GCAT (Genome Comparison and Analytic Testing) is a free online platform for benchmarking NGS methods and developing standards and metrics. It allows users to process sequencing data through different analysis tools and compare results. Since launching in April 2013, GCAT has been viewed over 20,000 times and has processed large amounts of sequencing data. New features continue to be added, including comparing variant calls to validation datasets and support for additional sequencing applications like RNAseq and de novo assembly. The goal is to accelerate adoption of NGS technologies by providing a common system for experimentation and validation of analysis methods.
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GCAT Update June 2013 @ The Clinical Genome Conference
1. GCAT: Genome Comparison and Analytic Testing
Update June 2013
David Mittelman, Ph.D.
Virginia Bioinformatics Institute at Virginia Tech
@evolvability #TCGC #GCAT
2. How do we build the most accurate model or representation of
a patients genome?
3. This was supposed to be the future...
where is my $1000 genome?
Hall, N., Genome Biology. 2013.
8. http://www.bioplanet.com/gcat
Free to use for everyone
A platform to benchmark NGS methods
A collaboration effort for standards and metrics
A common playground for experimentation
An effort to accelerate NGS adoption
A work in progress we need your help
What is GCAT?
13. The performance of mappers affects variants discovery
Mutation Recall: Genome in a Bottle
Zook, J., et. al, in preparation. 2013.
14. Variant discovery is also greatly affected by variant callers
Mutation Recall: Genome in a Bottle
Zook, J., et. al, in preparation. 2013.
15. We launched GCAT to standardize genome analysis
Launched April 7, 2013 at the Bio-IT World Conference.
GCAT has been viewed more than 20,000 times from visitors across 144 countries.
Our users have processed 500+ reports and more than 900 million bases.
The GCAT cloud has processed 24 million variant calls and 1.6 billion alignments.
All the data in GCAT is freely available for realtime 鍖ltering, comparing and
16. New features in development for GCAT
Lots of new features already available since our last presentation at Bio-IT World.
For example data sharing via social media and advanced data 鍖ltering options.
We will be imminently releasing new functionality to compare variant calls against
the NIST Genome-in-a-Bottle truth set.
Lots more validation data to come from Illuminas Platinum Genome Project, as
well as orthogonal sequencing methods such as PacBio and Sanger.
We are building support for somatic variant detection, whole genome
sequencing, and RNAseq.
New testing category: de novo assembly.