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                                MKT 421Final Exam30/30
1) Big Fizz Co., a manufacturer of cola-flavored drinks, wants to add packaged fruit juices to its existing product line.
Big Fizz must make some decisions regarding packaging and branding the fruit juices. These decisions would fall
under which variable of the marketing mix?
 2) Hewlett-Packard sells personal computers through specialty computer stores, electronics superstores, and its
own Internet site. What is the marketing mix variable that is being considered here?
 3) Marketing strategy planners should recognize that
 4) Target marketing, in contrast to mass marketing,
 5) The process of naming broad product-markets and then dividing them in order to select target markets and
develop suitable
 6) ______________ is the process of naming broad product-markets and then segmenting these broad product-
markets in order to select target markets and develop suitable marketing mixes.
 7) Marketing research which seeks structured responses that can be summarized is called
 8) One of the major disadvantages of the focus group interview approach is that
 9) When focus group interviews are used in marketing,
 10) Focus groups
 11) A small manufacturing firm has just experienced a rapid drop in sales. The marketing manager thinks that he
knows what the problem is and has been carefully analyzing secondary data to check his thinking. His next step
should be to
 12) The marketing manager at Massimino& McCarthy, a chain of retail stores that sells mens clothing, is reviewing
marketing research data to try to determine if changes in marketing strategy are needed. Which of the following
sources of data would be a secondary data source?
 13) Which of the following statements about consumer products is true?
 14) The attitudes and behavior patterns of consumers making a purchasing decision are part of the
 15) The observing method in marketing research
 16) The first step in market segmentation should be
 17) The product life cycle
 18) Which of the following is one of the product life cycle stages?
 19) While watching a television program, Liza gets a phone call just as a commercial is starting. She presses the
mute button on the televisions remote control and takes the call, so she pays no attention to the commercial. In
terms of the communication process, the telephone call is an example of what?
 20) Which of the following functions are performed by wholesalers in the channel of distribution?
 21) Typically the ______________ and the marketing manager are responsible for building good distribution
channels and implementing place policies.
 22) SGCA is having a sales contest to encourage retailers to quickly reduce the inventory of SuperGamer
computers. Retailers with the highest sales during the next month win an expense paid trip to a special dealer
meeting at a resort in Hawaii. This is

23) Advertising allowances
24) Price reductions given to channel members to encourage them to promote or otherwise promote a firms
products locally are
25) A producer using very aggressive promotion to get final consumers to ask intermediaries for a new product has
 26) Nantucket Hammocks, Inc., uses dealer incentives, discounts, and sales contests in order to encourage retailers
to give special attention to selling its products. Nantucket Hammocks is using
 27) Quality Ceramic, Inc., (QCI) defined five submarkets within its broad product-market. To obtain some
economies of scale, QCI decided NOT to offer each of the submarkets a different marketing mix. Instead, it selected
two submarkets whose needs are fairly similar, and is counting on promotion and minor product differences to
make its one basic marketing mix appeal to both submarkets. QCI is using the
 28) When segmenting broad product-markets, cost considerations tend
 29) ______________ focuses on introducing new products to existing markets.
 30) When a company grows globally by introducing existing product lines to new markets, this is an example of

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Mkt 421 final exam

  • 1. No Registration Click Here to Download the Tutorial MKT 421Final Exam30/30 1) Big Fizz Co., a manufacturer of cola-flavored drinks, wants to add packaged fruit juices to its existing product line. Big Fizz must make some decisions regarding packaging and branding the fruit juices. These decisions would fall under which variable of the marketing mix? 2) Hewlett-Packard sells personal computers through specialty computer stores, electronics superstores, and its own Internet site. What is the marketing mix variable that is being considered here? 3) Marketing strategy planners should recognize that 4) Target marketing, in contrast to mass marketing, 5) The process of naming broad product-markets and then dividing them in order to select target markets and develop suitable 6) ______________ is the process of naming broad product-markets and then segmenting these broad product- markets in order to select target markets and develop suitable marketing mixes. 7) Marketing research which seeks structured responses that can be summarized is called 8) One of the major disadvantages of the focus group interview approach is that 9) When focus group interviews are used in marketing, 10) Focus groups 11) A small manufacturing firm has just experienced a rapid drop in sales. The marketing manager thinks that he knows what the problem is and has been carefully analyzing secondary data to check his thinking. His next step should be to 12) The marketing manager at Massimino& McCarthy, a chain of retail stores that sells mens clothing, is reviewing marketing research data to try to determine if changes in marketing strategy are needed. Which of the following sources of data would be a secondary data source? 13) Which of the following statements about consumer products is true? 14) The attitudes and behavior patterns of consumers making a purchasing decision are part of the 15) The observing method in marketing research 16) The first step in market segmentation should be 17) The product life cycle 18) Which of the following is one of the product life cycle stages? 19) While watching a television program, Liza gets a phone call just as a commercial is starting. She presses the mute button on the televisions remote control and takes the call, so she pays no attention to the commercial. In terms of the communication process, the telephone call is an example of what? 20) Which of the following functions are performed by wholesalers in the channel of distribution? 21) Typically the ______________ and the marketing manager are responsible for building good distribution channels and implementing place policies. 22) SGCA is having a sales contest to encourage retailers to quickly reduce the inventory of SuperGamer computers. Retailers with the highest sales during the next month win an expense paid trip to a special dealer meeting at a resort in Hawaii. This is 23) Advertising allowances 24) Price reductions given to channel members to encourage them to promote or otherwise promote a firms products locally are
  • 2. 25) A producer using very aggressive promotion to get final consumers to ask intermediaries for a new product has 26) Nantucket Hammocks, Inc., uses dealer incentives, discounts, and sales contests in order to encourage retailers to give special attention to selling its products. Nantucket Hammocks is using 27) Quality Ceramic, Inc., (QCI) defined five submarkets within its broad product-market. To obtain some economies of scale, QCI decided NOT to offer each of the submarkets a different marketing mix. Instead, it selected two submarkets whose needs are fairly similar, and is counting on promotion and minor product differences to make its one basic marketing mix appeal to both submarkets. QCI is using the 28) When segmenting broad product-markets, cost considerations tend 29) ______________ focuses on introducing new products to existing markets. 30) When a company grows globally by introducing existing product lines to new markets, this is an example of what?