
Malaysia, on
March 26.
The award is
considered the
unofficial Oscar
of sport.
Rex Features
Rex Features
Winning smile
Franklin with the 200m
backstroke gold at the
World Championships in
Barcelona, in August last
year. She claimed a record
six gold medals at the event.
Rex Features
Going for gold
The teenager won the 100m backstroke gold medal at the
2012 London Olympics, one of four successes she had there.
I love what I do
so much and every
sacrifice seems so
small. Everyone
has to sacrifice
whether its for
your job or for
school. It teaches
us so much about
ourselves if we are
willing to give up
things and work
hard to reach our
Missy Franklin |