Mitsero Primary School is located in the village of Mitsero in Cyprus. The village is 28 kilometers west of Nicosia in the Nicosia District. There are 42 students and 5 teachers at the school, which has 6 classrooms. Students study subjects like Greek, geography, math, English, and science and enjoy activities during break like football, basketball, and table tennis in the school yard. The document also briefly describes three churches located in the village.
2. Our country- Cyprus
Eastern part of the
Mediterranean sea
At the crossroads of
Europe, Asia, Africa
9000 years of
850 000 inhabitants
3. Our village - Mitsero
Mitsero is a village located in the Nicosia District. It
is situated 28Km west of Nicosia.
4. Our school
My school is Mistero Primary School. It is located in
Nicosia district, 28 Km from the capital. There are six
classrooms and five teachers in my school. We are 42
5. We do many subjects: Greek, Geography,
Maths, English, Science and many others. We
like P.E., Art, but we dont like Maths and
6. We have two big courts in the school yard.
During break time, we play football, basketball
and ping pong (table tennis). We love dancing,
7. We do a lot of extra
curricular activities and we
aim to get to know our
village better.
8. The church
There are three churches in our village. The one is Saint
Michaels church, the other id dedicated to St Marios and the
third one is dedicated to Virgin Mary.